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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. **** NOW SOLD ***** For sale is my mint condition MIA Fender Jazz in Olympic white with rosewood neck and tort scratchplate. I bought it brand new from Bass Merchant in May 2011 and has only been used once at an acoustic gig for 30 minutes and a few times at home. It comes complete with the Fender hardcase, tools, tags, owners manual, strap, lead, cloth etc. In fact the accessories bag has not even been opened. The reason I am parting with it is I don't really play that much anymore and just play my Warwick's. I am looking for £725 which includes postage. Collection is also available and I am happy to meet some of the way. I am in Surrey so any trial/inspection is welcome. Please find below some pictures. If you require any others then just ask. This bass really is in mint condition and like brand new so grab yourself a bargain. I am also willing to trade for a Musicman Stingray Unlined Fretless in either white, tobacco sunburst or black. May consider other colours so let me know what you have.
  2. I'm currently recording a solo album with my two Warwicks and they are sounding amazing. Kind of makes me want to get some more Warwicks but the only two that appeal to me is a Bubinga Corvette Fretless and a P-Nut Streamer.
  3. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1345671899' post='1780426'] I have the same cabs (which are great) and still find it sterile I could tell a massive difference when using my old SWR with these cabs and AB'ing it with this amp. The SWR was muddier, less focused and slower in the attack, but had that sizzling top end overtones that are nowhere on this amp (until I added the VT Bass). Depends what kind of tone you're coming from I guess... [/quote] Yes totally. I guess coming from the two shuttle amps and Aguilar cabs which was a very clean setup to the Reidmar and classic cabs will sound a lot richer and less hi-fi I guess.
  4. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1345671416' post='1780414'] I'd say the only possible reason is that in my opinion it's a very sterile- sounding amp. It's very transparent and direct, very fast attack and very focused, super clean, but it has zero organic warmth or colour. I always felt like something was missing until I added a VT Bass to it and though objectively the difference I can hear seems minimal, it increased my enjoyment of the tone massively. I'd compare it to CD vs vinyl. When I switched to CDs I couldn't quite get the same pleasure out of music and couldn't understand why. As we know, there's frequencies above 20K that though we don't 'hear' consciously, they make the music more pleasurable and they're missing from CDs. I get a similar feeling from this amp (coming from one with a valve preamp), and when I added the VT Bass it was like I put those frequencies back and it made all the difference. I'm actually liking the idea of a very sterile amp that is like a blank canvas in terms of tone that I can manipulate with pedals: I can leave it clean, I can give it a valve preamp, I can do all sorts of things. With an amp that already has a certain old school colour to it, if you add some other colour on top it just muddies the whole thing up. The VT Bass sounded like a muddy mess with my previous amp but really shines with this one. If however you like old school warm valve-like tones and want to get that from your amp and no pedals, you won't find it in the Reidmar. [/quote] Thats interesting as I feel the opposite. I found it a very full and warm sounding amp but then I am using it with the EBS classic 112 cabs which do give a warm vintage sound. I have tried it with a Genz Benz 112 and that also sounded very warm and punchy. I would certainly not say it was sterile, in fact the opposite.
  5. Excellent, then nothing to stop you. They really are ace amps. I went from a Shuttle 6 which was nice but thin sounding, to a Shuttle 9 which I hated to a LM2 which was ace and sounded wonderful to now a Reidmar. The Reidmar not only sounds superb and has so much tonal range, it is also much louder than any of my previous amp heads. Plus it has a dragon on the front which in my book scores it a 10 as dragons are cool. I am very happy with it.
  6. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1345670713' post='1780395'] ok. So no real reason not to get one then? [/quote] Nope unless you have a fear of dragons as there is a drawing of one on the front.
  7. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1345670582' post='1780390'] I've read most of this thread and am intrigued. Is it REALLY louder than a LM2 or similar allegedly 500watt amps? [/quote] Yes.
