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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Ok thank you. No, all I need these days is a combo so I have a MarkBass 121H combo for gigs and the EBS Session 60 for rehearsals.
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1321437283' post='1439015'] Glad you got sorted out. (And you've seen the EBS light huzzah!) [/quote] Thank you. It really is a cracking little combo. Such a warm vintage tone. At the moment, I am trying to find prices for the for the classic session 120 but nothing yet available online. I imagine its going to be around £450 though.
  3. Well I managed to get pretty much a brand new one of these of Ebay for a bargain price and all I can say is wow. Normally for gigs and rehearsalswith my acoustic band I use my MarkBass 121H combo but to be honest, dragging it to rehearsals every Tuesday and Thursday is getting a bit much and a bit overkill so I wanted something a lot smaller and easier to move. First of all, the look and quality is top notch. It looks so very cool and so very vintage. Its not that light but easy enough to carry. Tonally it sounds superb. Only tried my MIA Precision but it growls with a wonderful deep vintage tone. Not muddy in anyway but deep and punchy. Wonderful. For such a small combo, I was worried that it might sound boxy and nasly but not this at all. If you start playing with the filter and character button then even more amazing tones can be had. Oh and one more thing, its very very loud which is very surprising for a 60 watt amp. This is my first taste of EBS stuff and I am mighty impressed. It has got me considering the bigger 120 watt brother for gigs or even exploring other EBS gear. Just when I thought I was settled with MarkBass, along comes this amazing EBS gear.
  4. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1321275507' post='1437143'] I'm inclined to agree. I *really* don't want to sound snobby but we do all come from very different backgrounds and now that I've introduced a 'middle management' guitarist it might have been the straw that broke the Camel's back. I'm a non-drinking, non-football-fan IT consultant (but I don't have mock Grecian pillars on the front of my house, so I'm ok really!!!) and that was bad enough [/quote] HAHAHA that so rings true with me not just with bands but with work and other walks of life. As I don't care about football and my whole motivation is NOT going to the pub for a pint, it can be so hard to fit in. Anyway, dump band 1 and work on band 2. They seem to have something good about them.
  5. I have the exact same bass in the same colour with black guard also. Superb basses. Don't drop the price any more, the market is dead I am afraid so don't give it away unless desperate.
  6. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1321281507' post='1437260'] Flyfisher makes perfect sense. I hereby choose to state my approval of and support for his post in written form and without using the positive button. (Not being sarcastic here, just lighthearted!) [/quote] I on the other hand can not support anyone who fails to agree that he who cannot be named is the best current F1 driver on the grid and will therefore do nothing
  7. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1321275730' post='1437145'] Not to disappoint I thought I would start with that post Maybe you should start calling him he who cannot be named in a Harry Potter stylie After the Linus' post I considered doing a search for Alonso As long as it is all done in good humour and not taken as some sort of gospel on someones character. although I reckon it should stay out of OT and keep it to valid information in the on topic parts of the site. So if someone constantly gives out wrong info you know not to listen to them because of the negs but the one with loads of likes. But I can see this becoming interesting for the Mods. I would expect a lot of "He neged me blub blub" or people neging just because they think Labour should be in power etc etc. [/quote] HAHA Well I did go and double check My nickname at work is Harry Potter so it would fit me doing that
  8. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1321273507' post='1437110'] Thankfully I think most of the regulars in the F1 thread will be able to resist negging out of pettiness. I'm not as hopeful for such a well balanced response outside of that thread though. [/quote] Yes I agree
  9. [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1321271399' post='1437072'] Great - now my paranoia means that I have to comeback to check all my previous posts every 5 minutes just in case someone has added a neg vote - DAMN YOU !!! [/quote] HAHAHA I have already done that in the F1 2011 thread
  10. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1321270910' post='1437065'] True. And for most of us a neg post would be cause for concern to a lesser or greater degree. For a tiny but disproportionately destabilising minority, it might be a badge of honour. Let us ask ourselves this. Love his posts though I did, would tBBC have let a few hundred negs deter him? 'Like' is a good thing and enables members to express an uncontroversial approbation of a point or the way in which it is made. But 'Dislike' seems a problematically opaque platform upon which to base a forum self-policing policy. Give me an old-fashioned Mod any day. They'd give you a clip round the ear and send you home to your mum. ([i]Wanders off singing: "Boiled Beeef and Carrots, doing the Lambeth Walk![/i] ) [/quote] Has anyone ever told you before that you might be a little mad in a totally healthy way?
