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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1329324329' post='1540694'] Don't forget, Linus27, it was JB's guitar playing that your cleverly worked original post declared your love! [/quote] HEHE oopps thats for spotting, must not give some of my true feelings away
  2. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1329304525' post='1540226'] I like the way she's actually quite geeky (for want of a better word). Too many successful female bass players are suspiciously supermodel-esque. [/quote] Yeah I like that, even in her facial expressions. Her clothes are also very 70's and retro with just a plain faded T-shirt. The geek look works for me
  3. [quote name='jcater' timestamp='1329308375' post='1540316'] Will probably just decide on the night if i'm free. Thanks for the offer. All the best jeff [/quote] No worries.
  4. [quote name='jcater' timestamp='1329307885' post='1540303'] Which band and date is it at the roundhouse? Might come along [/quote] My band is called Cow and we are supporting Paul Weller for three nights, Tuesday 20th March, Wednesday 21st March and Thursday 22nd March. I do have the option of two tickets per night so if you would like any then let me know but we have been told that each ticket will cost £10 which will go to charity.
  5. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1329306688' post='1540265'] I would like to pair up my Neo 210 with a Neo 112 or even a 212, but I am cautious that the Reidmar won't operate at 2ohms. I feel that an email to Ralph @ EBS is on the cards! But, more cabs mean more kit to pack in the car so its defeating the object to have a portable rig and I might as well just take my HD350 and Proline 410. [/quote] To be honest, I don't think I need another Classic 112 as the gigs I am doing I think the Reidmar is so damn loud and powerful with my single 112 that it would be a waste. The test is going to be next month when I play The Roundhouse in Camden which is a 3,500 capacity venue. Ok, its an acoustic band and we will have PA support but I don't think I am going to need anymore. At the moment I just turn the Classic 112 on its side to give me a bit more headroom and jobs a carrot. Even if we had some kind of jazz style drummer, I think a single 112 would stil be ample. Saying that, I will get another Classic 112 to cover any future possibilities and they are good value for money but i really can't see me using it ever
  6. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1329306104' post='1540250'] Trouble with teenagers in bedrooms is they 'get' the issues around velocity and playing fast but there are so many of the great guitar players of yesteryear who have a depth to their playing that these new kids lack. Beck, Leslie West, Clem Clempson, Peter Green, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, even Eddie Van Halen all had great sounds which they achieved using the right guitar, pick-ups, strings, amps and gain and the like. The new guys get it through 0.7 mm strings and dialling in a digital effect. They often lack the personality of the greats. Its no different in Jazz. There is a lot of faux Coltrane playing but it doesn't come anywhere near competing with the depth of Lester Young or COleman Hawkins etc. I guess the difference is that which exists between Art and craft. YOu can copy an original but it will always be a copy. [/quote] Another great post and I guess this is why I am not a big fan of certain pedals and amp simulating effects.
  7. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1329304286' post='1540217'] I know exactly what you mean- about the first bit anyway. If I had Tal's gig the reference to cack would relate more to my trousers. Yes, its Rainbow etc, so if there's an alternative reason then I'm a little happier. His technique is one of the examples of there being no right or wrong technique for these 'popular' instruments. His left hand wouldn't pass Grade 1, yet would you prefer to listen to a Grade 8 guitar student? Clapton is the same - although I'd take JB anyday. My opinion is that standards have risen immeasurably over the years, playing which made you 'God' in the 60s is now surpassed by teenagers in pub bands. Young Tal's technique is certainly an example for any student (and also those who spend time building up their finger and hand muscles!) [/quote] Great post.
  8. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1329301864' post='1540159'] Without getting into the debate about power efficiency of digital amps (there are already plenty of threads about that!), I can genuinely confirm that the Reidmar is very loud at it's power rating. If you jump back post [b]#101[/b] on this thread the image I posted will surprise you as much as it surprised me. [/quote] I can also confirm that the Reidmar is very loud. My markBass combo is running at 8 ohms and pumps out 300 watts. My Reidmar is also running at 8 ohms into one Classic 112 cab and should be pumping out 125 watts. The Reidmar is as loud if not louder.
  9. [quote name='jcater' timestamp='1329296686' post='1540074'] First gig with mine this Thursday with the belly dance band [url="http://www.raqsonic.com/"]http://www.raqsonic.com/[/url], Looking forward to giving it a proper run out, just cannot decide on one or two cabs. It's a low volume gig and upstairs at the venue so guess one will be favourite. PS i also use flight cases from maplins for my amps [/quote] Let us know how the gig goes. I suspect one cab will be loud enough if its a low volume gig. I've just ordered a Mono bag for my Reidmar. Fingers crossed its tough enough. Otherwise it will be off to Maplins for a flight case
  10. Hey thanks for posting, nice solo and great to see the whole band relaxed and enjoying it. So can't wait to get the Bluray.
