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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1329911279' post='1549450'] Cheers Michael but i feel ill need to use it in a live situation to get a feel for it, especially with my cab being quite coloured. Gareth. That is crazy although i guess they have been around for quite a while. [/quote] Yeah thats a very good point Dave. Maybe after my gigs in March you can borrow it to try out.
  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1329910848' post='1549425'] Lets hope so. Funny enough i was thinking of putting my F1 up for a Streamliner trade but came here to see what all the fuss was about (thanks Michael ;-) and now not so sure. [/quote] Dave, you will love the Reidmar. I think its right up your street. Get your arse to mine any time you like and you are welcome to have a play through it, a cup of tea and maybe a slice of cake
  3. I can't access the webpage at work. Can you share any more info about this opportunity or what it says on the link above?
  4. I still fancy a natural Lakland Darryl Jones someday.
  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1329825239' post='1547870'] Bugger. I started reading this thread just to see what people thought of this head, and you can guess the rest [/quote] HAHAHA come to the dark side Dave, you know it makes sense
  6. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1329741356' post='1546513'] Fret lines make a big difference to me as someone who looks at what their playing - check out Jaco on youtube and you will see he spends most of his time peering at his lined fingerboard. If you don't look, or if you are blind it makes no difference, but if you use your eyes, why not have the lines? I disagree with the stabiliser analogy and I don't see how fret lines can be misleading or distracting, particularly if you are used to a fretted bass. I've never heard of anyone selling a lined fretless bass in favour of an unlined one because they found it distracting. [/quote] Ok, then I will be the first person then that sold their lined fretless bass in favour of an unlined one because they found it distracting. Quoting Star Wars, your eyes can decieve you as I have yet to find a lined fretless bass where all the lines are in the correct place. I find using muscle memory, using my ear and learning the characteristics of the fretboard far more important than relying on the lines to tell me where to fret. Knowing your fretboard is so important, more rewarding and frankly easier than having to learn how far to the left or right or on the line on a lined neck is to be accurate.
  7. Is EZdrummer a stand alone package? For example, can I install it on my laptop and play along to the drum patterns and create my own or is it a plugin and needs to be used with another package, for example Pro Tools?
  8. I agree, I would go with non-lined. It may seem easier but in all honesty its not. Its easier to learn on an unlined neck. Just spend the time learning the fretboard as they are all different.
  9. Schizznit, did you stand the 210 on its side to create more height? I wonder if that has any bearing on the directional issue. I know I stand my Classic 112 on its side to get more height. The clipping is a bit odd. The Reidmar would had been pushing out 250w into the 4 ohms Neo 210 but by the sounds of it you were not anywhere near max volume of the Reidmar so a little odd. Was it an active bass at all?
  10. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1329584938' post='1544573'] I'm very tempted by this, I've just got some labella nylon strings coming which would work great with this! [/quote] Hiya, yes they would sound very nice. I also have a spare set of the Elite Bronze strings that I will include with the bass so you can swap and change if you like.
  11. Here are my two Warwicks. Warwick Streamer LX4 2011 Warwick Streamer Jazzman LX Fretless 2006
  12. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1329576635' post='1544448'] I have just acquired this Corvette Standard Actvice Fretless. [/quote] Gorgeous Hutton although not sure about the flats
  13. Blimey Clarky, really gutted for you. I thought this was a great gig and at the time thought you were onto something really good that could go far. Really sorry it has come to this. Personally, I would take a few weeks out to re-charge and then start looking. Don't sit around pondering, life's too short so get out there and play.
  14. Loved it. Thought it was a great fun video. Looked like you were having fun which came across really well. Great quality for an Iphone also.
  15. [quote name='inkfid' timestamp='1329500462' post='1543519'] I just got the reidmar and a neo-210 and it is amazing! More than enough than what i'd need and easily matches my MarkBass F500 running with two cabs. All in all, a great amp! [/quote] Welcome to the club inkfid
  16. Nice one Jeff. All sounds very positive. My Roqsolid cover also arrived and I am also really impressed. Fits perfect and was not expecting the hidden flap that goes underneath the bottom of the cab and velco's onto the other side. Nice little feature that was never on my GB cab cover.
  17. Well, its not going well. Fancy one of these also
  18. I would stick with the Fender personally unless the luthier is Jon Shuker. If Jon Shuker then you need to ask the question, do you want a bass that will be a brillaint working bass (Fender) with possibly some imperfections (my Fender's are perfect by the way) and will have a decent re-sale value or do you want a bass (Shuker) that will be beautifully made in every way that wont have as much re-sale value.
  19. The chord change and Saxaphone part that follows it during the saxaphone solo in Marvin Gaye's Mercy Mercy Me. Its at about 2m15s in. The little saxaphone run after the chord change just gets me.
  20. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1329389049' post='1541565'] Linus - what a great gig! Congrats. I really like Weller live. [/quote] Thanks Gareth, it should be great fun. The venue is supposed to be amazing.
  21. Bump for new trades, Musicman SUB, Squire Classic Vibe Series or Kala U Bass.
  22. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1329382998' post='1541435'] The commercially available Crossroads dvd doesn't have the whole set, only a couple of numbers or so IIRC. The full set is only available as a bootleg, or was when I bought it! From a Tal perspective I definitely prefer it. [/quote] Bugger Any direction you can point me in to obtain a copy?
  23. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1329335936' post='1540939'] I saw them in Manchester too (and met them both; she was absolutely lovely!). She was great, although her sound wasn't very clear from where I was; very toppy-bottomy and not much else. Ironically I saw Lenny Kravitz the following night and the low-tech bass there (Fenders - probably with flats - and Ashdown) was clear as a bell. Jeff was pretty much as at Ronnie's. FWIW I have footage of Jeff's full Crossroads set and I think she comes across much better on that than the Ronnie Scotts dvd. Her sound is much better IMO (not keen on the RS footage bass sound, no real substance) and she really plays her arse off. [/quote] I also noticed on some of the clips I played the other night that her tone was very toppy when when she played high up or very deep and boomy when played low and the middle being rather missing. I wonder if thats due to her bass as my Jazz is exactly the same. I might get the Crossroads DVD also now if its just as good if not better.
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