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Posts posted by miles'tone

  1. 2 minutes ago, miles'tone said:

    Must be down to the 6 months of darkness they get every year.

    What the poll doesn't acknowledge is that during the summer 6 months of light, Finland has the highest number of Simon and Garfunkel tribute bands.

    On a truer side of things, the Finnish education system gypsy's kisses over ours from a great height which will inevitably lead to a better informed populace of critical thinkers.


    Maybe this is why they have to make a loud noise to express their angst?...and I'm sure the darkness contributes....🤔*






    *this rambling wondering of utter generalisation is brought to you by my first coffee of the day, accompanied with a thousand yard sleepy stare.






  2. 22 hours ago, Simon C said:

    When summer is approaching in the Northern hemisphere, you could try moving to the southern hemisphere.  I hear the extreme south of South America is quite chilly at that time of year - I think they even speak some Welsh down there so you'll feel quite at home 😁.

    Wyt ti'n iawn. Maen nhw'n siarad cymraeg ym Mhatagonia 👍

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  3. I'm in. Again. Never made it past the finish line ever, don't think I've made it past summer ever actually. Summer gets me all giddy and my impulsiveness definitely reaches it's annual peak during those months.

    I've never consciously realised this before so maybe I'm in with a shot this year. Maybe...

  4. Just remembered this thread!

    Thanks for all the input guys. I recently started having a pop at it again and I'm learning it as it was intended  - GDAE.

    I received some great advice which was to ignore everything I know about bass tuning and just learn the tenor for what it is. Seems to be working as I'm getting used to where all the intervals are now.

    If only I had more time to put into it... It's very addictive!

    Cheers 👊 

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  5. My fave discovery is Ren. Pure talent imho.

    He's created a smart blend of music, theatre, indy film, philosophy and self help and...

    I don't know quite what to call it except, It's Ren. 

    All done independently too.


    Start here, then look into The Money Game (parts 1, 2 and 3) 😙👌





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  6. I think the price is the only thing I don't like the look of there.

    82 - 84 means it's one of those highly regarded Fullerton reissues I think. Correct me if I'm wrong...


    Edit - yes it is. 

    So it's one of the first reissues that Fender ever did, carefully built to the original specs of the 60s instruments. 

    So it's kind of like a custom shop bass, but pre- custom shop, and old enough have been worn in genuinely. 

    I like it, it's certainly interesting, but I wouldn't buy any bass that expensive again.

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