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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Like Chlo_treacher, I have also been very fortunate with my bass playing. Been signed, toured, TV and radio sessions, working with top producers and artists and even been on the front cover of a magazine when all my dream ever was when I started was to record a CD, get a song played on the radio and maybe do a gig in europe. I agree with the old saying that the more you practise and put into it the more you will get out of it. However, I would also add that its mighty important to stop, walk away and come back. A short break of a few days to clear your head really helps re-focus and you will be amazed at how much you have absorbed and perhaps things you were struggling with become easier. So don't look at practising as a regime or a must do for the sake of doing it. However, the most important thing for me which I was told by pure accident under a different context is to listen to everything, every genre of music. So many bedroom warriors or pub players slag of other genres of music and refuse to listen to it because its uncool or they don't like it. To me this is so shortsighted. Music is music and you can always learn something and improve your own playing by listening to other players, be it pop, jazz, rock, metal, reggae etc. Just don't be precious about it, just absorb everything. Many great players in all forms of music. My wife has now gotten used to me playing totally different styles of music back to back. I would play some Miles Davis or Rage Against The Machine and then put onThe Promise by Girls Aloud and she would go, why the hell are you playing that crap. I just say check out the bass line and she then gets it
  2. Last nights gig was ok. We played well but as I am not enjoying it as much for various politcal reasons at the moment I thought I would just play for me and the best I possibly could. I had been playing around for a few weeks with trying to get a much deeper fuller sound out of my Precision and MarkBass combo so last nights gig was the perfect time to put it in practise. Cut the volume back on the bass from 100% to around 85%, dialled the tone back to a bit more bass and ran the amp flat and I got a lovely deep, thumpy tone. Really focused on my vocals also and got some nice comments after about my bass playing and vocals so all in all a success.
  3. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1323552384' post='1464580'] Army gig tonight. Guests arrived 1 hour earlier than we were told to arrive. Both us and guests entering via the same small door way. DJ disappeared after turning music on, meaning our sound check was in front of a full marquee with bloody Cher playing over us. Then we get told instead of 2 one hour sets can we just do one and a bit. Lovely, only we now have 4 1/2 hours to kill before we get to play. We are sitting in a cafe on the base with a load of squadies watching bloody X factor and getting drunk (them and us). Rock and roll [/quote] HAHA that is ace. A great memory to look back on in years to come
  4. I used to take a back up bass because my old band was a guitar punk pop type group, similar to Ash, Green Day, Feeder so playing driving bass with a pick would eventually end in broken strings as it did from time to time. My basses at the time were a 77 Fender Precision and an ESP Jazz. These days, I play with my fingers in an acoustic type motown soul group and so only take one bass, a 2008 US Fender Precision. I am possibly doing a small tour, supporting at The Roundhouse next year for three nights so I might just get a Squire Classic Vibe 50's precision as a backup in case of any eventualities but generally, one bass for me these days.
  5. Look forward to hearing the video reviewJake as well as your thoughts Itswifty.
  6. Cheers Gareth. As its probably going to be sitting on stage doing nothing, then thats not important but in case I do need to use it, I could change the pup for something better for very little money.
  7. [quote name='JakeBrownBass' timestamp='1323444421' post='1463515'] Ok, first impressions. This thing sounds amazing. It really has kept true to that EBS sound. From playing in my room i'd happily say its just as loud as my hd350 was when paired with a 210. I've got a backline gig tonight so i'll report back on that later. Really really impressed with the cabs, rather than having a rotary tweeter control they've got a simple on/off switch & with them turned off you get a really nice old school sound, sounds great with my neck pickup. I wouldn't say the cabs were heavy or light but saying this they are an easy one hand lift. A lot easier to carry than my old epifani. So yeah, as of now i'm totally loving it. Going to put it through it's paces tonight and report back. Also, i hope to get some time next week to record a full video review of the amp to show all lovely people. Jake [/quote] Wow, that looks amazing and really happy you got some classic cabs as they are on my radar. Not sure what the difference is tonally between a 10" or a 12" cab but I see EBS make both in the classic range. My only concern is with one cab, its only 125 watts which is not a lot although you do say its very loud. Looking foward to more info from you when you get the chance.
  8. Whats the general opinion of the Squire Classic Vibe 50's Precision? I am thinking about getting one as a backup to my US Fender Precision for some big gigs I have next year. Will they do the job or pretty cheap and nasty? Also interested in the tone, one trick pony or nice and punchy with a tone dial that actually does something?
