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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Mad isn't it? 5 years ago I struggled for a while to sell an above average spec Fender Custom Shop '62 P for £1800, and now you're looking at that for a nearly new American factory reissue. 5 years ago people apparently had more money too.
  2. One Step Beyond - y'know
  3. Birthday treat to myself and the soundtrack to the sunny weekend just gone. Sublime album!
  4. I think this thread should be moved to OT. This page is for music related topics only... Mods! 😉
  5. https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_jb_62_sb.htm Save yourself a ton of cash and be amazed... Edit: roasted neck, decent pickups and many tasty colours to choose from too!
  6. Malcolm In The Middle/Boss Of Me - They Might Be Giants
  7. Penso di no.
  8. I haven't watched it yet (I will, thanks for posting) but what I think before I do is that in music, there's room for everyone. Including AI. It's down to the individual what they choose to engage with. I'll always play music and I'll always listen to good music that speaks to me wherever it comes from. I have no desire to make a living from music so I understand that it's easy for me to say that. I'll watch it tomorrow night, thanks.
  9. Standing Here - The Stone Roses
  10. Mine is a Charvel semi acoustic which isn't a Surfcaster but it has the same body shape, I can't remember what it's actually called. Bought it new in 1993. The electronics are long dead but it is the ultimate late at night on the couch bass. When it was 5 years old a mate accidentally dropped it on a barbell and snapped the neck into 3 pieces. Another friend glued it back together for me and it sounded much better than it did before! It's had the same slinky strings on it for nearly 20 years and still sounds fab. It sounds so good acoustically (not loud, but loud enough to play along with tunes via my bluetooth speaker nicely, and it's tone and playability are fabulous) that I've always said that my ultimate electric bass tone would be that but amped up. Still not found it. I did record a demo with it once by miking up the soundhole with good results. The original electronics were quite unremarkable to be honest. I may put something better in there one day. *Edit for photo. Not mine but exactly the same as this
  11. Wednesday Addams dancing to 'Goo Goo Muck' by The Cramps
  12. Best buy: a Harley Benton deko 550fl - £48 delivery included. The only thing wrong about it was the D stamp for it's deko status. Worst sell: pretty much everything I've ever sold.
  13. I'm really loving my recently acquired Hofner Ignition violin bass. It's funny, all the short comings I kind of expected to encounter with it have actually turned out to be what I like about it most. The thick, slim and hardly tapered neck is a dream and the body shape proved not to be uncomfortable at all, in fact it's the most ergonomically correct bass, for me, that I've played. Light as a feather but sounds so heavy. I've got the intonation spot on too btw. I always have a big grin when I play it, great fun.
  14. Runaway(!) - Jamiroquai
  15. Winner Winner church band dinner.
  16. 20 years or older - vintage 50 years or older - true vintage 100 years or older - antique
  17. I'm glad you've found a solution to the problem. That's a beautiful Lakland you have there too!
  18. Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick (at full tempo).
  19. Very nice opportunity for someone here... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/176342256496?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=jFXJ9uXjQ3S&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=7kyzjhu1syc&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  20. no pics unfortunately but it looks like it wasn't this one after all as it was slimmed to a B width...unless cameltoe knows any more. Could well be that it's a more common mod than I thought! Congrats on a very cool bass.
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