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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1330511028' post='1558455'] do you get to play with your longboat in the bath [/quote] No thats my wife's job
  2. [quote name='jcater' timestamp='1330509198' post='1558408'] All this talk of Vikings I guess that you guys will all be wearing helmets and going in for a bit of raping and pilaging at future gigs. Should attract larger audiences [/quote] Yes, this is quite true. I have already bought a nice fur lined leather waistcoat to look the part and I was going to try and pop to B & Q at the weekend to pick up an Axe. Idealy I wanted a Swedish PSG-90 sniper rifle but my wife said that its not really keeping with the whole Viking theme and not something B & Q would stock but if I wanted to pillage the garden shed then i am more than welcome
  3. [quote name='sunsse' timestamp='1330475133' post='1558234'] I personally love tossing the name Reidmar around. Owning an amp named Reidmar makes me feel like a viking playing bass [/quote] I do agree and I love the fact that it has dragons on the front. My wife loves dragons and I keep reminding her that I have dragons on my amp However, the sensible boring side of me thinks from a marketing point of view, calling it the classic 250 would had been better. Still, I got dragons so I am happy and I am up for being a Viking bass player too
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1330473747' post='1558217'] Going by the wording on the PCB, it looks like this was originally going to be called the Classic 250. Seems like an evolution of the never to reach retail Classic 160 but with an uprated power output. [/quote] I think that would had been a better name considering it is being promoted with the Classic cabs.
  5. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1330421470' post='1557001'] Both my bands have a certain onstage image. The Lemons go for a scruffy jazz look wheras the Skimmitys, being a scrumpy'n'western band have our take on the Wurzels look. I used to be dead against dressing up fior the stage, but now I quite like putting on the band persona - sort of 'time to get down to business'. It also helps to have a band that looks like a band and stands out from the rest of the audience. [/quote] Whats scruffy Jazz? Got any pictures?
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1330341239' post='1555821'] Don't forget to wear a Jersey. Its Fresian in there. [/quote] Ah ok cool. I do have a nice jumper and shirt which I have not worn yet so may be an excuse to give it an airing
  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1330338757' post='1555772'] You'll have a blast mate! The crew there are soooooo good, and so professional. I'd love to play there again, although we were only in the theatre, not the main stage, one of the nicest gigs I've done. [/quote] Great stuff. I have heard good things about the venue so really looking forward to it. Plus we have use of Paul Weller's crew so it should be an excellent bunch of gigs.
  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1330336128' post='1555709'] Groan Congratulations Michael! I see your band is supprting Paul Weller at the Roundhouse for three dates, what a fabulous gig! [/quote] Thanks Nigel. Yeah, looking forward to those gigs and will be great to try the EBS rig on a big stage
  9. Ok thanks so you are better off just looking at the lower figure for a realistic output.
  10. Can someone please explain what it means when EBS puts the following for their amp specs, [b]Dynamic Output Power 660 W RMS[/b] [b]Continuous Output Power 540 W RMS[/b] Whats the difference between Dynamic Output Power and Continous Output Power?? Also, with the same amp, EBS quote the following [b]400/460 at 4 Ohms and 530/650 at 2 ohms[/b] What is there two figures for the two different Ohms as in 400/460 at 4 Ohms?
  11. [quote name='73Jazz' timestamp='1330279606' post='1555078'] Holy cow:) Congrats [/quote] HAHAHA and thank you
  12. For anyone who buys Mojo magazine, my band "Cow" have the song "Black Harvest" included on the cover CD as well as an article on the band inside. Its available for sale this Tuesday, 28th February and I really can't wait
  13. [quote name='fatgoogle' timestamp='1330266078' post='1554829'] So i was thinking about getting one of these. Im still worried about the 250 watts thing. Im using hartke lh500 at the moment, which has always been great through a single 8 ohm 15" cab. Id be using it mostly in small venues(anyone in dublin think, sweeneys, mercantile, wheelans etc) playing with anything from a 3 piece to a 9-10 piece with a horn section, keys etc. Also it might be a clean signal or quite dubby with a good few pedals, depending on the act. I would like to get it with the two 1x12 ebs classic cabs, id prefer 2 2x10's but there so damn expensive it seems for anything good. Do you think it would work for me? [/quote] In my opinion I would say, especially with two classic cabs. My one classic cab and Reidmar which is pushing out 125 watts has replaced my MarkBass CMD112 combo which pushes out 300 watts.
  14. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1330127842' post='1553281'] Wow, that album is towards the top of my top one! ;-) Such a part of my youth. For me, one of the few albums that work from the first note to the last. Being able to zone out and put that on headphones has brought me through some difficult times in my life. Think I need another listen over the weekend :-) T [/quote] Yep, I feel the same way. I adore the song Street Fighting Years as well as Mandela Day. The whole album as you say from start to finish is just perfect.