  11. I can't really see the point of the Negative button. It does not add anything to the forum and could put people off from posting. I know if I kept getting negative points for example posting about Alonso then I would soon think, sod this and stop posting. I don't think its a healthy way to keep a forum active. I think the Positive button is good move but I would just remove the Negative button.
  12. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1321222180' post='1436755'] Pretty sure, yes. I can remember reading interviews with him during his 80's heyday with Paul Young, Go West etc. where he said he used a carbon fibre neck on his stingray and had worn the fingerboard out on it so he had to get another one. I think he went back to the standard wooden neck but there are clips on Youtube where you can see his stingray has an all black neck with what looks like a Modulus or Moses Graphite logo on it. [/quote] Ok cool, thank you.
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1321202182' post='1436365'] Pino's fretless Stingray had a carbon fibre neck (actually it had a couple as he managed to wear one out!), so once again this tone will be different to a Stingray fretless with stock neck. [/quote] Is that 100% correct about Pino using a carbon fibre neck as I have never heard that before? Also the vids and piccies I have seen of him playing his Ray looks just like a normal Ray neck.
  14. Oh very difficult question as all your choices are so very different sounding. They say the Wal is the bee's knees although I have never played a fretless one. However, the fretted I did play was very heavy but they should not be a deal breaker. Plus, don't forget, Derek Forbes not only played a fretless Precision, he also played fretless Wal's. Talking to him the other month, he has gone back to Precisions now as he says you just can't beat them. The Stingray should be great if you like that tone. I find mine is a little hard to play and not so natural compared to my other fretless basses. I have a Warwick Streamer Jazzman fretless which really is so easy to play. It sounds very very nice but lacks a little Mwah. Awsome bass though. My best sounding fretless is an ESP Jazz. It is so rich with Mwah and so easy to play. I've not tried a fretless Precision but I am gassing after one. From the ones I have heard, they do sound very very sweet. I think any of the basses on your list will sound great so its probably more a case of playing them and finding out which one you feel comfortable with. My ESP Jazz and Warwick I can gig with with my eyes shut but if i was going to take the Stingray then I would have to put some hours in to get comfortable with the neck. Also, I imagine the Wal a far amount more than the Stingray and Precision. Keep us posted.
  15. Blimey, how did they ever cope back in the 50's, 60's and 70's before this was invented
  16. [quote name='PURPOLARIS' timestamp='1321118391' post='1435589'] We play a mixture of music from Coldplay, Waterboys, Oasis, The Jam, Bowie, Nirvana, Floyd, anything really but mainly rock and indie type songs. We go down well in pubs as we're not an "in your face" type band, the punters can still have a chat as they tap their feet to the music. [/quote] Great stuff, I like that approach
  17. On a side note, I also play in an acoustic band although I play electric bass as I just think it works better for me. I have a Washburn AB10 (in the for sale section) and have recorded with a fretless AB20 and both are excellent so I am sure the Stu Hamm AB40 will be top notch. What sort of music do you do in your acoustic group?
  18. [quote name='WalMan' timestamp='1321061110' post='1435130'] Out of interest can anyone advise how these compare to a Streamliner - which is currently in my sights [/quote] I can't speak personally about the Streamliner but I did have a Shuttle 6 and now the Shuttle 9. I think they are quite similar tonally but the Streamliner does not have the three presets which for me are vital. The three presets can be run indiviually or combined. One button boosts the bass, another button boosts the highs and another button cuts the mids. I think these buttons have been great when running the amp flat as I usually do but could do with just boosting the bass or the highs. I am sure someone with a Streamliner will come along and explain in more detail the pros and cons of one.
  19. Damn, I was only talking to my wife last night saying I would love to get a bass of my year of a birth (1970) and I think knowing where i have progessed to in my bass playing, it would have to be a 1970 Fretless Fender Precision. If only I had the money and if only you were selling the 1970's model
  20. It seems many places do not have them.
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