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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. When I started playing bass, fretless was always something I aspired to becoming proficient at. I bought a cheap nasty fretless but could not get on with it, largely down to my lack of skill and technique. More forward after playing for about 10 years and I tried again and this time no problem and I've not looked back. The weird thing was a lot of my own bass lines played on a fretted bass were played like they were written for a fretless. Possibly because I was heavily influenced by Pino (Paul Young), Derek Forbes (Simple Minds) and Paul Webb (Talk Talk) who were all fretless players. I eventually got a fretless neck made for my favourite Jazz bass and it sounds amazing. I've now had to put the original fretted neck back on it so my plan is to get a Status Fretless neck for my Stingray. So can't wait
  2. Yeah, that's my plan but was interested to see what's others opinions were.
  3. Looking to purchase a lightweight portable combo to be used for occasional acoustic sessions and as a home practise amp. I'll be using my Kala U-bass through it live to play 50s/60s covers or a Jazz and Precision at home. Budget is £300 and I'm after around 100 watts. I have nailed it down to the following, Fender Rumble 100 V3 - £257 Gallien Krueger MB 110 - £290 TC Electronics BG250-208 - £292 Ampeg BA-112V2 - £258 Peavy Max 110 Mk2 - £254 Anyone have any experience of any of the above? Any I should avoid or are the best of the bunch? I quite fancy the Ampeg, even though its 75 watts, I've never owned one before and quite fancy one. I know nothing about Gallien Krueger or what any of them will sound like so any advice appreciated.
  4. Was it an orange natural wood colour? If so, then yep, I sure did 😊
  5. There is one good thing for bassist with some of these signature basses. If you play in a tribute band, then you can get the right looking bass for the job. For me, some of the Sig basses are nice and some seem pointless. The Tony Franklin one is good but for the reason being it is the only fretless Precision Fender make. Why they don't make a fretless Precision in standard or have it as an option is beyond me especially as they have re-issued just about every model they have ever made over the last 10 years or so. The Flea bass I actually like. I think it's a lovely bass and sounded amazing. If I bought one then I would change the Flea neck plate and probably strip all the paint off. However, a Flea sig bass to me should really be a Stingray so the Fender offering is just a nice vintage looking Jazz bass to my eyes. The Adam Clayton basses make no sense to me. Adam is more famous for playing a beaten up Sunburst Precision, not some sparkly Jazz thing.
  6. Lovely story, enjoyed reading that so thank you for sharing. I think I have one of your old basses, a teal green 2eq Music Man Stingray with maple neck. Mega light for a Stingray and I named her Sinead 😊
  7. Can I just add that I'm not sure it is a case of fret levelling and maybe a case of new strings or some kind of settling in process as the buzzing went away on its own after a week.
  8. And me but I think I had the 4x10nrather than a 15.
  9. To be honest, it was just the absence of hair that did it 😂
  10. Oh my god, this is hilarious. Happy Jack as Yul Brunner is genius. Keep them coming Skank.
  11. Mmmm thats another option actually, Barefaced One 10 and a Markbass Nano for acoustic and home and the Nano as a backup. Mmmmmm 😊
  12. So this is where I'm at so far. Either buy a TC Eelectronic BG250 208 Bass Combo for £300 for acoustic gigs and home practise and a Markbass Nano for £300 for backup head to the main rig. However I am interested in the Trace Elliot Elf for £250 and the Trace Elliot 110 cab for £320. This setup would be great for acoustic gigs and home practise. I'm just not sure if the Elf will cut it volume wise at 200w as a backup head. My Little Mark is running at 4 ohms but the volume is only ever at 9pm so its never being driven hard. Think I need a trip to Bass Direct.
  13. Oh wow, that looks gorgeous. I wish Markbass did yellow lights like that 😍
  14. I've been considering one of these. Do you think it would be loud enough with two acoustic guitar, a drummer playing hot rods on a box and a vocalist?
  15. Congrats Nick, such great news and you so deserve it. Enjoy 😊
  16. This is what I may do in the end but I was trying to kill two birds with one stone. I need to buy a back up head to my little mark 3, probably a Nano at about £350. I really want to get a practise combo for home use as I am gigging every weekend and dont want to keep setting up my little mark and ny112 and then pack it away again every week or every other day. If I could get a combo that could work as a practise amp, is good enough for acoustic gigs and has a removable head then its a winner but it may not just be possible. I may just need to buy the Nano for back up and a combo for practise and acoustic gigs and be done with it.
  17. I'm looking to buy a backup head to my Markbass Little Mark III, probably a Nano. It now appears that I might also need a combo for some acoustic gigs. Plus I would like one to have at home as a practise amp. I was thinking a Micromark as I've had one before and it was perfect as a practise amp and for acoustic gigs. Rather than buy a backup amp head and a combo, are there any decent combos that have a removable head that I can kill two birds with one stone?
  18. Thanks for all the input everyone. Thought I would add some more details in case you wanted to keep discussing. The bass went in for a re-string and setup and anything else that was needed. All that was required was some neck adjustment as it was bowing a little bit and saddle height adjustment. Upon collection I played the bass and it was fine with no buzzing. The buzzing only appeared the following night in the sound check at the gig I was playing. I did raise the saddles on each string a quarter turn which did improve things a little but some minor fret buzz was present and the reason for my first post. I tried the bass a few days after and some minor fret buzzing still. A week later, the buzzing has now gone completely so maybe the neck needed to settle some more but its all ok now. I did also try the credit card over the frets and they were flat so no high fret. Thanks for all your help everyone.
  19. Not sure about how much relief it has as not expert on this but it's only the 5th fret that's buzzing ever so slightly on a few strings. All the other frets are fine.
  20. Just got my bass back from my luthier who always does an amazing job. However, it's a newish bass and the strings are just buzzing ever so slightly on a few frets on each string. I could raise the strings via the bridge but I'm wondering if a little bit of neck relief via the truss rod is a better option. I don't want to start fiddling too much as the bass plays amazing but I would like to get rid of the fret buzz. I don't have time to take back to the luthier as always gigging and I would like to sort myself if possible as it's only minor. What do you think guys?
  21. I like the Lakland and Stingray headstock. They are a much softer version of the Fender design. Fender is still my favourite, does what it says on the tin.
  22. Personally I wouldn't start swapping bits over and dissecting the Stingray. I would just buy the SUB as it will still sound ace and sound like a Stingray. You could even pimp it and get a Status neck.
  23. No difference at all. Both have American Vintage pickups both are perfect. I'm not mega fussy about these things anyway but nothing seems wrong or ill fitting.
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