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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Those new tuners are hideous. They look like something you get on some cheap Chinese copy bass. I see no reason to change from the original tuners, they were part of the Stingray image.
  2. Sorry, only just seen this, didn't get any email notification. Thank you, glad you like the bass line and if anyone says it's played wrong then send them my way hahaha So yes, I was the bassist in Inter 😊 Pretty much everything we did is here if you fancy a listen including the two John Peel sessions. https://m.soundcloud.com/michael-boylan
  3. Looks great. Just thought of another popular bass that would fit well, an Ibanez Musician.
  4. I have one of these as my working bass and they are amazing. I could pick any bass but this is the one I wanted, they are brilliant. Good luck with the sale. Good price as well I paid £1070 for mine.
  5. I use Jim Dunlop 1.14mm. They are purple and are rough all over apart from the tip. Amazing pick.
  6. I used to be a pick player as for me it suited the music and was the most natural way to play. Today I play both fingers and pick. The picking hand should be the most automatic process possible and follow the feel of the bass line and song. You don't limit yourself to up/down/up/down as the most efficient process, that's just utter rubbish. It should be what the bass line dictates. As an example, this is an old video (2008) of me playing pick to one of my own songs. The intro is all down strokes, it's the only way it works to give the desired effect. Then the verse is up and down and a mix of both, again, because it's what works. Its all about flow rather than technique. There is also no conection to what the fretting hand is doing. They are both seperate processes. The other thing to notice is if you listen with the volume off, my movement of my picking hand is consistent. This is what I mean by it being an automatic process. My wrist or arm is not changing or moving in different ways. I guess its similar to constantly strumming a guitar. Finally, most of the movement/strokes is in the wrist. So much so that my wrist used to lay against the top of my bass and rub the skin away on my wrist.
  7. For about 20 years I would swear by Elite Stadium Roundwound strings but for the last few years I've been using Ernie Ball Super Slinky' s. I might go back to Elites as there seems to be some lovd for them on here. Plus I've been a bit disappointed on the Super Slinky's lately.
  8. Favourite has to be uilleann pipes. Violin is also a favourite. I has decided that eventually I'm going to get myself into a Celtic folk band with fiddle, acoustic guitar, accordian and drums and run off with a red headed Irish lass. I've told my wife as well and she's given it the thumbs up 😁 I also love marching bands, the military snare is just amazing. Not a fan of harmonica and I struggle with the sax.
  9. Finally got round to trying flats on my Stingray and I'm quite impressed. It's taken that aggressive clank away that you tend to get with Stingrays but kept the lovely Stingray tone. So pretty happy so far. They will be staying. Also tried flats on my Fender AV75 Reissue Jazz and I really didnt like it one bit. Seemed to suppress it and made it sound dull. Restrung with my usual Ernie Ball Super Slinky and it came back to life again. In both cases I was using TI Jazz flats.
  10. 1. Warwick basses. Even though the Streamer looks gorgeous, and I like the sound of them, I just cant get comfortable playing one. I'm just too comfortable playing a Fender Jazz or Precision. 2. Heavy cabs. Just don't see the need for them unless you are playing large shows with roadies to do the lugging. 3. Pedals. Never been a big user of pedals, maybe chorus but I end up hating them and it's all too much flaffing with extra cables etc.
  11. Maybe I'm not a bass player after all as I've had 2 female stalkers, a model get up on stage during a gig and snog me, plus a bunch of groupies showing me stuff, sending me stuff etc. We generally each had different types of girls interested in us. The singer had the nutcases and hangerons, the guitarist had the sex mad filthy girls, I had the girl next door mothering type and the drummer got nobody haha
  12. Thanks guys. I'm currently using 40 - 100 so not suffering with thump but I like the flats on my Precision and wondered what flats on a Stingray would be like as I may be using that next year.
  13. Does anyone use flats on a Stingray? Thinking about trying some on mine and wondering what it will sound like. The bottom end can be quite thumpy as it is so hoping it doesn't go too muddy but then the top end might sound nice and smooth and lose some of that clank.
  14. Well I needed a new rig as I've started playing live again. Bought a Markbass Little Mark 3 for normal price and then 2 x Markbass NY112 cabs with £43 off each cab so a saving of £86 So I'm happy.
  15. To play fretless well, you need two very important skills, a good ear and really good muscle memory. I would maybe add strong technique as well but ear and muscle memory are vital. Your fretting fingers should fall into place automatically without needing to think about it. It should be as easy as playing a fretted bass. This then links with medpb's point about being really good friends with your bass. This is such a valid point. I had a Warwick Streamer Jazzman fretless and it was the easiest bass to play. Finding F on the E string is always a difficult note for me to get right but the Warwick fell into place every time. I then tried a Musicman Stingray Fretless and I just couldn't click with it, up and down the fretboard was always hit or miss but the Warwick was spot on always. It was just so comfortable. As for practise, then you should just play everything on the fretless. Just look at it as another bass, not a fretless bass. The more you do, the stronger your muscle memory will be and the stronger your ear will become. Not all songs will work but the more you practise the better you will become. For me, fretless is about tone and technique, not specific bass lines, trying to force it to sound all mwah and slidey. It should be like playing a fretted bass but with the fretless tone. If you try too hard it will just sound pants. Do go ahead and add expression and voicing in the notes but don't overdo it. As for lined vs unlined. Personally I find unlined easier. Its like taking the stabalisers off and your not relying on the lines to be correct. Your ear and muscle memory should be covering that.
  16. A bit of a thread revival If one was selling one of these basses, what's the general feeling on how much would be a good price. Thinking about selling mine but have no idea what to pitch it at.
  17. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1453158456' post='2957068'] You are not alone, but are still weird. 😉 [/quote] Hahaha
  18. Yes yes yes, finally, some people who are like me. I don't give a stuff about lyrics, they could be singing about toilet rolls and badgers. I just don't care and to be honest, I don't give a stuff as it's usually some old crap about themselves. The vocal just carries the melody, the words are irrelevant. I've had so many arguments with people who try and convince me a song is good from what the lyrics are about and them not getting that I don't listen to the lyrics. They just don't get that the music is what I am listening to saying that's really weird. Thank you, finally, I'm not alone.
  19. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1446881619' post='2903094'] I'd never have guessed that - those are sixteenths Great song, and a proper workout for those plucking fingers. [/quote] Haha I nearly said sixteenth a but thought, just in case it was only eighths, it might confuse people more I love it, really catchy
  20. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YgvsPjL7128
  21. Forget that, found it, What is Hip by Tower of Power with Lenny Williams
  22. Saw a video of this song somewhere, probably Facebook but I love it but can't remember it. It was probably from the 60's and had a Motown feel, look, vibe. It's some black guy singing in a live TV studio, with a backing band. The video was in colour. The bass was very different to the usual soul, Motown bass in the fact it was playing 8's as the main part which I also think had the main vocal hook over it. I also think the group is the name of the black guy singing. What's weird is I also saw a bass cover on YouTube by a girl so I think this song has been doing the rounds. Now if anyone can work out what song I'm talking about then you are a genius
  23. Will be interested in testing this out along with a compact C4 to replace my Reidmar and Classic 112.
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