  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1344425099' post='1764208'] Some of the for sale photos on here feature such delights too, it has put me off enquiring about a few instruments in the past tbh. I would forever associate someone's dirty y-fronts and socks on their bedroom floor with the bass, I don't need that in my life [/quote] I though that also lol
  9. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1344262717' post='1761882'] I enjoy making my own lines, I just seem to have lost that ability in the band situation. [/quote] Sounds like to me that you are lacking a little inspiration in your playing and settled into a bit of a routine following the same old format. I have found that the subconsciousness is a wonderful thing, especially for a musician and I have found that whenever I have fallen into a bit of a routine when writing bass line or songs (only ever done originals) that going and listening to a lot of new and different music really helps. You will become a sponge and pick up on what the bass is doing, little runs, pauses, what other players do in a verse, bridge and chorus etc. You might find that you start getting curious and pick up the bass to try and work stuff out and before you know it, you will have a few new tools to your belt to try out rather than root and fifth. So go and find something totally different and be open minded.
  10. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1344290822' post='1762459'] I'm using a MIA Fender Jazz Deluxe. All EQ flat on the bass. Pickup balance in the middle though I also like it a little towards the neck p'up) Character = off Gain and Middle = 1 o'c Comp/Limit = 8 o'c Bass, Freq and Treble = 2 o'c Bright = 9 o'c Volume = a millimetre above the 8 o'c line, but given the loudness of this amp, a millimeter that makes all the difference in the world 1 CL112 only, Tweeter on. [/quote] Will try those settings later but I guess with the Middle at 1 o'clock and Freq at 2 o'clock, that will make it quite middy and should give a fair bit of honk to a Jazz.
  11. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1344289231' post='1762423'] I used to be of that opinion too, but since AB'ing them I had to eat my words. The difference of the valve preamp was very evident, that gentle 'hair' in the high frequencies. After some more fiddling I've pretty much sorted all my niggles with this amp. The reason for all my problems was just one: lack of volume while practising at home. I'd been meaning to change my rig for ages but with the band I was on I never had time to go to shops and try stuff. Once I left the band I could finally do this, but the downside was I couldn't try stuff with a band at full volume. Still haven't joined another band, but by raising the volume just a little bit over what I was daring to do before at home, this amp came to life. Pedals sound fine too! There was a thinness that is now gone. Screw the neighbours! The way I explain it is this: - SWR 350x sounded nice and full at low volumes, but when the volume went up that fullness turned into a bit of boominess and loss of focus. - The Reidmar sounds a little thin, middy and weird at low volumes, but when you turn it up it comes to life, remaining focused. It's like it's meant for loudness, much more than the 350x was. Also, because I was trying it with both cabs at home, I had to cut a lot of bass and boost highs because of the acoustic coupling. Once I swapped to 1 cab only, I was able to properly EQ the amp, boost more lows for some colour, not raise highs as much and get a nice balanced mid definition. Two cabs was overkill! So I'm finally really happy with this amp. Don't think a lack of warmth bothers me anymore either. Pedals sound fine. All is fine and dandy [/quote] Thanks for sharing. What settings do you use withe the Reidmar and what bass? At the moment I am running everything flat apart from Compression at 12, o'clock, Filter Activated and the Middle - Freq dials at about 10 o'clock. Sounds nice and warm that way for me.
  12. Not a massive Joy Division fan but certainly a massive New Order fan. The songs 1963, Round and Round, Shellshock, State Of The Nation and True Faith are total classic pop hits. Hooky was a big influence on my playing.
  13. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1344275903' post='1762145'] Well yes it is, but it did make me think: If you didn't know what it was, and only heard it, would it really jump out at you that the bass kept changing? I don't think it would to me. [/quote] I think you would notice the difference between the Stingray and the others. the Stingray just sounded so thin and twangy. Good but noticably different.
  14. Blimey, cracking bass and I can't see this being around for long. Good luck with the sale.
  15. Thanks bluejay. With you on this also and not 100% myself. If we can get a nice group then it would be worth it and could be great fun.
  16. Thank you. Yes, I have started another thread to see if we can get a group of us to go along. So far its bluejay and myself who have shown interest. Would be great to come along.
