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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. This is quite simply, the most important part of bass playing.
  2. Well, a couple of things have annoyed me this week. 1. The post man triec to deliver my parcel but as I was not home, leaves a not at home card and can I collect from the post office. I then spend an hour after work driving to the post office the card says it's at, getting stuck in Farnborough Air show traffic and then rush hour traffic. Finally making it to the post office 5 minutes before they shut only to be told your parcel is not here, the post man who tried to deliver it must of used a wrong depot card and it's at another depot and needs collecting from there which just happens to be 5 minutes from my house. To make matters worse, they said its happened a lot recently gggrrrrrr 2. I booked a collection with TNT today to collect a parcel from my work between 2pm and 5.30pm. I run the Stores and Goods In department and we get around 30 to 70 deliveries a day. Two TNT deliveries today but both drivers said they had no collections so must be another driver which is not unusual. Gets to 5.15pm and I call TNT and the girl checks and says yep, the drivers logged it and will be with you in 15 minutes. 45 minutes later and nothing so I call TNT again and tell a different person what I was told and where is this driver. I was told oh no, the driver was with you in the afternoon and got back to the depot at 4.30pm which is when they finish. I ask why he didn't collect the parcel then to be told I don't know but I'll just have to re-schedule another collection. W*$k*%S
  3. That's quite interesting considering a lot change the original Fender bridge to a Badass II.
  4. Some of my thinking is to swap the Badass II bridge on my Mike Dirnt to a standard Fender bridge to go more with the 51P look. I think the bass originally new came with a standard Fender bridge so weight and neck dive might not be an issue for this bass.
  5. Just wondering if people think bridges make a difference or not. I know a lot swear by changing Fender ones to other makes but personally I'm not convinced it really makes any difference. I've never had an issues with intonation or sustain on any of my basses, be it a 51 CIJ Precision with a basic Fender bridge, various Fender Jazz and Precision basses with basic bridges and more modern bridges, Stingray basses, Warwick Streamers and now my Mike Dirnt Precision with a Badass II. I've certainly never had any concerns or thought the sustain is a bit poor on any of my basses. Interested to hear if others think it makes a difference or not.
  6. Now Sold For Sale is my SmoothHound Classic Wireless Guitar System. Lots of great reviews on BC and a very popular product. Only a few months old but I find I've only used it 2 or 3 times as most club venues are small. Mint condition and comes complete with box and instructions. These are £149 new + shipping so this is your chance to save 50 quid on an almost new one. I would like £105 which included postage. Collection from Surrey is also possible.
  7. Can anyone give me any tips on improving interference. I've only had my Sound Hound for a few months but even when standing about 6 - 10ft away, the red interference bar can flick between 1 red light all the way to 4 red lights and its even cut out a few times when playing. I've tried it at three or four different venues/gigs now and it has happened at all of them. I even tried it in my house once and it was still not very good. I have tried different setting but it does not seem to make any difference. Last Sunday I was playing at an outdoor Garden Party, only standing about 10ft away and it cutout a few times and I even noticed once that all three light bars (1 red and 2 green) flickered and illuminated through their entire range which was very strange. I am using a passive Fender Jazz or Precision direct into a MarkBass rig with no pedals attached. Our two guitarists are using wireless systems and our singer is using a wireless mic. Even with the guitarists wireless system not on I noticed the same results. Any advice or tips appreciated.
  8. I thought this was what everyone used, works a treat for me 😁
  9. Yep, love this. Reminds me of some Michael Jackson but still love it.
  10. Is this the same guy who has signature stuff with Markbass?
  11. A few piccies from me. The first is playing in the Isle of Wight on a mini tour that we did last weekend. This next is when we did an acoustic gig, also in the Isle of Wight. This time playing my Kala UBass. This is when we shot a live video on the rooftop of some building 😁 This is playing at Victoria Day in Aldershot a few weeks back.
  12. I use the TC Polytune pedal version and it's been the best tuner I have used in 30 years. Just brilliant. I used a Korg Pitchblack before and it was great but I ended up going through two and just didn't find them the most reliable sadly. The TC Polytune is about 6 years old now and still going strong.
  13. Yeah, it is beginning to start to annoy us. The problem is we have 2 to 4 gigs a weekend, every weekend for the rest of the year so we have comitment. Still, I think something will eventually break and force the situation eventually. I no longer support him and carry him through gigs and just let him screw up on his own which the others are noticing more now and commenting.
  14. Here you go, £25 from Bass Direct. http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Kala_U_basses.html
  15. Our drummer is a nightmare. He can play for sure but is the opinion that it's ok to just blag it and make it up as nobody will notice. He doesn't bother to learn the songs properly, his playing is sloppy, he constantly misses intros and endings and plays the songs different every gig. Worst of all, he follows the vocals so when he can't hear them or mishears them, he gets lost so just makes the drums up which is usually playing a bang bang beat on the bass drum and high hat until he knows where he is. So you can imagine this totally ruins thd dynamic and feel of the song.When he does screw up, which is every gig, he blames everyone else. So annoying.
  16. Nice one, I have a Rumbler and a SUB as well 😁 I've got Aquila Silver Rumblers on my Rumbler Uku and they are brilliant. Likewise, I will update as well if I buy one 😁
  17. Hello missis sumner, Linus from SELOC here 😁 Ive looked at this Uku bass and nearly bought one but ended up getting a Kala Rumber at a great price. I do really like the Mahalo and may treat myself one day still. Let me know if you get one.
  18. I think it looks different although not my cup of tea. I do really love the MIM Fender Flea Jazz as it looks so beaten up. Would love one in a different colour.
  19. Hey Nick, snap. As soon as I saw a picture of one, the next day I drove straight to Guitar Guitar in Epson and within about 20 mins of playing had decided I'm buying. The setup is perfect like you say although I lowered the pickup height a little as I tend to dig in and whack the strings on the pickup poles. They are amazing basses and the quality is as good as my 75 AVRI Jazz. Interesting you got a Flea bass, I tried one and loved it as well. Here is mine with my Fender Jazz 75 AVRI 😁
  20. I think if there is an audience for this then its going to work. Its bit like Talk Radio or those football/politics discussion shows. They don't actually serve any purpose but if listeners find it factual and enjoy listening to the discussions and banter then that's all that matters. So if there's an audience who enjoys listening to the discussions and new players can learn from old players then has to be a good thing. Comes down to audience figures really.
  21. Lot of good points being raised. Some from the top of my head are, 1. Product reviews - Bass, amps, cabs, strings, pedals etc. 2. Group discussions - Topics could include, How did you discovered the bass, the path you took in learning to play, influences, advise to listeners, do's and don'ts etc. The touring musician, playing in a band, routines, covering all eventualities, your role as a bass player and as a band member etc. Products discussions for example, lightweight cabs, vintage Fenders, Class D amps, boutique basses, Ukulele basses, US v Jap v Mex Fenders etc. Life story - four basschat members talking about their bass life story, how it started, mistakes they made, basses they play, bands they have played it etc. Technique - discussions on different techniques and styles, e.g. pick, slap, fingers etc.
  22. I like this idea as well. We have so many people here with a wealth of experience from different disciplines and backgrounds. As long as we mix the groups up, it should be a very engaging conversation. I would be more than happy to talk about my experience and I am sure many others here would.
  23. I like this idea as well and I'm happy to interview other bass players, reviews etc.
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