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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1328177423' post='1522955'] Dammit! I was going to suggest that, but thought it was too flaky! ...It's too flaky, by the way. [/quote] I was going to suggest BC Frosted Corn Flakes? Is that a bit flakey?
  2. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1328174426' post='1522881'] Me bums already shaved, im up for it Blimey Michael, you stalking me [/quote] Keep your friends close and your enemies closer or in your case with your backs to the wall
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1328174156' post='1522877'] How about BC Mankini's [/quote] Don't go there Ped, I did warn you He'll only offer to model it for you also
  4. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1328099546' post='1521712'] I suddenly love fanboys! [/quote] Oh don't encourage him, thats what he wants you to say. He'll be writing to you next offering you cheese sandwiches, picture of his model train collection and offering to take you on holiday to Southend On Sea. Before you know it, he will keep bumping into you in Sainsburys and turn up at the pub calling you mate. Mark my words, it will end in tears. I bet he has your picture on his headboard now
  5. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1328097796' post='1521662'] Just ordered a black and silver to hang up with my BC tee shirt, and my TB Tee shirt and cap in my wardrobe :-) [/quote] OMG fanboy alert
  6. Personally, not much wrong with TF fretless playing in my eyes. Possibly a bit cliche but then not many fretted bass players are original so I would say they are cliche also. This is very evident at shows like NAMM etc where some named bass player will get up up and either play a slap fest or a slow jazz groove contraining lots of runs and scales. So I think to single out TF playing as cliche is possibly a little unfair. What does annoy me a bit about him is his constant over emphasising of everything, for example, I'm going to REALLY groove, or I'm REALLY going to lay down some GREAT line etc. It was all just a bit me me me and how great its going to be. Still, his Fender bass is awsome and I want
  7. I have the 60 and its amazing. Bought it blind as it fitted my needs and it was so good that I trusted buying the Classic 112 cab and Reidmar which is awsome also. I use my Classic 60 for rehearsals in my acoustic band. It is very loud and full sounding. If you are using it with a drummer then I would get the 120. If at home and acoustic rehearsals then the 60 will be fine.
  8. Many thanks for the help Dirk and feedback regarding my Streamer LX4. Very happy with how things have been explained and look forward to talking to you soon. Great to have you here on Basschat also.
  9. What a superb website. Great information and very well layout out in a nice clear manner. Top effort.
  10. Band No.1 is an original group called Cow is an acoustic, soul, pop, Motown, vocal harmony thing. Never been able to put my finger on the genre to be honest. Three acoustic guitars, bass and four vocals. Band No.2 is an original group called Echo 109 is an electronic studio project. A mix of 80's electronic like Depeche Mode, Japan and modern EBM like Mind.In.A.Box. At home I tend to practise bass lines for the above two bands or anything that takes my fancy from Pearl Jam, Jazz, Simple Minds or just just noodle away until I get bored.
  11. [quote name='Dirk_Warwick' timestamp='1327425565' post='1511035'] Hello Linus 27, I'm sorry to read that you have issues with your instrument. Could you post the serial number of your bass as well as a photo of the mentioned parts, please? I have to say that we of course have an absolutely strict quality management and that the described issues have not come to our attention yet. We are convinced of the quality we offer and no instrument leaves the factory if it is not in a perfect condition. Regards, Dirk [/quote] Hi Dirk, PM sent with all the info requested. Cheers, Michael
  12. [quote name='jcater' timestamp='1327414313' post='1510799'] Have tried to resist but in the end it's just impossible, Amp and 2 classic 12's on order. Will post any observations once received. Life would be so much easier if companies stopped bringing out new gear. Just think of the money we could all save. [/quote] HAHA you won't be disapointed.
  13. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1327365793' post='1510225'] I've got a new set of strings waiting to go on the Streamer, and a stack of Depeche Mode songs to start transcribing. If only my tuner hadn't ran out of battery! Means I'm having to hold off changing the strings until I can grab another 9v battery! [/quote] Why Depeche Mode? You in a Depeche Mode cover band?
  14. Really enjoyed that Andy, best stuff you have done so far.
  15. [quote name='bassmerchant' timestamp='1327325316' post='1509282'] Hi Linus yep we hope to have the ebs classic 1x12 in stock [/quote] Great news, thank you.
  16. [quote name='Fitz666' timestamp='1327309840' post='1508967'] Sorry but anyone speaking like that to me, especially when I am doing them the favour, would be left in a snotty heap. [/quote] Ooooh grim, you would had blown your runny nose on them? I guess thats one way to show your not happy
  17. Bugger, I would love this but no funds at the moment. I might in a few months though Nick if still around.
  18. How is everyone getting on with their Reidmar so far?
  19. Can I offer to poo in his shoes if still required at the party. I can also bring sausages rolls and a can of Tizer
  20. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1327230691' post='1507961'] It has a Jazz body, a Jazz neck, and one Jazz pickup, and Fender sell it as a Jazz bass. One Jazz pickup is replaced by a Precision pickup. I'd say it's not a P/J, if anything it's a J/P, but it's definitely not a Precision, it's much more a Jazz bass. [/quote] Again and this is splitting hairs and down to interpritation but for me (I take it this is the Reggie Hamilton Bass you have shown) Fender actually call this the Reggie Hamilton Standard Jazz Bass and not just the Standard Jazz bass. It comes with a P pickup and a J pickup, a bass extender and is active/passive. Those features were not on the original concept of Leo's first Jazz so to me this is just Fenders evolution of their Jazz bass in the same way that the latest Mini Cooper is an evolution of the 60's Mini Cooper. In my opinion, giving a total stranger and non bass playing person a Reggie Hamilton Jazz bass and saying this is true representation of an original Jazz bass based on Leo Fenders original concept would be very misleading.
  21. [quote name='Darkstrike' timestamp='1327203146' post='1507837'] Does that mean Jaco's bass wasn't a Jazz, because he pulled the frets out and the pickguard off, making it different from what Fender envisioned? Not to mention he used to put a P bass neck on it sometimes... [/quote] No, it was a Jazz bass in its original state when first purchased. What he did to it afterwards is up to him. Removing the pickguard is probably like changing the laces in your trainers from black ones to white ones. Removing the frets is like removing the laces all together but they still remain as trainers. Its like like they suddenly turn into Wellington boots.
  22. Finding the following settings to work really well with my Warwick Streamer LX4. COMPRESSION: 12 o' Clock BASS: 12 o' Clock MID: 10 o' Clock FREQ: 10 o' Clock TREBLE: 12 o' Clock BRIGHT: Off Really punchy, articulate and full.
  23. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1326987800' post='1504787'] Haha, style isn't their strongpoint! [/quote] Which is unusual for Italians
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