  17. Thats what I am thinking also bluejay. I was also thinking of staying over on the Saturday night and coming back on Sunday. Keep me posted.
  18. Just wondering if anyone from here is going to the Warwick 30th Anniversary Party on Sept 8th in Germany? I would like to try and make it but not sure due to work commitments. I think it would be a great event.
  19. [quote name='Warwick_Official' timestamp='1343758964' post='1754812'] Sounds great! We'd love to have you over. If you've worked in manufacturing I guarantee it would be fascinating! The factory tour is an incredible experience...and I don't think anyone who's taken it has walked away without being utterly amazed. Lots of cool things to see. Join us for our 30th Anniversary party Sept 8 - lots of our Artists will be there, meet & greets, factory tours, food & drink - just let me know if there is anything I can assist you with. Thanks! [/quote] Thank you, that does sound like fun and would be an event worth going to. I really wanted to go to the bass clinic that you have on the week leading up to it but currently looking for work so did not want to risk signing up and then having to pull out due to new work commitments,
  20. [quote name='Warwick_Official' timestamp='1343758108' post='1754789'] Linus27, [b]you've got a beautiful pair![/b] Thanks for posting the photo, for your great comments, and also your support! Enjoy! [/quote] Thats what I say to my wife Seriously, thanks. I do love them. Do plan to pop over for the factory tour at some point when I get some spare time. Having worked in manufacturing, I would find it facinating I'm sure.
  21. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1343756042' post='1754739'] Neat, I liked your soundcloud stuff. Lots of energy. It would be good if you can shout out which\when you have tracks made with a Warwick. [/quote] Thanks Pinball. All those recordings are are either Fender Precisions, Jazzes or Stingray's. I am currently recording an album with my Warwicks so as soon as I have a few tracks finished (very soon) I will post them up.
  22. I love my two Warwicks. They are my prized possesion. I had always wanted a Warwick Streamer after seeing an advert for one back in the late eighties but never got round to getting one. I always ended up playing Precisions, Jazzes and Stingrays. I did have the chance to buy one at the back end of the nighties when I got a record deal advance but they did not suit the style of music I was playing. Wish I had now but I also turned down a Wal which looking back is probably even more stupid. The one on the left is a 2006 Streamer LX Jazzman. It has the chunky neck that people refer to but I actually like that. Its not chunky like a Precision and is in fact thin like a Jazz but it is deep rather than being flat. It took a little while to get used to the tone but I now love it. I have been very fortunate enough to record in some top end studios and work with some well know producers over the years, mostly using Precisions, Jazzes and a Stingray but I would say that this Warwick on my current project is sounding the best bass I have ever used. Its very burpy, earthy and rich sounding. It can be very smooth and warm as well as aggresive with the typical Warwick tone. If I had to compare then a cross between a Jazz and a Stingray which I guess is the plan with the pickup choice but has that extra Warwick growl which makes it a little different. The Warwick on the right is my 2011 Streamer LX. My dream bass which I finally saved up for and bought new. It really does sound amazing and looks superb. Again its very earthy and burpy and has that typical Warwick sound. A cross between a Precision and a Jazz but again with the very noticable Warwick growl. The only thing I don't like are the side dots. They are the new illuminious type and are very faint. They come on when under stage lights but generally are very faint. Not sure I can do anything about it as it does hinder me slightly. At some point I would like a Bubinga Warwick but I guess my options are limited so I will probably try and hunt down a fretless Corvette. [IMG]http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k46/Linus27uk/P1040176.jpg[/IMG]
  23. Just heard the news through dave_bass5. Very sad and shocking and as already been mentioned, has taken the wind out of my sails today also. I remember reading on Bob's forum that Fender have the signature bass all ready but he said they kept holding back from releasing it waiting for the right time. Sadly, I can now see this being released soon but for the wrong reasons now. A little too late Fender R.I.P Bob, the unsung hero of bass.
  24. That so looks like my old bass. May I ask where you got it from and how long you have had it. I think I sold mine around 2001/2002 on Ebay.
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