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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. I bought an EBS Classic Session 60 and it really is amazing. Very loud with a wonderful deep thumpy sound. Not boxy at all like a lot of combos. Well worth getting one if anyone is thinking about it.
  2. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1324237872' post='1472192'] I was initially going to go for two 110's but they only had one in stock so went for one of each. Im pretty happy I did actually, they sound really good together and are both great on their own so if your really tight on space, the extra inch on the 110 can make a difference!! [/quote] So whats the difference tonally between the 10" speaker and the 12" speaker?
  3. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1324217769' post='1471891'] Had an awesome weekend of gigging. Used my EBS Reidmar with just a single 1x10 for both shows and it sounded fantastic with no pa support. Happy days [/quote] This EBS stuff is on my list of buys. Just not sure to go for 2 x Classic 110 or 2 x Classic 112.
  4. If I was in the OP shoes I would be looking at doing media and business degree's. All those skills are transferable and probably more usefull in the real world when getting a job. I would then study music in my own time and play in lots of bands to gain experience and then let life sort out the rest.
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1323857902' post='1467757'] This..................... as it is, neither do anything for me. [/quote] Yes agree to this and the only reason why I would not buy one.
  6. Yep, this play is uber cool. Long may it continue.
  7. [quote name='Clive Tee' timestamp='1323861755' post='1467822'] Thanks so far. Do you think the EBS 60 is better than the Roland Cube 60? [/quote] I have not tried the Roland Cube although they do get good to mixed reviews. All I can say is the EBS Classic 60 is awsome.
  8. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1323861770' post='1467824'] From last night, rehearsing a work-in-progress original. Much confusion over the sequence of sections (instrumental chorus, "the bit where it goes to D", etc etc). After the third attempt where all five us seem to think something different is supposed to happen, I suggest that we get a piece of paper and write it down. The guitarist says, "Don't write it down... I won't read it." [/quote] GGGRRRRR I would of had to say something scarcastic after that like "I will only use small words so you can understand"
  9. I have the EBS Classic 60 combo and it is amazing. You can get any tone you want from it, deep, thumpy bass or clear and crisp. Plus its very very loud for a 60 watt combo. I use it for rehearsals and my MarkBass combo for gigs. However, I am so impressed with the EBS stuff and to the guys at EBS who I have been chatting with that I am ditching the MarkBass gear in the new year and getting an EBS Reidmar 250 and 2 x Classic 112 cabs. The Classic 60 is certainly the best combo around.
  10. Linus27


    [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1323779023' post='1466841'] Thought so. It may have just been at the mercy of the eliments then. A luthier might have been able to fix it by (re)sealing it in properly. But it's neither hear nor there now you got it sorted. [/quote] Yeah true but as it was a brand new bass thankfully Musicman/S&T jumped on it right away and sorted it.
  11. Linus27


    [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1323776825' post='1466805'] Out of interest was it an unfinished (ie. no varnish on the rear) neck? [/quote] Yes, unfinished.
  12. Linus27


