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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Another thing that makes me think its new is the Butterscotch colour has gone from the options.
  2. I was just looking at the Fender website and noticed that it now has a section under Precision bass called classic. In this section is the '50's Precision and the '51 Precision. Am I right in remembering that the '51 Precision was removed from the website and has now been put back in the Fender line up under this new section called Classic or am I wrong and it has always been there? Either way I hope it stays as I do plan to get a '51 some day.
  3. I am getting a bit of GAS for one of these. They do seem very expensive though for what they are
  4. Steady now, don't go overboard, she might come to expect that every day. You can't go spoiler her now
  5. Hooray, sensible move Hutton. Now go and make your wife a cup of tea
  6. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1319821248' post='1419046'] You're too kind Michael. I have to be honest and say that if this doesn't go then I won't be disappointed. It'll just have to stay in my collection and finance be damned! [/quote] I think that sounds like a good plan to me Keep it and worry about the money later
  7. [quote name='Hutton' timestamp='1319819663' post='1419017'] I know Michael. However, I have just bought another precision and had to make a decision based on finance and not on my desire to have the DJ4 in my collection. [/quote] Wow, real shame. Have a bump on me for a superb bass.
  8. Wow, I never ever thought I would see this for sale Hutton. Got your eye on something else?
  9. Hi Alan, I am in Camberley which is quite close to Guildford. You are more than welcome to come and try the amp. I have two Aguilar 1 x 12's setup with it so just bring your bass or you are more than welcome to use one of mine. Send me a PM if interested and we can go from there. Thanks, Michael
  10. Really enjoyed watching that. Great to see him doing so well and enjoying it. you must be very proud. My son is 8 and is currently learning drums and can't wait to be able to jam along with him.
  11. Roger, really sorry to hear that. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  12. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1319122469' post='1410235'] I got my NXT for £450, I added a fishman platimun pro preamp and reckon it sounds close enough to my mates orchestral double bass when recorded that I'm happy with it [/quote] Excellent, thank you, just what I needed to hear.
  13. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1319120722' post='1410197'] Well, that puts it in rather a different ball game - I was assuming you still had the Stagg. In that case probably better to get a Steinberger than buy a new Stagg if you have the budget. [/quote] Glad you said that. Gives me an excuse to get a new toy Thanks for the help.
  14. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1319119916' post='1410177'] Having owned a Stagg (yours now Michael) and a Steinberger I feel that you will probably be just as well off with a bit of knob tweeking on the Stagg. Yes, the Steinberger is the better bass in terms of workmanship, playability and overall quality but in sonic terms not a lot, I feel. [/quote] Thanks Bassace. I don't own the Stagg anymore as I was spending more time on fretless. To start again, would it be better to pick up a 2nd hand Steinberger or not spend the extra and pick up a second hand Stagg? I have read some horror stories regarding the Stagg in terms of build quality. Thankfully our one was fine. I think you can pick up a Steinberger for aroung £400 second hand.
  15. Thanks guys, might be worth me getting one to noodle around at home and to record this song then. Good tip on the reverb. Thanks.
  16. I may have to record a song soon which I feel would really suit a double bass sound. I have a bit of GAS for an NS Wav or NXT which I may bring forward if it can give me a nice double bass tone. My old Stagg could easily do a nice fat double bass tone. Does anyone know if the NS Wav or NXT can produce an authentic double bass tone or does it sound like a glorified fretless?
  17. Yes, my current band I am in this situation. They released an album back in Feb and I joined them in March. To be honest, the bass lines are not much so I have spiced them up and they said they so wished they had me on the album. Thankfully we are starting to record the second album in a couple of weeks so I can't wait for that. We are also going to record one of the songs from the first album as they prefer my bass line and how the song sounds now. It was fun learning the old album though and then totally changing the bass lines
  18. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1319096427' post='1409721'] It's lovely to read what you lot are saying about your partners. One thing though... have you told them this? In actual words to thier faces?? If you haven't, go do it now!!! [/quote] I did last night when I got home
  19. Mrs Linus27 (AKA GirlyCM which is short for Girly Crazy Monkey) is awsome. Super supportive, loves watching me playing bass, either live or at gigs as she knows this is when I am at my happiest. For my 40th she bought me a Stingray which replaced the one I stupidly sold when i got my record deal. She has also fronted up the money when a couple of great basses turned up and I was short of cash. Best of all is when I was getting into bass again after a long break, we went out to look at a few basses and by chance I played a fretless Squire. The next day I came home from work to find that fretless bass in the lounge. She said you looked so natural and happy playing it that I just had to get it for you Three years on and I now play fretless regularly live and in the studio. Something I had always dreamed of doing so its thanks to her for making that first step for me and getting me my first fretless. Should we post pictures of our other halfs or do you think we would get killed by them
  20. I have had this happen to my MarkBass combo.
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