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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Erm, no but thats partly because I have been doing it for long enough and I just don't care. There really should be no yardstick to gauge yourself against. The only thing that matters is if you enjoy playing. If you enjoy it then thats all that matters. There will always be someone better than you and someone worse but music is not a competition, it should be about enjoyment and about the art of communication. You don't see people say person x is better because they communicate better than person y. Just enjoying it and over time you will become more confident in your abilities.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1331081338' post='1567506'] You got that right. I've tried all that super-powered hi-fi stuff, but now... my new bass is a P with flats, played with a pick through a 1X12 rig. EQ flat, bit of tube warmth, that's it. No effects. It's all you need. IMHO. Old school. *waits for inevitable backlash* [/quote] Totally I agree with this although I play rounds.
  3. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1331281686' post='1570605'] You do still want that dvd don't you? ;-) [/quote] HAHAHAHA Just try and hold back a video of Tal from me Happy to publicly love Rickenbacker's if it gets me my Tal video
  4. Hey Jim, really surprised you are selling this. I remember you saying that you loved this bass and how amazing it is. I thought you would never part with it. You have your eye on something else? How is the Status, you still have that Have a bump on me for a lovely bass. Oh and if anyone wants this, Jim is a great guy and true to his word.
  5. Yep, I agree, leave it standard, they are amazing as they are.
  6. Hey deepbass5, Firstly, what gorgeous wood on the back of the neck. Lovely swirls of grain in that. Ok, to be honest, I do not know to much about this bass so hopefully Doctor J will be able to help more. What i do know is they did a 400 Series Precision as well as a bass with the Telecaster neck. I remember seeing a similar bass before so it all seems genuine from my limited knowledge. Also, the tuners, logo and serial stamp matches exactly the same as my ESP 400 Series Jazz. I think you have got a very nice ESP 400 Series Precision roughly from around 1986 to 1990. Dates could be out by a few years but I think it was roughly a late 80's instrument. if you are going to change anything on it then make sure you keep them safe as this is a very rare and very good instrument.
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331107769' post='1567589'] The way he's playing. I find it very irritating and not supportive of the music or the singer. [/quote] Yep, i agree with this also. It sounds totally out of place and adds nothing to the music. A nice funky sounding bass, Jazz or Stingray for example would had been far more effective.
  8. White with black scratchplate and generally a rosewood neck for most Fender/Stingray type basses. Natural for most other things like Warwick or Stingray/Jazz with maple neck.
  9. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1330957192' post='1565302'] No worries, I can't see anyone not liking the Neo 410, its just superb. Quick question to all you Reidmar users, is the Bright control supposed to be subtle? I notice very little difference between min and max. Maybe its because I'm using it very quietly at home, perhaps it will open up more when I get to practice. Cheers. [/quote] It really is dependant on the bass. Something like a Stingray or other active basses does make it more noticeable over a passive bass.
  10. Thank you NJE, that all sounds perfect and it sounds like your ideal tone is very similar to mine. So the NEO 410 is top of my list if the prpject I am working on comes off. Plus I can add a NEO 210 on top for more headroom with the Fafner or HD660 taking it down to 2 ohms. So plenty of scope.
  11. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1330901386' post='1564696'] Oh yeah, i forgot that bit!! [/quote] Did we say they look ugly and are really unbalanced?
  12. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1330891670' post='1564511'] Rick 4001/3's are the ugliest basses ever created, actually not quite, but they're pretty close, there, I did it (Is this the part where I retreat to the safety of my corner, you know, the one with the big backwards 'F' embossed on it??) [/quote] Maybe but you would have to stand behind me as I am already in that corner as I too think Ricky basses are the most hideous horrible basses ever made in the world. I hated the one I owned and soon sold it. Had another go a few years later and yep, hated it just as much Now give me an F......Give me an E...... Give me an N.....ok I'll stop now
  13. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1330888415' post='1564444'] Got a Reidmar today, traded with a basschatter for my Markbass LM2 and so far I am a very happy boy. I was very sceptical about its output but it is VERY loud, I need to wait to get to practice this week and give it a full run but initially it is monsterous. Great tone and just what I was after, clean, clear plenty of welly to it and it sounds great with my Neo 4x10. I am ever so slightly dissapointed with the build, it's very solid but the speakon connector is getting stuck and doesnt have a good solid click like the LM2, but on the whole it is a great little amp and considering its cost, it is a steal and sounds a lot better than the LM2 to my ears. I cant see this going anywhere unless my band gets some big work and I get tempted by a HD350 so I can get another cab and go to 2 ohms. Well done EBS is all I can say! I really hope they develop smaller heads now as I would love to see a Swedish built head of this size (or smaller) that will run down to 2ohms so that we have the choice or running two of the top of the range EBS cabs. I think they missed a trick there but for a first effort this still beats every small bass head I have played. [/quote] Welcome to the Reidmar club. How do you find your EBS Neo 410? I am thinking about getting one of these. Not for the Reidmar but more likley to go with either a Fafner II or HD660. Would you say its good for rock type music and is it a clean sound or an old school fat sound? Any thoughts really appreciated.
  14. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1330608655' post='1560265'] My ex came back to the tent one morning at Glastonbury saying she'd had a lovely chat with a guy called 'Cyril' who'd played the guitar and sung a bit. A few months later we're watching the telly when she goes 'Oh wow! That's Cyril!' 'It's not Cyril' says I '-It's SEAL!' [/quote] HAHAHAHAHA that would be just what my wife would do
  15. [quote name='OldG' timestamp='1330534501' post='1559037'] Yup, you'll need a MIDI capable DAW - * mentions Reaper once again* [/quote] Thank you.
  16. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1329787395' post='1547515'] Both EZ Drummer and BFD Eco can be run standalone. As entry level packages go, both are very flexible in terms of installation and use/programming. [/quote] I got EZ Drummer last weekend and so far it sounds very good. However, am I right in thinking that as a stand alone item, you can't write your own patterns and only use the presets ones? Even basic programming seems not available, for example set 4 bars of a preset 4/4 drums followed by a preset drum fill.
  17. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1330527934' post='1558885'] MB1. Just PMd Mani about George Formby and as yet have not recieved a reply? [/quote] I just PM's George Formby about Bilbo and have not had a reply back either
  18. I must be getting old as I have not seen one cool bass yet in this thread lol
  19. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1330518596' post='1558659'] LOOOOL! Didn't notice that when I joined. Might be because I'm no longer 14 myself? [/quote] What about the virgin part?
  20. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1330523775' post='1558798'] Tossers [/quote] HAHAHA genuine laugh out loud response
  21. [quote name='buff' timestamp='1330520366' post='1558711'] I'd pee myself if it's really Adam Clayton [/quote] No thats me, I am Adam Clayton
  22. When's Tal turning up? I refuse to get excited until Tal joins Basschat
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1330512025' post='1558481'] Does he play in a tribute band? [/quote] I'm not sure but I do believe he invented Jazz
  24. HAHAHA Bilbo you star, you posted exactly the same time as me. Check out my last sentence
  25. I also hope that Mani is welcomed here as a fellow bassist and does not get a hard time from star-struck people. I've seen it on Pistonheads with real racing drivers getting hassled and insulted and they eventually leave. Fingers crossed it stays civil. I must admit, I can't wait for some of the Bilbo and Mani discussions. That could get entertaining
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