  15. Probably my favourite band and certainly my favourite bass player. Seen them play about 10 times, always excellent and saw them last year on their greatest hits forest tour where they played about 3 or 4 songs from every album. I really wish I was going on this tour but for some reason I kind of never bothered. I really should had as New Gold Dream is my favourite album (as well as Street Fighting Years) and would love to hear King Is White and Hunter and The Hunted.
  16. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1330096031' post='1552705'] Ah. That'd be 'black hole thinking'... [/quote] HAHAHAHA
  17. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1330095716' post='1552685'] I know. I did actually sit here for quite a while trying to find an alternative to that phrase but it sounded so fake and contrived that it would be obvious I was trying to avoid saying it, which is even worse! [/quote] HAHA ok I let you off but use it again and I'll send Katie Price round to talk about herself to you for 4 hours
  18. Mine is an album for the band Cow who I play bass for. The album will be out in March but one of the tracks, "Black Harvest" is going to be on the cover CD of next months edition of Mojo which is out on Tue or Wed next week. The song was hand picked by Paul Weller who picked all the songs on the cover CD. The funny thing is, of all the songs on the album, its the one song I struggled the most to write a bass line for. Its a very open spacious song and any bass line I played sounded in the way. So I decided to not play on the first verse, single root notes on the chorus, then some melodicish lines for the two verses and then build from there. Then the last chorus i just make it all up In the end, its simple but effective and I am really happy how it turned out.
  19. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1330093460' post='1552620'] Absolutely. I'm can talk confidently and eloquently to large audiences, I have no issues being a 'team player' and, even though I fall into the 'analytical' (aka unimaginative) personality group, I have a reputation for[b] thinking 'outside of the box' [/b]when it comes to problem solving. [/quote] AAAAHHHHH he used business-speak. Must count to ten, must count to ten
  20. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1330068279' post='1552118'] Thanks, and yes, it is an amazing bass: light, woody, resonant. It's become my main bass very quickly. I put it back to passive though, as although the P Retro was nice, it wasn't [i]the[/i] tone! [/quote] Yeah very good call putting it back to standard. Stunning bass. If you ever want to sell and I find a large stash of cash hidden under my bed then give me a shout
  21. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1325763568' post='1487166'] Here are my two, both bought in the autumn last year: a 1970 fretless (P Retro fitted as original pots long gone) and a 1988 MIJ. Mmmm.... [/quote] Wow, that 1970 Fretless Precision is my dream bass as its the year of my birth and fretless. Totally stunning.
  22. [quote name='Alanbass' timestamp='1330038348' post='1551997'] Hi all you Reidmar users out there. I am currently running a Genz Benz Streamliner 600 into two Vanderkley cabs (210 and 112). Very interested in all the positive comments about the Reidmar. Used to have an EBS HD350 which I have regrets about parting with. I love the EBS sound and the light weight of the Reidmar is very appealing to me. Just wondered if any of you out there had any experience of using both the Reidmar and the GB Streamliner 600? Cheers. [/quote] Not the Streamliner but I used to own the GB Shuttle 6 and Shuttle 9. The Reidmar to me is a lot fuller sounding, punchier and warmer. The Shuttle 6 was a nice amp and I was happy with it but the Shuttle 9 I found was thin and clinical and lacked character. I find the Reidmar is a lot more sensitive tonally which I prefer as its easier to dial in various tones. I really can't fault my Reidmar and is easily the best sounding amp I have owned to date. Its so good that I am very tempted to sell my MarkBass CMD121 combo which I also love.
  23. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1330004163' post='1551210'] I gigged on Saturday with the CL112 & CL110. No pa support, large room with a stupidly loud drummer. Was running synth & bass through it. The gain was just below 12 o'clock, master about 10 o'clock. Easily more than enough volume coming from this thing. This was in a 9 piece band with drums, percussion, guitarist, keys player, singer & horn section. I get more astounded by this amp every time i use it, it's incredible! [/quote] If the Reidmar which is only 250 watts has this amount of output, it makes me wonder if other EBS amps are as equally as powerful. The Classic 450 puts out 400 watts at 4 ohms which does not really sound much compared to a lot of other amps but maybe it is super loud when running through something like the Classic 410 or Classic 212. Likewise, I wonder if the TH660 which is pumping out 400 / 460 watts at 4 ohhms is as equally loud The reason I mention this is in the future, I may require a loud rig, something that kicks outs say 600 - 800 watts. I was looking at a single 410 or 212 also if possible. I would like to stick with EBS but on paper with a single cab, cant offer this apart from the Fafner II. However, perhaps they can if their figures are more accurate and believeable over other manufactuers especially if the Reidmar is anything to go by.
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