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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Hmm I quite like the tort. I thought it might be a bit anaemic looking with white/mint. Tort with rosewood, white with maple maybe? http://basschat.co.uk/topic/234493-nbd-pink-precision/
  2. Been looking at loads of the old Fender custom colours for my refin and I really like this colour combo, but I'm undecided if I could rock it myself. Not sure if the novelty would wear off. What do you lot think about it? Could you/do you play a pink one?
  3. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1432500937' post='2782149'] I totally get this mate. I was only saying earlier in a PM that I haven't clicked with any P Bass 100% since my old 1964 P bass was sold to go towards my flat deposit. Though it was not my favoured wood combo, it seriously worked for me, and not just because it was old, I've played plenty of average ones. Since then I've had a load of Precisons, some very lovely ones too, but none have clicked and mostly because of my medical issues and basses weight, size, or balance issues. Enter Mike Lull, my first was a second hand one and it showed me that there is a way forward for me and as I keep repeating my new one, now having my preferred woods, makes me a 5 in theory, though I'm safer saying a 4 because even though it's 8lbs and has perfect balance, I may need to commission a 7.5lbs bass too. I'm just lucky I could sell some great gear to get a Lull, amazing basses. I now have less basses, but better suited ones to me. Good luck with your mods [/quote] Cheers mate ๐Ÿ‘ Loving those Lulls!
  4. I was a 5 but I must have slipped down to number 4 as I've ordered a super lightweight Paulownia P body to try on my Squier VM Precision V. I do really love this Squier but I really need a lighter bass as my poor old discs are giving me a right load of gyp lately. I've lightened my P in every way possible, got it down to 8 1/2lbs (doesn't help I started modding on one of the heavier ones I now realise) Took a punt on one from eyguitars in China. Hopefully it'll show up! So really, and only due to medical circumstances, I'm a 5/4. On a mission impossible.. Sorry๐Ÿ˜š
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432464119' post='2781634'] You have a very short memory, then! Just in case anyone [i]really [/i]hasn't seen them... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/260700-nobd-usa-fullerton-1976-precision-bass-audio/"]http://basschat.co.u...ion-bass-audio/[/url] [/quote]
  6. That was ace! Not a fan either but he was defo the man for the job. Not a bad days work! ๐Ÿ‘
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1432409077' post='2781257'] Would have voted 4, but since I got my 76P back I'm voting 5... did I ever tell you the story of my 76P..? [/quote] Pics or it didn't happen ๐Ÿ˜
  8. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1432323446' post='2780571'] My personal favourites would be either Daphne Blue or Dakota Red [/quote] Mmm yes, always had a soft spot for Daphne Blue. I'm being drawn towards Taos Turquoise actually, which is very much like aged Daphne. I've received my mint guard now and it's looking really nice on my Candy Apple Red P. Cool it's gonna work on both bodies ๐Ÿ‘.
  9. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1432304815' post='2780259'] I bought his bass chords long thin book about 15 years ago. I must get round to looking at it some time. [/quote] Haha me too! His wooly jumper on the cover has always frightened me off ๐Ÿ˜…
  10. I really do not want to join any club that would have me as a member... However I would love to show my appreciation to the bass I actively avoided for twenty-odd years, because every bugger plays them. Eventually I succumbed after I realised I had never heard a bad one really. My Squier VMP5 and Harley Benton Shorty P. Both of which are awesome.
  11. I think Wills is a bit further down the line for that particular throne ๐Ÿ˜
  12. I like the white one. White pearloid would be cool too. Congrats on the new bass!
  13. Thanks, but this is very much a tortless, yet mintyful project.
  14. Oh that's stunning! ๐Ÿ‘ Is it a Steve Harris sig with an anodised pickguard added? Yep you're right, that vid is the Edgar Willis P bass.
  15. [quote name='ukulelelab' timestamp='1431811360' post='2775293'] metallic blue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8VkNmcjPHRE [/quote] That '57 looks and sounds amazing. I guess it's had a refin to be that sparkley though. Thanks for that, nice curve ball. I hadn't even considered a metalflake finish \m/ .
