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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1322136824' post='1446936'] Now now do you not remember the rule about thou monobrowed one??? And out of the F1 thread too. [/quote] Damn, I totally forgot, I mentioned the name of the one we are not allowed to mention. Oh bugger. By the way off to post something in the F1 thread. See you there.
  2. [quote name='Clarky' timestamp='1322131500' post='1446800'] If I could be banned from OT would probably improve my experience too. OK, off to find an OT thread and call someone a tosser [/quote] Lol, I would suggest we start our own and get us both banned but Johnson would have nobody to argue with in the F1 thread and I am sure the others would miss my Alonso ramblings if I got banned
  3. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1322131210' post='1446795'] I think its a good thing that people prefer to spend time with their family rather than on a forum. Just sayin. [/quote] Yep, have to agree with this.
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1322130950' post='1446791'] I've not really noticed any change as I tend to stay out of off-topic. It's the same old stuff over and over again. [/quote]
  5. As I was writing my reply to this thread Clarky, you were one of the people in my head who I had noticed were posting a lot less
  6. I agree with you Pete. There does seem to be a lack of topics by a lot of the usual gang. I used to be able to spend all day trying to keep tabs of all the topics but now I can do it in an hour or so. Plus as has pointed out, the pos/neg voting system I think is really killing the need to post replies and keep topics alive.
  7. [quote name='mercuryl' timestamp='1321966999' post='1444853'] An interview with a regular Joe bass player - who nobody knows, but plays the pubs and clubs on a regular basis. All about what it is like to be a regular bass player. [/quote] I like that idea so I put myself forward to be the first victim to share my 24 years of playing Worked my arse off playing every dive bar whilst keeping down a day job to finally getting a deal. Then sueing the record company to then rediscovering bass all over again a few years later amazed at how things have moved on to now back again recording and gigging. So if anyones interested which is probably a big NO then I'm up for it I'm sure there are quite a few other interesting people here who have an interesting background.
  8. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1321968087' post='1444871'] 'Do's' and 'Dont's' of wedding gigs/rehersals/auditions etc... like the thread here on BC. Perhaps we could inspire a list for all the readers! [/quote] I think you could be onto something here. With the current trend to be away from doing originals and more cover/function bands, I think it would be good to cover this topic.
  9. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1321883131' post='1443994'] Got me thinking you could take a lot from the Top Gear format - Star on a Reasonably Priced Bass anyone? [/quote] That would be quite fun actually. Fifteen minutes talking about what they have been up to, their first bass and other basses etc followed by one of their famous bass lines played on a cheap nasty bass to see how it fairs. Could be quite fun
  10. HEHEHE well the song was very good so hopefully it will make you a little money
  11. Personally, I would want a bass mag the same as how I would like a TV car show. The criticism that Top Gear has come under is that it hardly reviews cars that everyday people can afford or want and only focus on the extreme supercars. Long gone has the motoring magazing show which a lot of people miss. So when I am looking at buying a car or trying to find details, I have to look over old Top Gear clips or reviews on the internet for cars like Meganes, Pug 207's, Alfa 156's etc. So I think its important that a bass mag not only covers the more unusual boutique basses but also touches on the stuff that people use everyday like Fenders and Squires. You can certainly see more people asking on the forum about pre Korean Warwick Corvettes, Squires, Fenders etc than the high end boutique basses. I just think its important to not miss out on your Ford Focus drivers as well as keeping your Ferrari Enzo drivers happy also
  12. You are Pulp's love children and I claim my £5
  13. [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1321776464' post='1442843'] No problem Linus27 - this review has only been here nearly 4 years . [/quote] So Machines, would you use one of these basses as your main working bass or just not up to scratch?
  14. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1321728804' post='1442545'] New covers band, only practised a couple of times. We did a small support slot, 5 songs, at The Olive Branch in Barnstaple. A very good first gig, we were all pleased and happy with it. The two main bands were quite young, 19 to 21, and so was most of the crowd therefore. Our few songs weren't really their cup of tea but we still went down very well. A glitch half way through the guitar solo of Rebel Yell actually did us a favour in a way, I think. The power to our amps cut out, our drummer kept going and did a sort of groovyish solo whilst we sorted out the problem, as soon as power was restored, about 30secs or so, we came right back in where we'd left off. We're thinking of keeping it in the set it went down really rather well As all the others, apart from my singer who is the same age as me, were about half my age, I did say to her that I was probably the only one performing who carries indigestion tablets in his gig bag A good time, hopefully there'll be quite a few more. [/quote] Top job Marvin
  15. Thanks for the review. Been getting GAS for a cream one of these today. I adore the looks, so very cool and retro looking.
  16. I have both and to me they are both different, I can't comment on the entire range of both brands as I have not owned or tried all of them but this is my experience on the MarkBass 121H combo and the EBS Classic Session 60 which I own both off. The MarkBass is very clean, very punchy and works great flat apart from the low mids being turned down a touch. Nice and light and also has the ability to tune any tone you want. It is a very clean sound though. Only short coming is no mute button. The EBS Classis Session 60 I have only had for a week but I am mighty impressed. Very very loud for a 60 watt combo and has some great features like filters and character button to shape and change your tune. Tonally its a bit darker and more vintage sounding than the MarkBass and sounds great with a Precision. Really fills the room with low tight bottom end. Probably not a good indication of the entire EBS and MarkBass range but it might give you food for thought.
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1321568097' post='1440884'] Why didn`t I think of this? This amp got a really good review in, I think, Bass Guitar Magazine. They couldn`t rate it highly enough. [/quote] Yeah it really is great. The thing I like about it is that the sound is tight and punchy but with a warm vintage thickness. So with acoustic guitars and my Precision it works really well as it fills that bottom end that acoustic guitars don't touch. I am totally blown away by mine and I have only had it a couple of days. Oh and it has the tilt back option if you so desire.
  18. I am in the same boat as you and have just bought an EBS Session 60 and my god is it good. 60 watts but bloody loud and fantastic tone. About £200 to buy and very lovely.
  19. 5 string bass is one string away from being a guitarist. You are on a slippery slope my boy. You have been warned :)
  20. [quote name='Shawman' timestamp='1321445776' post='1439155'] much love for it - just have no use for an acoustic just now all the best sir! [/quote] Thank you very much
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