  9. Hi Chris, will it been known at the bass Merchant still or will it be under the electromarket name? Plus, are you planning on having the same sort as stock as the old showroom like Warwick, Spector, EBS, MarkBass etc.
  10. [quote name='gapiro' timestamp='1323374391' post='1462759'] if this is here in the first week of january, its mine [/quote] HEHEHE If only I could speed up the clocks
  11. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1323300248' post='1461904'] I'd always prefer one of those Markbass Bass Keeper things. Properly tough velcro [/quote] I really like those but thay only work if you have handles on the ride?? My MarkBass combo has a handle on top so that might look a bit silly Oh and I want your bass
  12. [quote name='Kirky' timestamp='1323263289' post='1461160'] These look nice (from Stringbusters): [url="http://www.stringbusters.com/Ko-Bespoke/productlist.asp?cat=1/BITS%20-%20PIECES/BITS%20-%20PIECES%20GUITAR%20CARE"][/url] [/quote] I like the look of that and it does go very small when folded down. Being wood, I wonder how durable it is when used a lot.
  13. 7 for me which is made up of fretted and fretless Fender's, Warwick, Stingray, ESP and a Washburn Acoustic which is for sale.
  14. I have a Washburn AB10 in black for sale. I chose it as it was considered one of the best at the time and I had used one before to record and it sounds excellent. I would however say that any acoustic bass with no amp will be very quiet. Not quiet as an electric bass played acoustically but still fairly quiet. On its own it is fine but add other instruments then you might struggle. Anyway, here is a link to my one for sale. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159557-for-sale-washburn-ab10-acoustic-bass-inc-gigbag-price-drop/page__hl__washburn__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Just noticed you are in Basingstoke. I am in Camberley so you are welcome to pop round and have a try if interested.
  15. I am a little interested in this head also although I am very new to the whole EBS thing. I bought a classic 60 combo which sounds amazing. Very warm with a full vintage tone and very loud. Sounds amazing with my acoustic band with either a Precision or Stingray. If EBS made a 250w - 300w classic combo, maybe with a 15" speaker then I would be first in line to grab one as it would be perfect for the bigger gigs I do.. So I have been looking at this head but the problem I have is EBS don't make a small 4 ohms classic cab like a 1 x 12 or 1 x 15. If I used the head with the Classic 1 x 12, I would only get about 125 watts output and I might as well buy the Classic 120 combo which would be much cheaper. My only options is the EBS Neoline 115 which is 4 ohms and 300 watts rating or the EBS Neoline 210 which is 4 ohms and 400 watt rating. Not only are these cabs very expensive, they are also a little overkill for a 250 watt head and defeat the object or have a small rig. Still, I would be interested to hear peoples opinions on this head when they starting arriving.
  16. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1323186144' post='1460277'] I must be the only male on Earth that finds her totally repellant. [/quote] I don't fancy her but she is very lovely. Always comes across as very nice and fun in interviews.
  17. Has anyone got or used one of these Hercules mini guitar stands? Are they any good?
  18. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1323166072' post='1459893'] I can't concentrate on the bass playing [/quote] Was there some bass? Sorry I got distracted also
  19. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' timestamp='1323003975' post='1458109'] No recommendations from me because I am not you But... if I was you, I'd spend the cash on a lovely butterscotch Squier 50's style P bass, stick a duncan q/pounder in there and ftw! Cheers [/quote] This is exactly what I was going to say also. My main bass is a US Precision and I have some big gigs coming up next year. I am look at getting one of these 50's Precisions as my backup as chances are, it will never get played but if it does in the event of an emergency, then it will do a cracking job and they are cheap enough to not be a big outlay.
  20. Bump for another trade option, Squire Classic Vibe 50's Precision.
  21. I believe that it is more a case of absorbing the information at a young age. A childs brain is like a sponge, so if they are exposed to a musical environment for example, then they are absorbing this information both conciously and un-conciously.
  22. Don't know the original at all but I liked this song Clarky and the recording sounds ace. Tight, punchy and everything sounding ace. Top job fella If I am honest though, not so keen on the artwork because it looks too much like a heavy metal band and not what the actual band sounds like. I know you are going for that Zombie look but it was more metal than ghoulish. Still, the track is cracking.
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