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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. I've had a set of Ernie Ball Super Slinkys on my acoustic for 7 years (same set that is) and they sound fantastic new or old, also they work fine with the piezo.
  2. Looks to me like he's not thinking too much about it. I've tried to show some friends what I do (which is similar to that video in my own way) and I couldn't do it the same note for note slowly when I was thinking about it. It's always different I feel when you're into a piece and copping a feel for it. It would be interesting to have a BCers right (or lefty) hand picking close up vid library so we could check out how we all approach it and share ideas. A using a pick one would be good too as that's my own personal weak point.
  3. Careful balancing it on the patio like that, sneeze and you could ding a grand off it! :-D Stunning bass. I love the burst on it and also the neck hue, much more understated than on the reissues you can get. Beautiful, and worth every penny. GLWTS.
  4. The Star Wars theme tune reworked as a cocktail jazz number. We were all wearing blue boiler suits, swimming caps, blue makeup and halved ping pong balls for eyes. As you do.
  5. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1406575380' post='2512660'] Two candidates for each: Should have kept - either 1953 Precision in near mint condition (ex-Entwistle) or 1966 Slab Precision; Absolute dog - 70's Rick 4000 and 1961 Precision (again ex-Entwistle). Neither were terrible basses but the worst two I have ever owned. [/quote] Just out of interest, how did you happen to come by not one but two of J.E's basses? Gotta be a good story there!
  6. Hard to believe the pickguard came separately really. Such a perfect match both in colour and age appearance. Bet you're well chuffed, congrats!
  7. Probably less than a few runs round the block would take off me thinking about it! :-D Think I'll try that first thinking about it Many thanks Howiebass for the titanium suggestion, great idea.
  8. Hey all. Do any of you know if there is such a thing available? I'm aware of the Hipshot A and B style bridges but I don't think they suit a Fender P personally, too modern looking imo. I'd like to lighten my bass further but want to keep it's vintage-ish look intact (it's a 5 string Squier VM P5) I've got some Ultralite tuners and drilled some wood out under the pickguard already BTW.
  9. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1406498346' post='2511997'] Hi everyone On holiday in France and can't sleep. Just been 'counting basses', it's like counting sheep but with basses that have been and gone over the years! So by the wonders of free hotel wifi I thought I would start something with you all. Two simple questions. 1. Which bass do you wish you had kept hold of? 2. Which bass turned out to be a stinker? My answers 1. R*ck*nb*ck*r 4001 - a 1975 beauty, sounded like nothing else before or since, sold it when money was tight. Bad move. 2. Musicman Stingray - it had the weak G string problem, it drove me nuts. I wish I still had all the basses I have ever owned! [/quote] As I read the title two basses came to mind but the other way round to yours Sold both a '78 4001 and an '86 Stingray a few years ago (in the same week actually). The Ric was a dog and I've never looked back, but the Stingray was quite special (no weak G at all). I was mad to let that one go. It was very roadworn and the others I've played new in shops have always felt a bit sterile by comparison.
  10. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1406471256' post='2511702'] Will check that out immediately! [/quote] Cool My P5 balances perfectly now, so much easier to play. BTW they are the ones that come on Lakland Skylines, so although they are inexpensive they are certainly not cheapies. I put some USA Hipshots on my old American Fender. These work just as good for me. Hold their tune for ages. Only thing is you do have to order from the States as you can't get the licenced ones here. Still, only takes about a week so no biggie.
  11. [quote name='Telebass' timestamp='1406400283' post='2511251'] It really is almost toy-like. I can wear it for hours and not notice. If I did the Hipshot Ultralites mod, it would not only be better balanced, but half a pound lighter still! The only fly in that ointment, if you like, is that the tuners would almost be more expensive than the rest of the bass![/quote] Not if you buy the Hipshot Licenced Ultralites They weigh the same as the USA ultralites and work as accurately in my experience. I bought a full set for my 5 string Squier and they were £58 all in posted to my door. No customs vat etc. (Obviously it would be a tad cheaper again for a 4 string set) Now my nice VM P5 weighs a friendly 8.5lbs http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/301188167337
  12. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1406276291' post='2509955'] I think that one of the Basschat volunteers, who is a big fan of The Jam, has one of these, but replaced the stock pickups. Just do a search for " Modded Mod Mod's Bass Mods" [/quote] Very good
  13. To add to Moonflower: The Stone Roses, The Doors - L.A. Woman, Bill Evans Trio - The Complete Village Vanguard Recordings, QOTSA - Songs For The Deaf RHCP - Blood Sugar Sex Magik Herbie Hancock - Headhunters Billie Holiday - Lady Day Obviously we all love hundreds of albums but these come immediately to mind as now being part of my actual DNA structure.
