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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Just play the fretless bass as if its a normal fretted bass. Don't think of it as a different instrument that must sound all slidey and mwah like. That is totally the wrong approach. It like picking up a trumpet and trying to make it sound like a trombone. The fretless bass has a similar but different voice to a fretted bass and this will come through when you play it but you still need to play it like a fretted bass. The key to being successful is having good technique and a good ear. Good technique is vital to ensure your fretting fingers are placed in the correct location and a good ear is vital to ensure when you are a little off you can adjust immediately. Everything else about playing fretless is the same as fretted so just pick it up and play through all the stuff you would normally on a fretted bass and after a while, you will hear your own voice come through.
  2. I had the exact same same problem once with a drummer. He kept complaining the bass was too loud. This went on for quite a few rehearsals and I turned down, changed the EQ but he still complained. So one rehearsal we went through it and I kept asking if I was too loud and he kept saying yes and it got to the point where I turned my amp off and still played and I was still too loud. So I pointed out to him that I'm not even turned on. Turned out it was the rhythm guitar that was too loud 😂
  3. Hi Dani and welcome to Basschat. I also love my Kala UBass, they are such fun instruments. I currently play the Kala SUB but will be getting either a Rumber or Hutch Hutchenson model shortly.
  4. Markbass cabs less yellow thanks to the suggestion of covering the grills with speaker cloth. Comparison shot.
  5. Very good point although single pickup Stingray can be had for a lot less than £1500.
  6. Don't forget 3rd's, they are the best
  7. I have a Fender Rumble 100 V3 and it is excellent. Very light, beautiful tone and easy to tailor your own tone. I'm actually going to be selling it soon.
  8. I recently bought a Mexican Fender FSR 70's Precision as a backup to my US Fender 75 AVRI Jazz and to be honest, there really is no difference in quality between the two. So much that I am warming towards using the Mexican Precision more. It sounds and plays beautifully and just as well as the Jazz. In the past I have had a Mexican reissue 70's Jazz and that was probably the nicest Fender Jazz I have ever played and I have an inch to get another as well as the Flea Jazz. Here are my two lovely ladies
  9. I guess I've been very lucky as all the bands I have been in I have loved the music. The five original bands I have been in I have been either part composer and did most of the arrangements. Plus free reign to write all my own bass lines so up to me to make it enjoyable but the songs have all been very good with great musicians. The style and genre of music I have liked as well so happy days. I now play in a very busy, popular 50's/60's cover band with a great bunch of musicians and I love playing about 95% of the songs. Its really enjoyable and most of the bass lines are great fun. The gigs are also a total hoot. I maybe wouldn't of listened to a lot of the songs pre-joining but I have come to appreciate a lot. The Motown stuff I certainly listened to. I tend to enjoy most music anyway from rock, pop, jazz, classical, grunge, indie etc. It's all music and I can learn something from it so I'm just open to it all really.
  10. I tried one of the Ashdown Rootmaster combos out and I was blown away with it. Sounded amazing.
  11. Mmm I like that idea. I already removed the giant Markbass logo from the grills.
  12. This is a very good point. For the 50's/60's function band I am in, both our guitarists use Vox amps and they look great. I'm not digging the look of my yellow Markbass speakers next to them. Just ruins the overall look and despite sounding great, I am considering changing them to something more subtle or retro looking.
  13. As a bass player then it has to be James Jamerson, Derek Forbes of Simple Minds, Adam Clayton of U2, Peter Hook of New Order and subconsciously a lot of swing Jazz thanks to my dad playing it constantly when I was younger.
  14. Thanks Jack, appreciate your thoughts 😊
  15. I currently have a Kala Sub Electric Ukulele bass which is a brilliant fun instrument. My band is incredibly busy (nearly 100 gigs booked this year) and about 30 or so are acoustic where I use the Ukulele bass through a small combo. As this setup is getting more and more usage including a handful of festivals, I'm looking at getting a better Ukulele bass or one that perhaps looks more acoustic to match the rest of the band. The two that have caught my eye are the Kala Hutch Hutchinson Ukulele bass and the Mahalo Solid Ukulele bass. My current Kala is fine but I wouldn't say its high end in quality, despite costing about £500 when they came out new I think. I believe the Kala Hutch Hutchinson Ukulele bass is a higher quality model but I'm wondering is there a better quality brand available? I like the look of the Mahalo Solid Ukulele bass as it's a solid piece of wood but it only costs £250 so maybe it's a step down and I'll run into more problems. So apart from Kala, are there any other decent Ukulele basses out there?
  16. I'm a few years away from 50 and I really have no idea what to get. The problem is that what ever I get I wont want to sell it, I don't really need any basses, I would want to use it nog let it sitbunder the bed collecting dust and I am really fussy on what I like. So the only thing I can think off is a Status fretless neck for my Stingray as my Stingray was a 40th present, sits around the house doing nothing as I use my Jazz for gigs and I currently dont have a fretless. I don't really want or need anything else.
  17. I actually played at Ben's Collector's Records in Guildford with my band to help celebrate Record Stores Day. We did acoustic and I used my Ukulele bass. It was great fun and great feedback from the public 😊
  18. Bass and amp only here as well. I have a pedal tuner but its not part of my chain. I tune before the gig and that's it.
  19. Im having the same problem learning and playing Pretty Woman. The bass line is no problem but I just never remember the words. I generally never listen to lyrics and eithed miss hear them or make my own up so having to now get them right and remember them is the tricky part.
  20. Hi Tom, is this the teal 2eq one? Still have her and she is lovely. If I do decide to sell, you get first dibs 😊
  21. I've just ordered a Soundhound. Should arrive tomorrow I'll keep you posted.
  22. Best mismatch I can think about is when my old band supported Let Loose. Let Loose were a pretty boy band from the 90's, all good looking bedroom poster types playing to young teenage girls. We on the other hand were a guitar punk pop so a bit Green Day, Manics, Radiohead, Wonder Stuff etc. Strangely enough, we actually went down quite well.
  23. Out of interest, which did you prefer and which did you think was louder? I love my Rumble 100 V3 but I really like the size and foot print of the TC BG250-208.
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