    I bought a brand new 3EQ Stingray back in 1998 and the neck would never settle. It would constantly be going out of tune and was just unplayable. I contacted Musicman who asked me to take it to Strings and Things. They looked at it and said the maple was too soft and just replaced the neck there and then. Never had a problem since.
  13. There is a very worrying silence from Gareth.
  14. [quote name='LawrenceH' timestamp='1323772064' post='1466696'] Tbh there is no harm in being a (polite, to start with) pain in the a&*e and it's often the best way, especially at a busy time like the lead-up to Christmas. I'd be nagging them daily at this point. [/quote] +1
  15. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1323729920' post='1466433'] better still [size=8][b]THANKS F//CK FOR THAT![/b][/size] [/quote] HAHAHAHAHA
  16. Oh Gareth, I hate to burst your bubble but I had to sent a Stingray 4 HH / White / Rosewood / Black Pearl Plate / Matching Headstock built in October 2011 back to S&T as it was made from old egg boxes and a bit of sticky back plastic. It looked ok apart from the made in a shed by a guy with a flatcap, a whippet and an fetish for cheese logo on the back but I could just tell it was not right Seriously dude, this is great news, really hope its a winner.
  17. To be honest, I have no idea what tennis elbow is. What are the symptoms? The reason i ask is very very occasionally i get an sharp pain in my elbow. Does not bother me but just wondered if its tennis elbow.
  18. Thanks Lawrence, again, this points to the more warmer cab suiting my requirements more. Just need to find out what they use in the Club range of cabs.
  19. [quote name='ltswifty' timestamp='1323699548' post='1465949'] The whole wattage rating figures thing just doesn't add up between brands to my eyes. I also have a Genz Shuttle 3.0. it's meant to be 300 Watts into 4 Ohms, but it is nowhere near as loud as the Reidmar. I took the lid of the Genz Benz and saw it used a Bang Olufsen IcePower power amp, that has a maximum rating of 200 Watts into 4 Ohms from Bang & Olufsen's spec sheet. Great sounding amp, but power seems somewhat over stated ;-) [/quote] Funny you should say that, I had a Shuttle 6 (500 watts @ 4 ohms) and then a Shuttle 9 (900 watts @ 4 ohms) and I was convinced that the Shuttle 9 was only a little bit louder. It sounded great but did not seems to be that much louder.
  20. [quote name='ltswifty' timestamp='1323697740' post='1465914'] Did a comparison test on Sunday between the Reidmar, EBS TD650 and Markbass LMII, all going into a 4 Ohm EBS Proline 410 (not the cab I would use with it but, wanted a good 4 Ohm cab so I could just concentrate on the amp). Volume wise, I tend to gig with the LMII just below half volume into 4 Ohms and half gain with the TD650 again into 4 Ohms (with 2 Ohm obviously need less gain). I compared the volume of the Reidmar at half gain (input also half way up), and it was louder than either the LMII or the TD650 at the same settings. Must admit that surprised me, I don't know how that works out but that was what I found. So, for my playing needs, it is definitely loud enough. It still seemed to have quite a lot left in it, although I couldn't turn it up much further for very long as there were other customers in the shop and it was very loud. Tone wise it's pretty close to the TD650, but is obviously missing the drive section. It has that glassy EBS top end, but the bright control offered a little less gain than the bright control on the TD650. 10 O'clock on the TD650's bright control seemed to be about the same as 2 O'Clock on the Reidmar. Also, using the same bass, the input control has to be pushed up more on the Reidmar than the TD650 before the clip light comes on. So looks like the pre-amp gain might be a little lower. Compressor functioned well, sounded the same as the TD650 compressor as far as I could tell. The low end on the Reidmar seemed a little bloated/un-defined compared to the TD650. I found myself reducing the low frequencies, either on the bass guitar or on the Reidmar itself to get some low end definition back. The mid frequency sweep on the Reidmar is centred at 600Hz, while the TD650 is centred at 400Hz. After I had noticed that (doh), I had no problem boosting the low mid the way I like it. Dynamics wise the Reidmar did feel a little more compressed than the TD650, about the same as the LMII. It looks well made, with a nice metal casing. It's made in China, but quality of construction and finish looked good to me. Carrying handle on the side may be of some use? Overall I was pretty impressed, I shall be buying one. [/quote] Hey, thanks for the review. That is so surprising that it was louder than the LMII. The LMII is 500 watts right and the Reidmar is 250 watts, How's that work then?
  21. Cheers Evil. Like I say, if I need one, i will be knocking on your door
  22. Thanks everyone. If I find I need one still (goal posts moving at the moment) then I will get myself one.
  23. Thanks Gareth. I think I read that the Club cabs try to create a more vintage tone anyway so it may be a better buy.
  24. Possibly looking at getting a couple of 12" MarkBass cabs but have no idea what the difference is tonally between the Traveller, New York and Club cabs. I can't seem to find much info on the web anywhere either. Anyone know what the difference is tonally? I like the look of the New York range but idealy I would like something thats going to have a warm fuller classic tone rather than bright, detailed and articulate.
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