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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Do you mean on the outside of the hand sort of between the pointing finger first knuckle and the first thumb knuckle? If so then yes, on both hands but more pronounced on my fretting hand.
  2. [quote name='thebassist' timestamp='1428963444' post='2746572'] Not that weird. I reckon Nick has owned every bass out there at some point [/quote] Hahaha you know we all thought that but we're too scared to say It's the truth though
  3. Amazing basses but also a bit marmite. I adore mine but I do feel more comfortable playing a Precision or a Jazz. Will always own one as they are amazing.
  4. Hey miles'tone, thanks, I do hope I find it. The history is a bit confusing. I sold it to richardd on here who says he then sold it to Jimelliotbassist. I contacted Jim a few years back and asked if he was selling it but it turned out the serial number was different so this is where the hunt has gone dead. What's weird is I just checked my messages again with Jim to double check what the serial number was and its the one Nick is selling as posted in this thread What's even more bizarre is the one I am looking for used to belong to Nick before me
  5. Hey Nick, Been keeping an eye on your one as it is identical Ideally I am after my old one for sentimental reasons although the owner might not even want to sell it
  6. Looking for my old Fender Precision that I sold on here a few years back. Just wondering if anyone here still has it. Its a 2008 USA Fender Precision is Olympic White, serial number Z8156183. I sold it with a black scratch plate as well as the original tort one. Here is a picture of the neck and serial number. [URL=http://s85.photobucket.com/user/Linus27uk/media/Bass/P1020282_zpsux4uw5dq.jpg.html][IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k46/Linus27uk/Bass/P1020282_zpsux4uw5dq.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Here is a picture of the bass. [URL=http://s85.photobucket.com/user/Linus27uk/media/Bass/Precision_zps2abc68cb.jpg.html][IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k46/Linus27uk/Bass/Precision_zps2abc68cb.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Let me know if you have it.
  7. Didn't enjoy watching that. I would at least slacken the strings to reduce some tension when the neck pops out of the pocket.
  8. I have a Reidmar and a Classic 112 and love it to bits. I have tried many many setups and been in a position to have any setup I wanted but the EBS setup is the best I have had so far. Totally love it and plan to get a second Classic 112. As they say, all down to what you are after at the end of the day.
  9. Used to be a pro but pretty much retired now after playing for 26 years or so. Just happy to noodle at home on my nice collection of basses. Lucky to grow up in a family where music was on all the time. My dad Listened to jazz so this is where my love of walking bass lines and swing comes from. My mum listened to stuff like The Carpenters and Barry Manilow so I guess that's the melody and my two older sister were massively into the 80's especially The Police, Duran Duran, Inxs etc. so that's my love of 80's bass lines sorted. So after seeing Live Aid on TV, I knew I wanted to be a bass player and spent two years locked in my bedroom learning to play. I then spent 10 years working my arse off and finally got a record deal. Did some TV, radio, adverts, couple of John Peel sessions plus touring and releasing an album/singles. Usual sort of stuff and a fair amount of success. When it ended, took a few years off, then joined a few bands, did a few albums, and the last thing I did a couple of years ago was record an album and support Paul Weller's on tour. Pretty burnt out now and after doing it for 26 years or so, just fancy doing something else with my life. I have loved every second of it, lived my dream and achieved more than most get to do so very happy. As for my playing, well, I'm certainly no virtuoso and if you ask me to noodle something off the top of my head then I would draw a blank. Always frustrating when trying a new bass out However, my ear is excellent and I craft bass lines from feel and hearing what the song is doing. I construct it bit by bit, constantly tweaking it. It's always too hard for me to play what I hear in my head so I need to keep working on it until I crack it. My main goal when first starting out was to play fretless and thankfully I achieved this, live and studio. I would also say I am technically dumb. Never been good with getting a nice tone or setting amps up or even understanding what the hell all the dials do. Just give me volume, bass and treble. Those EQ's and mid tone dials scare the crap out of me
  10. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1426686039' post='2720763'] When I started, I never for a moment thought I would still be playing now that I am in my 40's. Basically, I never actually bothered to LEARN the bass. I picked up and tinkered to the extent that I taught myself shapes and patterns. I taught myself to play via muscle memory, which is exactly the same method I use today. I probably should feel an element of shame in that comment, but I can assure you I certainly do not lose sleep. [/quote] I wouldn't feel too bad about this. Music is a language and a way to express yourself. How you do that should not be goverened by any set rules. I imagine you don't beat yourself up about how you speak, pronounce certain words and wish you had learn't to speak the queens English much better. I'm sure you drop the odd swear word and don't then think any shame. As with anything, the more you put in, the more you will get out. Sometimes in life, we just don't get the time to do the things we want. Either way, keep playing, keep listening, keep an open mind and the rest will follow.
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1426113422' post='2714692'] Now be quiet and check out some real bass playing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A82RlqBOpB8 [/quote] Oh wow, now that is lovely tone.
  12. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426027767' post='2713688'] Thanks Linus, All wise words. I feel a little better today, a few gigs for May came in today, YEAH! blue [/quote] Ah you should be proud of what you do. You are being creative and entertaining. It's a gift to have a gift you are giving to others when you play. Be proud of it and thankful as not everyone is so lucky. My dad loved music but could not play anything and it frustrated him so much.
