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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I hope Dave says yes to you Nick. You have told me some of the history of this bass so I hope you can get it back.
  2. [indent=1]Good job Machines. At this rate we will need a EBS Reidmar club [/indent]
  3. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1326204944' post='1493745'] Well, you never know...EBS might inject more investment into that corner of the market, but as you said (and I totally agree) the HD, TD and Fafner heads are very much revered as some of the best high powered amp heads available and will certainly continue to be their bread and butter. They did launch the Reidmar very softly and I have seen very little advertising for this amp before and after it came onto the market, so that could suggest that their business focus is still very much based on their other products. If you are looking for a well protected case for the Reidmar give Mark @ Bass Direct a call and ask him about the Gig Skinz bags. The medium size is a perfect fit for this amp and is incredibly well padded. Lots of extra pockets to carry other stuff too. Mark sold me one early last year for my Markbass LMIII and I now use it for the Reidmar. Tidy! [/quote] Thanks shizznit, I may drive up to Bass Direct at the weekend with the Reidmar to try cabs and pick up a Classic 112 so I will look at those Gig Skinz bag also. Will also try an NS NXT double bass so I can see this trip becoming costly
  4. To be honest, I am not bothered about it not being rack mounted. Its just that I am touring soon and wanted to know if i should get a rack case or some other means to store and protect on tour Personally I am happier its not rackable as that means its smaller and I am not keen on racks anyway The only other thing EBS said to me is they are considering making a combo using the Reidmar head,
  5. For me music is part of me, it drives my emotions and its a lanuguage I understand. I am not the most social of humans and I not many things outside of music interest me. When I am playing or listening to music, I am in my world. I am listening to a language that I totally understand and it is controlling my emotions. It is when I am happiest, in control (as Happy Jack mentioned), and in a place that does not feel alien and makes perfect sense. It excites me, it sooths me, it comforts me and stirs me. My wife says when I am not doing anything musical I am a totally different person. The sparkle is gone from my eyes and I am lifeless and I do feel like that. There is a motorsport saying from the film Le Mans. "Racing is Life - Everything else is waiting". This is how I feel about music, "Music is Life - everything else is waiting".
  6. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1326195271' post='1493496'] The Reidmar is a bit wider than a lot of other portable D-class amps, such as Genz, Markbass, Aguilar, EA...etc. Also, you can't rackmount the Reidmar, which is a little disapointing. Hopefully, EBS will improve the ergonomics with their next D-class model. Especially that the new Aguilar Tonehammer 350 is not far off the same size as a packet of fags! Glad that you are joining the Reidmar party today! Don't forget to give us your feedback! Are getting your Classicline cab today too or is that coming later? [/quote] No the cabs will be coming later. I might go and buy one at the weekend but I will obviously give my impressions when up and running. Very excited though
  7. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1326193574' post='1493460'] I have spoken to (emailed) Ralph before and he's a good guy. Bless him...he sent me a replacement tweeter horn FOC when the one in my 410 went within the first couple of weeks owning it, even though I admitted that it was completely my own fault! EBS aftersales care is second to none! Ralphs comments are very interesting. From what he has said there doesn't appear to be much parity in D-class bass amp technology, which may explain why bench test results of other popular brands are falling short of their claims. I'll defend Markbass amps to the hilt and recommend them to anyone...I loved my LMIII, but I can't help but feel a bit cheated. I have a feeling that the Reidmar is going to take a baseball bat to the rest of the D-class market in the coming months. No doubt EBS will continue to develop further into D-class amps and I am looking forward to what further advancements they will produce in the future. [/quote] Yes, I think you are right and I think once word gets around and people hear and try the Reidmar, we may see a lot of other bassists using them. Its also good that EBS produce three different styles of cabs to go with this head so a few options there also. Personally I would like to see EBS produce a more powerful Class D head, say 500 watts and in time make the unit much smaller. Whilst we are talking about size, is the Reidmar the same size as other heads and so rack mountable or is it smaller like other Class D amps? Oh and I should be getting my Reidmar today
  8. shizznit, I spoke to Ralf at EBS about this. This is what he said. [left][b][i][font="Arial"][color="#0000ff"]A theory might be that due to the nature of class D amps, most of those amps feature a built in limiter that reduce dynamics and limits and level out the low end at high volume, which makes the tone lose definiton - only to prevent the power amp from clipping.[/color][/font][/i][/b][/left] [left][b][i][font="Arial"][color="#0000ff"]The Reidmar use a different and unique solution, and does not automatically limit the signal anywhere before the power amp which gives more headroom and preserved definition of tone even at high volumes, which makes it sound even more powerful than it actually is. [/color][/font][/i][/b][/left] [left]We also went on to speak about other class D amps and how they claim to be off a certain output but in fact when tested are nowhere near what they claim to be. He went on to say that EBS are just more accurate with their figures.[/left]
  9. I would also say the MarlBass CMD121H combo as this is what i use but it might be out of your price range. It would be perfect though. Something consider is the new EBS Classic 120 combo. It will be very loud and portable. I have the Classic 60 combo and it is amazing.
