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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='ZMech' timestamp='1325344501' post='1482339'] I [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/117525-transporting-the-damn-thing/page__hl__transporting"]started a thread a while ago[/url] after thinking this. Since then my sis sold her micra before I actually had a reason to test the theories out for myself, but it sounded promising [/quote] Wow, thanks for that. Reading the first few posts about them fitting in a Micra, Fiesta's and Ka's, then my Clio will be fine by the sounds of it. I doubt it will go in My Scooby Impreza but the Clio sounds promising.
  2. Hi James, I have not heard back from the chap who posted in this thread or someone else who has shown interes via PMt. I will send them both a PM and if they are not interested then its all yours. Cheers, Michael
  3. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1325265673' post='1481548'] DB is the real deal... come round to try if you like... [/quote] Thanks Jake, I might just do that as I think hearing it will be enough to convince me
  4. [quote name='TheRev' timestamp='1325265164' post='1481536'] If you want to play double bass, then get a double bass and get on with it. An EUB is more likely to help you develop bad playing habits rather than setting you up for a good DB technique. However, if you want to play double bass, but have limited space at home/on stage/on your moped, then an electric upright will be a good compromise. I initially chose the EUB route due to stage space limitations - I play some really tiny jazz and cider bars so my Eminence is my main gigging instrument. However, my DB is always played at home (and she comes out for bigger gigs & festivals) and the sound and feel is markedly different, good though the Eminence is. Ultimatley, I have an EUB for practical reasons but if all else were equal it would be DB all the way. [/quote] Yes, this is one of the issues I have, being a little limited on space but I don't want to compromise on missing out on the real deal so I may just say sod it and get a DB and worry about space later. I also have two cars which neither will be able to transport a DB which is a slight worry
  5. Thanks for the awsome review shizznit. I am planning on getting one of these with two EBS classic 112 cabs or maybe two classic 110 cabs. I have some gigs next year playing at the Roundhouse in Camden with my acoustic band which is 3 guitars and bass. I was planning on using just one of the 112 cabs with the Reidmar for the gig as I will have foldback monitor on stage. You think this will be loud enough? The other option is to scrap the two classic 112s idea and get one Proline 210 but I am worried I would lose that warm vintage tone that the classic cabs produce. Any thoughts on this?
  6. Just a quick question from me to the double bass experts. Is it worth learning on an electric double bass, for example an NS WAV or is it worth going for an acoustic double bass? I did have one of those Stagg EUB a few years back which seemed ok but I have no experience to compare against an acoustic double bass. Due to other commitments, I could not really put the time in. Now I do have the time (kind of) and want to dabble again, I am not sure to go acoustic or electric this time. Any advice?
  7. Very shocked by this. Although I have had no dealings in terms of sales and trades, Rich has been more than helpful with advice on basses etc and even contacted me when ironically Tom was selling the perfect Stingray which I went on to buy. I know Rich has been very busy (no excuse judging by the timeline here) but rather shocked by this whole event. Really hope this gets sorted out quickly, for Tom's sake and for Rich's.
  8. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1325072513' post='1479509'] Linus, keep in touch and if it doesn't move, then you'll have it one day! [/quote] Thanks and I do hope ao
  9. I think they all sound great but just different so really more a case of what you like personally.
  10. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1325003888' post='1479037'] Check out iRealB [/quote] OH MY GOD, I just got this and its the best thing I have ever purchased. Its what I have been looking for and dreaming off. I now have thousands of Jazz/Latin/Brazilian tracks thats I can drop the bass out of and play my own bass to. Its bloody amazing. Thanks for the heads up.
  11. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1325012709' post='1479131'] Almost there.... [/quote] HEHEHE I'll hold him to ransom
  12. EBS Classic Session 60 is awsome. About £200 new, 60 watts and sounds fantasic.
  13. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1325018946' post='1479214'] Nothing that might be tradeable? [/quote] I don't think so I am afraid My collection is pretty complete and its a case of adding more (double bass, 51' Precision) rather than losing any
  14. [quote name='Soliloquy' timestamp='1324410951' post='1473998'] I just got my Reidmar today. I gotta say I'm very impressed with it. It's very well made, sounds very nice and is surprisingly very loud for 250 watts. [/quote] Where did you get your Reidmar from? Thomann is the only place I have seen that has them in stock.
  15. Maybe we should all email him and wind him up and see how low we can et him to drop it. Will he take $100 maybe for his thin air
  16. [quote name='tonyf' timestamp='1324475330' post='1474686'] +1 The grey is a real "marmite" colour. T [/quote] Grey will never go out of fashion as its never been in fashion hahahaha
  17. Mmmm interesting. Not so keen on the two colours of the skyline but maybe there will be more options.
  18. [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1324412264' post='1474020'] Comparing amp's loudness at equal gain & volume settings is utterly futile - whichever has the greatest dB gain at that setting will win, not the one with the most power. By that method every old TE amp was way louder than my old SWR/QSC rack - but push both to clipping (which required much more knob turning on the rack) and the 3000W rack rig unsurprisingly left the 300W TE amp in the dust. A Shuttle 9.0 is only 1.8dB more powerful than a Shuttle 6.0 - which is only a slight amount. It isn't like going from 50W to 350W, it's like going from 50W to 75W. So if the Reidmar is an honest 250W it won't be much quieter than the other more powerful micro-amps, especially if their ratings are less honest. [/quote] Alex, I am so glad you joined this thread. I had a Shuttle 6 and moved up to a shuttle 9 and it really did not seem that much louder. Certainly not the massive just I was expecting so your explanation has cleared up why that was. I was speaking to EBS about the Reidmar and they said it does not automatically limit the signal anywhere before the power amp which gives more headroom and preserved definition of tone even at high volumes, where as other class D amps [color=#000000]feature a built in limiter that reduce dynamics and limits and level out the low end at high volume, which makes the tone lose definiton - only to prevent the power amp from clipping.[/color]
  19. I find that with my MarkBass 121H combo that I can just run pretty much any bass flat. The thing I dial to about 11 o clock is the low mids. I never touch the filters as it sounds good flat.
  20. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1324337397' post='1473280'] :-) You're welcome to borrow it if you wanted to try it out. [/quote] HEHE that sounds cool although I must give your your pedal back also. Would be interesting to hear how it sounds next to a LMIII head.
  21. The thing I liked about The Holy Bible was it was just so dark, gritty and clunky.
  22. Cool. Stuff. Let me know when your next gig is so I can kidnapp you and your amp head
  23. Blimey Dave, I never knew you had the F1 in red. Uber jealous now Never knew you had an Epi either. I thought you had a Schroder
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