  13. Well, I found her playing great, I loved her tone and thought she was pretty hot. Happy if she wants to contact me and say my playing is gash, I have the tone of a deaf man and as ugly as sin. I won't take it personally so point beating around the bush, best to be honest.
  14. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1426024782' post='2713650'] Awesome story, you obviously worked hard and deserved everything you got. However you didn't say if you were compensated appropriately? I guess in some ways I'm lucky, I have and will probably never see the side of the business you did. For me, it's always been bars, clubs and a few festivals and fairs. At times I get upset with myself, but then i know guys of my vintage that have no gigs and no gigs in sight. blue [/quote] Thank you. When you say compensated, do you mean paid? If so, then yes, we had a publishing contract, a recording contract and a merchandise contract. We were also wise enough to negotiate how we got our money. Rather than giving us our advance in one lump sum, being 4 youngish guys it would be a financial disaster and it would had been blown on all the trappings of rock and roll very quickly. So we negotiated that we got it paid monthly like a wage. It kept us on the straight and narrow for sure. We also negotiated with the record company as part of the deal to sign us that they would pay for us to all have new equipment. I got £5k so I went to the bass centre in Wapping and got a Musicman Stingray, a Fender Precision and the top of the range Hartke rig. Awesome shopping trip and got to keep it all as part of the agreement when we sued the record company Yeah but you are still playing and doing your trade which has got to be a good thing. You could say I'm a minor has been or flash in the pan but you have sustained it longer than I have. Likewise, you know guys who will never get to gig and that is a real shame as we know how much of a buzz that is. It's all perspective.
  15. For me it's a combination of things but mostly getting tired of it for little reward due to the scene not being so prolific. Also, if I am honest, feeling my age a bit and the fire in my belly going out. I was fortunate enough to get a record deal. It took 10 years of playing in bands but I got there. It was a dream come true, to go on tour, be on TV, radio, a couple of John Peel sessions, radio 1 road shows, songs in adverts, CD's in shops and to work with big name artists. It took a hell of a lot of hard work, all self driven by the band members and equally as much to maintain it. When it ended, I admit it was a big pressure lifted off our shoulders. Still, I joined a few bands after but it was never the same. Going from having a tour bus, crew and great gigs to sh*tty pub gigs where nobody was really interested and unreliable band mates was just depressing. I was still really enjoying the playing and songwriting but the frustrations were really setting in. I was so used to every band member giving it 110% and being totally focused to then having to deal with people who would not turn up for sound check, rehearsals, forgetting to buy batteries or strings so they could not play was just off the scale for me. I admit, I had been very spoilt but by now the energy was pretty much gone. So, for the last few years I've just done some studio work and enjoyed it. I've also enjoyed getting some dream basses and noodling at home. I've also realised that life is too short. I've played for 25 years and had a great innings. I know I have been very lucky having my dream come true and I have a lot of great memories but life really is too short. I want to have another 25 years of new adventures and experiences. I believe it's better to close a chapter and open a new one and only being 44 I still have lots of things to see and do. Plus, nothing stopping me opening a new musical chapter later on in life.
  16. My Fender Precision USA in Olympic White with Rosewood Neck - Serial No. Z8156183. I think it's a 2008. I sold it on here a few years back but can't track it down sadly Would love to get it back. [URL=http://s85.photobucket.com/user/Linus27uk/media/Bass/Precision_zps2abc68cb.jpg.html][IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k46/Linus27uk/Bass/Precision_zps2abc68cb.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  17. I think for me, my number one album I totally adore, musically, tonally and production is Talk Talk - The Colour of Spring. I think Supertramp - Breakfast in America would also be included. Simple Minds - Street Fighting Years is also a great album.
  18. [quote name='sammybee' timestamp='1405629828' post='2503923'] It's currently sitting next to my desk very pleased with the purchase [/quote] Ah ok, no worries. If you ever decide to move it on, my 5 year old daughter has just started to play so this would be ideal.
  19. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1398630681' post='2436048'] The Fender TV15. Which unfortunately is no longer produced by Fender because it was too big, too heavy and not loud enough. But it sure was purty [center][attachment=161433:Fender-Bassman-TV-Duo-Ten.jpg][/center] [/quote] Yep, I would probably go with this. I love the retro look.
  20. Ok, just read about this on the below link. http://www.whathifi.com/news/high-resolution-audio-everything-you-need-to-know
  21. [quote name='BassBod' timestamp='1398551029' post='2435268'] Yes, I think they are probably right. It does seem daft to have music pegged at CD quality, when downloading allows an immediate higher platform and removes the waste of physical distribution. [/quote] Ok, this has got me interested. What format is available as a download that is higher quality than CD and what media player would I use to play it? I used to go to the various HiFi shows with my dad and it was always NAD separates and Monitor Audio speakers that sounded the best. My current setup is NAD amp an CD with Eltax bookshelf speakers. Not heard anything better. If there is better format than CD now then I would be interested. I believe mp3's are compressed to buggery.
  22. I also have the exact Warwick Streamer Jazzman in natural and they are amazing sounding basses. Mine might up for sale also as I am after a stingray Fretless. Good luck with the sale.
  23. [quote name='budget bassist' timestamp='1384897520' post='2282143'] My newly acquired SUB [/quote] That is stunning.
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