  10. I think the only thing I will miss on the Reidmar that the Shuttle amps and MarkBass amps have is a Tuner Out socket.
  11. Thanks EBS freak. I am ordering my Reidmar today and then ordering the speakers after. I would love to have the 4 ohms Classic 212 cab to run with it but at 66lbs it just defeats the object of lightweight. So I will have to settle on 2 x 112 Classic cabs. I love the tone of my EBS Classic 60 combo. Deep, warm and full so I am hoping the Reidmar and Classic 112 cab will be much the same. I only play in an acoustic band so not desperate for lots of power but I am doing some big concert hall gigs later in the year and need something with a bit of balls behind me. I think the Reidmar will be perfect.
  12. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1326098693' post='1492104'] After more research the Reidmar is currently top of the list... probably with one Classic cab for now. The Shuttle 6 entices me with it's hybrid valve preamp but I know I can emulate that through a pedal if required. The EBS setup just looks so portable and i've seen a lot more positives about EBS than GB. [/quote] Good choice sir. Don't discount the MarkBass stuff also as it is very good. I am getting the Reidmar and Classic setup like you but may still keep my MarkBass combo as it is so damn good.
  13. I'm getting an EBS Reidmar and two Classic 112's. The reason is it gives a lovely warm tone. In some ways, I can imagine the Ashdown gives a similar full warm tone. I have had the Shuttle 6 and Shuttle 9 and they were both great giving a nice clean detailed sound but lacked a little something. I also had the Genz Benz 212 cabs which were horrible. Very coloured and not my cup of tea. As has been said, best to go and try them all.
  14. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1325959767' post='1490473'] This is my big concern. I made the mistake of getting rid of my MB heads last year, but ended up getting the F1. I don't want this to happen again. I think it was you who persuaded me against the Shuttle 6.0 last year, based on the slightly lacking low end. [/quote] Don't worry, I'll be telling you to get EBS soon I must admit I don't miss my Genz Benz Shuttle 6 or 9 at all and to be honest, those new sound clips/videos do nothing for me. In the flesh they may sound different but not enough to make me want to go and look at them. If I was going to get something else than the EBS then it would be MarkBass for sure.
