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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1317846869' post='1395460'] Break after first set. It is proper. [/quote] What?? Is that it???? You can't leave us hanging on What basses is he playing? full band, style of music, more more more
  2. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1317843935' post='1395395'] Thread locked Deleted and the OP banned for life [/quote] HAHA beat me to it but good to see we are on the same page
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1317843729' post='1395391'] I wonder what pearls of wisdom Big Poppa would have about it over on the Forum? [/quote] Probably get banned, accused of lying, ear marked as a terrorist, refused entry into the US of A and then throw the worst insult they can at you which is call you a Fender fanboy
  4. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1317836090' post='1395228'] Even more angry now. I noticed the serial/barcode and battery looked like they weren't new. The barcode is all faded, the serial points to 8/5/2010, (howwwww?) and the battery is almost expired. Me thinks they have used an old body/neck, sent it back and had the extra H added. Very very odd. Double checked the serial, DOB is as above, I didn't even order it til March 2011 and it's taken 7 months... [/quote] Now that is really really bad. The funny thing is (although not funny for you) is of all the people on this forum, it could only ever happen to you. Your bad luck with new basses is shocking and becoming less surprising. I would kick up a real stink about this and that really is taking the mick.
  5. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1317830278' post='1395127'] I am killing time in the vicinity before going in at 6.30. I am tragically excited I have also managed to get to the Gallery, cross Dingwall off my GAS list (a fine instrument, just not for me) but unexpectedly add Alleva to it. It has been, and is going to be, a good day. If anyone else is going to be there pm me your mob and we can......... um ........ say "hi". [/quote] Damn and blast you lucky git. Please let us know how it is, what he plays etc
  6. I have now withdrawn this. I may put this up again in the future with new trades, maybe a Fender Precision 57 re-issue or road worn precision with cash adjustments.
  7. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1317748531' post='1394127'] [/quote] Look into my eyes, my eyes, only my eyes ......... THIS IS THE BASS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR
  8. The other issue with the 40+ age group is most of the people this age who like going to see live music have settled down, with kids and houses and can't be arsed or afford to go out and see bands anymore. Thus making it more frustating for those still playing as they play to a venue of 3 people. Plus there are less venues these days having live music or original bands. Its just more things stacked up against bothering.
  9. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1317715484' post='1393491'] Only in their 40s? They lack ambition and drive. Today I'm 51. My current originals band is doing fantastically and is close to achieving more then any of my previous bands of the last 35 years. These days the only people who really care how old you are if your playing original music are becoming less and less relevant in the grand scheme of musical things. Our audience covers a massive age range from teenagers to people with at least a decade on me, but they all like the band because they enjoy the music and we're entertaining. Of course it helps that don't really look my age, have enough hair to still have a hair style and know how to dress in a stylish and appropriate manner for the band without being told. Having a strong visual identity always helps - it's not just about the music and anyone who thinks it is, is going to be disappointed. [/quote] Pretty much this. I have been the 20 something that gigged every night up and down the country to finally as you saying making it and getting a record deal. Now I am 41 and playing in a different originals band and loving it. My perspective is different now though and to make it to me is just to be playing and making a living rather than making it and being in the spotlight.
  10. Its certainly much slower. I just clicked on the new content tab at the top right and couted 15 seconds before it loaded. This seems to be the norm but somedays are better than others. No problem with other websites.
  11. Just popped into this thread and surprised to see this text lagging issue. I get this from time to time also on the PC. The cursor just vanishes for a few seconds and then comes back flashing. I also get it with the scroll bar on the right. The page will load and you then try to scroll down and it freezes for a few seconds and then it starts to work fine again.
  12. Updated with new trade options. Either one of the following, Warwick Streamer Stage 1 in natural Warwick Streamer LX Jazzman Warwick Streamer LX in natural - plus cash my way Musicman Stingray in natural with maple neck
  13. I know, I am so annoyed at missing this. Not sure he plays much fretless these days but either way, it would had been great to see him play live.
  14. I see Pino Palladino is playing at Ronnie Scotts this Wednesday. I so wish I was going but I saw it too late. I am sure it would be amazing. Anyone from here going? [url="http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/performances/view/723-pino-palladino-and-friends-feat-chris-dave"]http://www.ronniescotts.co.uk/performances/view/723-pino-palladino-and-friends-feat-chris-dave[/url]
  15. I think you need to sit down and say to the guitarist are you in or out? If he can't make practises, gigs etc then why should he be allowed to stay in the band. If I can't make it to work then why should I still remain employed. No difference here. Either got shot of the guitarist if he won't commit or find a new band.
  16. Chinese Warwick = Seat/Skoda Korean Warwick = VW, Audi German Warwick = Bentley, Bugatti, Lamborghini, Porsche
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1317472471' post='1391049'] OK, I'm easy-going, I agree with that too. [/quote] Excellent, thats Fender sorted. Right, who next, Musicman or Warwick
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1317470227' post='1391014'] I agree with this - although I'm one who likes the Fenders rather than the other stuff. [/quote] I agree but I wish Fender would start making the classics. You can't get an American made Fender 51 re-issue in white or natural for example. Or a american made Fender Jazz with blocks and binding based on the 62 and a 75 Jazz. Or even an american 70's Telecaster bass with the humberbucker up at the neck. Fender should stick with the classics more and not just limit them to Japanese or Mexican specials or Squires.
  19. I am getting the same thing whilst trying to upload a few mp3 files and attach them to the post.
  20. If we are talking Fender, then I would like to see them do a fixed range of classic re-issue MIA basses. In the range we would have, 1. Fender Jazz 75 re-issue with binding and block inlays in a wide range colours including natural with the option of having matching headstock and an option to have black or white binding/inlays. 2. Fender Telecaster bass based on the 1951 model available in more than just butterscotch or sunburst. Probably a few other classics but that would be a good starter for now.
  21. Weekend bump. Things must be really slow at the moment. Hardly any interest in this, either for sale or a trade
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