  11. Looking very nice shizzit and no doubt sounding awsome.
  12. I started the evening by watching Alex Al testing out the Reidmar on the EBS blog which then led me to watch the Tal Wilkenfeld videos on the same blog. This then led me to Tal testing a Kala solid body UBass which I must admit sounded very cool and given me a wee bit of GAS. This then led me to Tal performing Serendipity on some Aussie breakfast morning show which I thought was interesting and quite refreshing. This led me to watching some more Tal videos (stay with me here now, its not quite going where you think its going) which then led me to a Jeff Beck video playing a song called Nadia at Ronnie Scotts with, yep, Tal on bass. At first, I thought, ooh, why is he playing rock sounding guitar over Jazz, it sounds all bendy and messy and as subtle as a brick but I'll stick with it as the footage is really clear and I can check Tal's playing out a bit more. Jeff's playing then settled down and started to sound rather good and go more bluesy jazz. As the video went on, some of the sounds and tones Mr Beck was getting out of his guitar were quite angelic and I really liked how Tal just sat in the back dropping little runs in now and again. Now my curiosity had kicked in, it then led me to another Jeff Beck video from the same session, this time with Imogen Heap singing a song called Blanket and again Mr Becks guitar playing was sublime. Now, I really don't like blues but I am in love with Jeff Becks playing, at least on these videos and I am so going to get the Blueray of this gig. Plus the drummer was awsome and ok, I admit, I do have a little soft spot for Tal now. I am not going to watch anymore clips now as I will be up all night and thats a really bad thing. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drAv2FoYji8&feature=related[/media] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z79pgPn357g[/media]
  13. [quote name='funkygreega' timestamp='1329231804' post='1539191'] Oh Lawd! Thats tasty! I am GASsing for a 4 string Musicman StingRay in sunburst, with a maple neck. [/quote] Yeah as soon as I saw it (sildx posted a picture a long time ago) I knew I had to have one. Thankfully they are not crazy money new but very hard to find in the UK
  14. [quote name='Linus27' timestamp='1325347184' post='1482372'] So the start of another year, what does everyone have GAS for in 2012? I would like the following, EBS Reidmar 250 amp EBS Classic 110 or 112 x 2 off Double Bass [/quote] Well my GAS is going very well so far this year. I have the EBS Reidmar which sounds amazing. I have the EBS Classic 112 which also sounds amazing. However, I now have GAS for the following, A Fender Japan Jazz 66B in white with matching headstock, blocks and binding. Yummy.
  15. Great review, thanks for that. can you post some piccies of it set up with the Reidmar please.
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1329132903' post='1537481'] It that with 1 or 2 112 cabs? have to say..looks the DB's in the pics [/quote] Just the one Classic 112 so far as that is all I need. Oh and its so loud anyway.
  17. Would be interested in hearing how you get on with the NEO 210. I remember you saying how great the Eden was with the Reidmar so if the Neo 210 is a winner then it must be good. My Classic 112 with the Reidmar sounds awsome, still blown away with it. Keep us posted.
  18. [quote name='rubykon' timestamp='1329051851' post='1536448'] Looks Nice, although I would prefer a simple laptop bag. I also really dig the mono bags... [url="http://www.monocase.com/mono-products2011.asp"]http://www.monocase....roducts2011.asp[/url] [/quote] Those Mono bags looks good as it has lots of pockets to keep cables, batteries, strings etc in. Not sure how protective they are though but they look good.
  19. What you think guys as a hard case for the Reidmar? [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/rugged-case-large-225744"]http://www.maplin.co.uk/rugged-case-large-225744[/url]
  20. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1328969853' post='1535430'] so if you had F7 going to Bb7 you could play F F# G A. The F# is a chromatic between the F and G and the A is a chromatic of the Bb7 chord if you were to start the chord on the Bb. Basically a chromatic note is a semi-tone away from the target note and is heavily used in walking lines [/quote] Thank you, that makes sense. I know I do that anyway but never knew what it was called
  21. [quote name='blackmn90' timestamp='1328969005' post='1535416'] Great start linus. Now try using more chromaticism and start the chord on another chord tone other than the root. Also once you feel comfortable, try to avoid repetition. [/quote] Thanks blackmn90. Yeah I was aware of the repetion and will work on that. Also starting the chord on a tone other than the root is something I tend to do anyway as a player, usualy linked with some kind of run but I admit, at this stage I was just trying to keep up May I ask what you mean by chromaticism in a musical context?
  22. This morning I thought I would fire up iReal and have a go at writing a bass line to one of the 1200 Jazz songs I have downloaded as well as learning to read the chart. The first one I picked was a track called 52nd Street Theme which if honest I have never heard and had no idea how the bass line goes in it. So attached is what I came up with. Am I heading in the right direction with writing bass lines for this genre? Any tips from the pros? Sorry for a little bit of sloppyness on the changes. If anything, its a good exercise to improve technique as some of the changes are quite fast. [url="http://soundcloud.com/michael-boylan/52nd-street-theme"]http://soundcloud.co...nd-street-theme[/url]
  23. Can we cancel rehearsal next week as its Valentines Day.
  24. So my 2011 MIA Fender Jazz will be 30 in 2041 and possibly just starting to be valuable or at least possibly be close to what I paid for it. However, I will 72 years old so if I am still alive, its not going to be a great sum of money. I wish I still had my 77 Precision. Maybe I should sell some bases and buy a 70's Fender as an investment.
  25. Sorry, got asked to do an encore [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNsmF9JTpuI[/media]
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