  15. Cool. Will you still be selling EBS stuff and likley to have any Classic 112 cabs in stock?
  16. Dave, I think you should buy one so if I am ever interested in your F1 then you can sell me it
  17. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1325941021' post='1490083'] Why don't the lazy bastards just get off their arses & do the legwork for themselves? How would they have managed before the internet (like a lot of us did with no discernible disadvantage). They probably just wouldn't have bothered learning as it would have required too much effort. [/quote] Why is it lazy? They still have to learn to play the song themselves? I can't see any difference to watching Sting on a video playing along to Roxanne and trying to work it out or watching someone on YouTube playing Roxanne and trying to work it out. Its not like you are telling them how to play it note by note and phyically sitting them down and showing them how to play it. As for before the internet then you would had watched a video or listened to a record. No different now apart from its on a computer. Should we ban songbooks as that tells them what to play note for note rather than as you put it, getting off their arses and working it for themselves. Whilst we are at it, we might as well ban tutorial videos and DVD's and thats someone showing them how to play also. As silddx has said, stop being so negative. Times have changed and so has technology but the core is, they still have to learn to play the instrument themselves.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1325936622' post='1489982'] I guess... I just find the whole concept somewhat alien and perplexing. Sure I sometimes like to play along with records - it's how I learnt some stuff when I was a beginner and I do it when I'm learning songs for my covers band. However the idea of going to all the trouble of videoing it and then uploading to YouTube that I simply don't get. Also I know from experience that playing along with the original recording can cover a multitude of sins. No matter how good I sound at home with the record backing me, it's a different story when I play the same songs with my covers band Also maybe as a composer I place creating something new above duplicating something that already exists no matter how much technical ability is required. The only videos you'll ever see of me are live or promos of songs that were written by the bands playing them. [/quote] Generally I would had normally agreed with you. However, I got a request once to post a video clip up of one of my basses to show the tone. i used U2 New Years Day as its a solid bass line and before I know it, I was unindated with requests for more U2 songs to be posted and I now think after a few years, my video has been watched by 30,000 people and is considered the most accurate version on Youtube. I soon got requests for other bands which for some I have done not only resulting in the requesters and others thanking me and saying how much it has helped but also the original bassists saying great job etc. A lot of the requests come from people who are learning to play from all over the world and struggle to find the music in written form or TAB and it really helps them to see where the hand positions are as well as hearing the bass line a bit clearer rather than mixed down in the original track. I have also had requests and thanks from people who are disabled in some form and enjoy music and learning to play but have difficulties playing. Finally and recently, because my basslines to other artists songs are played note for note, one of my covers of a Simple Minds song is being used in a project to recreate the songs using the best version from Youtube of all other instruments as well as being analiyzied through some piece of waveform software to really see how accurate the cover is. Plus I do get lots of questions from bassists asking what I think of this bass, amp, cabs etc and can I do a song with X bass or amp etc. So to my surprise, these sort of covers have really helped a lot of people in more ways than I expected.
  19. Thanks shizznit, I think you are right, I will stick with my 12's. I am worried that 10's will be too funky for my liking. I like a bit of warmth and fatness, especially as the acoustic group I play with needs me to fill the low frequencies. Think Motown with a little bit of bite and clarity.
  20. I think I have settled on two Classic 112's for my Reidmar when it arrives. However, I can't help think that a single Proline 210 standing on its side will be a better option. I will get the full 250watts as the cab is 4 ohms where as one Classic 112 will only give me 125watts at 8 ohms. I just love the look of the Classic cabs but annoyed I would have to take two cabs to get the full beans.
  21. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1325849783' post='1488629'] :-), you can blame Gareth for that. I really only hear about new amp gear when i speak to him, i should put him on my ignore list lol. [/quote] I think we could extend this and blame Gareth for a lot of things. Lets make him the offical BC scapegoat. I'm sure he won't mind
  22. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1325767014' post='1487255'] Depends what the gig is! When it's my own music, it's an opportunity to get the creative side of me (and the rest of my band) out to a wider audience, and also to network. It's brilliant. Money is often an afterthought though. When it's covers, I'd be lying if I said I really loved it, but I do enjoy it and always try to put 100% in. It's just a way of me making money and funding the above ^^ [/quote] For me it is this also. I have always done 95% original music so for me it is the whole creative side, from writing new material, to challenging yourself musically and as a performer as well as trying to offer something enjoyable and new to the listener.
  23. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1325848085' post='1488584'] Ed's got one as well. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=SP-OazNzPdY"]http://www.youtube.c...e&v=SP-OazNzPdY[/url] They sound interesting, i like the tone in these clips more than the Streamliner clips. Hmmm, maybe.......just maybe... [/quote] HAHAHAHAHA I knew I would find you in this thread
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