  16. [quote name='IanA' timestamp='1431813886' post='2775319'] Oly White and tort is classic..... [/quote] I absolutely agree. If the bass has a rosewood fingerboard that is. I probably should have mentioned that the minty guard is still on it's way to me as I've just bought it so no tort this time for me. I've had lots of torty basses in my time and I've come to the conclusion that unless it's top quality (and therefore expensive) I'll never be 100% about it. Never had a mint one before so it'll be nice to have a change. The good thing is that I've got a spare decent body to work on this time, so my main bass will remain a player til it's time to switch the bits over. It'll probably be definitely a toss up between seafoam green, sonic blue, egg shell blue, black, aged oly white/pale primrose, or maybe metallic something. I must say,it's getting easier now I've narrowed it down. ๐Ÿ˜ต
  17. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1431796640' post='2775113'] Primrose would look good with mint [/quote] Yes it would, you're right. The RAL Primrose yellow looks sweet. I can imagine it looking the bomb with tort and rosewood too.
  18. Not the most exciting given all the choice out there, but black works I think too.
  19. Some nice ideas here, cheers. Oly White is not one I'd considered with mint. It works if the mint isn't too dark imo. Seafoam is great and one of my faves. There is so much choice, especially when you look at all the Ral and BS colours too.
  20. Hey all. Well, with the fine weather approaching ๐Ÿ™ it's nearly time to get outside again for a spot of d.I.y. Refinishing. The question is which colour? I have a: Pbass Maple fingerboard Mint green pickguard So, what say you BC massive?
  21. Saw him play in '94 in Holland with a big band. Incredible gig. He played for hours it seemed, giving out watches to the front rows at the end! I just feel grateful that we had him with us so long. Tonight I'm raising a few glasses to The King. Thank you B.B.you were MAGNIFICENT! ๐Ÿ‘
  22. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1431197571' post='2768775'] 1995 ....Volume 1, Issue 11 - Andrew Levy. (they don't make the magazines like they used to). [/quote] I've still got a well thumbed copy of that issue. There's a fantastic full transcription of Norman Watt-Roy's Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick bassline in it
  23. Ooo, never seen a white one before. V.Nice! Glad it all worked out ok for you.
  24. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1431367025' post='2770583'] Part of the issue with standard VVT wiring is that when both pups are fully 'on' the pickup impedances interact with each other. As you back one pup off this introduces a resistance between the pups and the interaction/loading stops. This all happens in the first few degrees of turning the pot and the overall effect is that the sound seems to 'switch' to the dominant pickup with very little blend in between. However, there ARE loads of useful blended sounds in this very small area. Once you get used to the idea that you just need to move the pot a tiny amount you will start hearing lots of different tones. This is where the 'sweet spots' are. Here's a trick worth trying - instead of having both vols fully open, back them both off very slightly. This introduces some resistance between them and stops them interacting. Use this as your start point and you should find that backing each vol off further will result in a slightly more smooth change in tone. Another way of preventing the pickup impedances interacting is to wire a small resistor (eg. 25k) in series between the hot wire from each pickup and their respective pots. This effectively does the same thing as backing both vols off a touch. If all that sounds too fiddly and doesn't do what you expect then go active and get a buffered blend! Personally I like the subtleties and slight quirkiness of a VVT configuration. It lets the full character of each pickup come through. A blend pot can sound a bit bland in comparison. But in the end, as with everything to do with tone, it's very personal and down to what works for you. [/quote] Excellent post there, nice one ๐Ÿ‘. I will try this next time I have a go on a Jazz (sold mine a long time ago).
  25. I had the same problem. It's got to be a myth. The answer would be to install linear taper pots and ditch the standard audio taper. Linears give a clean sweep of volume for the entire turn of the knob. God knows why Fender don't use them, it's not like they cost anymore.
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