  14. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1406306617' post='2510479'] Too many to list! But for a real genuine keeper, it would be 'Moonflower' by Santana. Their last great album, but more importantly the album that took me onto so many new pastures. In 1990, I was a 16 year old metal fan, but slowly moving away from it. I heard a whole side of 'Moonflower' played by Fluff Freeman on a Saturday night, and I was hooked. I can't think of many records that have so much - soul, pop, rock, latin, jazz, funk......it took me to a million new directions which I still explore today - and for that its a special one for me, 24 years in. I became immersed in totally new music overnight. Many come and go, but I still love it. Listened to it last weekend in fact. [/quote] Yes! I heard that show too!! Same effect on me as I was 18. Had it on all week as it just goes so well with the Sunshine
  15. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1406245036' post='2509839'] Does anyone know what components KiOgan uses in his wiring sets? [/quote] All top quality components with solderless connections to make it a doddle to change. Send him a PM, he's very nice and really helpful. He'll build you whatever you need and offers great advice too.
  16. The Bareknuckle '58 P bass is freaking amazing! I've had a Lindy Fralin and that was incredible too. The Bareknuckle will go the distance with the Fralin and it's cheaper. Another very happy camper here with my KiOgan wiring harness. Buy with confidence, buy British!
  17. John sent me some top quality P-bass knobs that arrived less than 24 hrs after I first realised I needed some! John, stay awesome. Si
  18. Interparcel all the way. I've sent basses many times using their premium service (also UPS). They are competitively priced, prompt and reliable. Found out about them here on BC, they seem to be the one most people here use now. Tried Parcel force once and although they delivered the bass with no probs, they were bloody expensive.
  19. Master Vol/pickup pan/3-band eq?
  20. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1405932934' post='2506535'] Yeah I just noticed Sims is cheaper - quite surprised at that. I'm not looking for tort, no. Never really liked it myself. It's mint green for me. P [/quote] Yeah their mint green looks the bomb, not too green, just right. Been thinking about one for my Candy apple red P bass
  21. http://www.simscustom.com/html/00pricing.htm Sorry got my prices wrong, been a while since I bought mine. They're from £48.50 it seems. Top quality though.
  22. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1405930579' post='2506487'] Thanks both. I have a quote of £58 inc shipping (for a Jaguar bass scratch plate) from these guys: http://www.jacksinstrumentservices.com Does that seem reasonable? Does anybody have experience of them? Phil [/quote] Sims is £40 for custom plastic pickguards ex.postage though. £80 for genuine period correct celluloid tort. Spitfire's tort looks to be the best now he's on the scene. What does he make it from I wonder? Celluloid? Or some new material I wonder.
  23. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1405544797' post='2502973'] Having used a couple of sets of Lakland flats I much prefer the feel and tone of Fender strings. Unfortunately while I've been away Fender seem to have stopped making 45-105 gauge. I now need to choose 50-105 or 45-100 ? Whice will I notice least ? Alternatively, who makes Fenders strings? Maybe they still do the 45-105. [/quote] I feel your pain as I loved the CL set too. I'd go for the 100-45 set as the A,D and G are the same with only the E being a tad lighter so doubt you'd notice too much difference (I've used the 100-40 set and never found the E lacking) The 105-55 set has much heavier A, D and G so you'd notice the difference there more I expect.
  24. No matter how much or how little you spend on a bass, always pay a bit extra and get your bass set up by an experienced tech/repair person/luthier. You don't have to fight the thing. It will be much easier to play (hard to put down even), will sound better and you won't end up damaging yourself long term.
  25. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1405545383' post='2502984'] Accidently invented the Lakland bridge while he was at it too [/quote] And Delano pickups
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