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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. The 4001/4003 would be brilliant basses if they hadn't put the bodies on back to front.
  2. Used set of T.I.Jazz Flats that I had on my Jazz bass. They have been used string-thru bridge so they have the crimp that stringing this way produces. They worked fine this way and weren't on long at all as I went for high tension Roto flats in the end. So, if you have an American Standard/Deluxe Fender and have want to try these T.I.'s, now's your chance! £15 posted. *SOLD*
  3. Up for grabs is an unused 21 fret Allparts Precision neck that I bought off my local Luthier who had ordered it in for another customer that never returned for it. It has a lovely flame to the maple and the rosewood fingerboard is quality too. The trussrod works perfectly and the fretwork it top notch. It comes with no finish or nut. New from Allparts these necks are over £200 but I just want back what I paid for it so I'm asking £125 posted (UK) I bought it for a build I was putting together but I've given up on it due to having no time to spare now. Cheers.
  4. *Dunlops sold* Two sets of brand new strings: DR Drop Down Tuning 115-55 - now £18 posted Dunlop nickel on steel rounds (the remaining set in a twin pack)- now sold Both sets are factory fresh and still sealed in their packs.
  5. [quote name='The fasting showman' timestamp='1397123434' post='2420821'] Maybe this only applies to me so I hope nobody takes offence! In the time that I've been playing the bass I would have to say that I've been most vulnerable to the siren voices of new gear when I've been in a lesser standard of band (the 'do we sound crap because of me?' factor) or between bands. When I've played with better musicians they tend to raise my game and equipment ceases to be as important, obviously within reason. Plus at those times in my life I've gigged so much that the last thing I'd be interested in is tinkering with my gear, purely maintenance only. You start to see these patterns emerge in your life... Martin [/quote] Great post.
  6. [quote name='jakenewmanbass' timestamp='1397165252' post='2421489'] easiest way to learn the key sigs is via the cycle of 4ths for flat keys and cycle of 5ths for sharp keys as you simply add a flat or a sharp as you proceed around the cycle. eg: http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=circle+of+fifths&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&imgil=YEf1TcWTJgB3mM%253A%253Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ft1.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTHf5Yo0ZaasILFnryVLODCry39nXyymURRAsNprEUkfElMlBZV%253B1913%253B2105%253BDkwli4w2RpPgYM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.realguitarclass.com%25252Fthe-circle-of-fifths%25252F&source=iu&usg=__AEMeCozBtZT2yIZb2jsHXWwMGr4%3D&sa=X&ei=mwxHU-zBJ4Pt0gXj4oHYDg&ved=0CDIQ9QEwAQ#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=YEf1TcWTJgB3mM%253A%3BDkwli4w2RpPgYM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.realguitarclass.com%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F10%252FCircle-of-fifths-3.png%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.realguitarclass.com%252Fthe-circle-of-fifths%252F%3B1913%3B2105 [/quote] That's what I meant in my post above yours. I've edited it now to make more sense ta.
  7. I remember the key signatures on the bass clef stave by using: For sharps (ascending in 5ths as they do): Green Dolphins Are Easy Basslines For Cellos. For flats (ascending in 4ths): Fat Bast#rds Eat Alot Daily Gaining Calories. So for instance if you see 5 sharps on the stave you look to the fifth word and know it's in B major. Same if you count say 4 flats on the stave you know by looking to the fourth word that it's in A etc. Helps if you make up your own rhymes to make them easier to remember for yourself.
  8. [quote name='Phil Adams' timestamp='1396858569' post='2417901'] With acknowledgment to the scales thread. Obviously some are easy, 4/4, 3/3 etc. Or do we just follow the sticksman and hope he's right? [/quote] If I may go back to the op for a moment.. A lot of emphasis has been made in this thread on how to write and read different time signatures. But it's not the be all and end all. Just out of interest, how does everyone get on if someone calls a jam to improvise in say 7/4 or 9/8? How are you counting then? Or do you stop thinking about it and just feel the flow? Jamming in "odd" time signatures is where all the fun is for me personally.
  9. [quote name='yondergo' timestamp='1396900700' post='2418611'] Any idea what the neck pockets are like on these basses? I've been umming and ahhing about getting one and banging my MIK E10 squier neck on it. [/quote] I had one of these for a while and the neck was the nicest feel and profile I've ever had on a P bass, and I've owned a couple of USA P's too. I wouldn't dream of putting a Squier anything near a V4. Really. Mine had such a tight neck/pocket join it would've made Lakland proud. I wish I still had it, only sold it to help fund a new build. That didn't happen. Awesome. Trev Wilkinson really knows his onions (he did work closely with and was friends with Leo Fender y'know) and he's designed a killer P that requires nothing for not much dough with the V4. Hats off. Good luck with the sale.
  10. [quote name='nobody's prefect' timestamp='1396915060' post='2418808'] Aye... But how does this theory hold with tango, funk and son all being written predominantly in 4/4? Very different feels apart from 'play it on one and --- no, wait, you don't play it on one in a ton of latin music. All the ToP scores I saw were written in 4/4 or 3/4 - didn't see many of those, granted. [/quote] Well, it's all written out in the intricacies within the music. Yes in syncopation I guess in some cases. It also helps if you know which style of music you're going to be playing before you try reading it. I had my education about 20 years ago so maybe methods and ways of thinking about it have changed now. I'm all for keeping it simple and I do in my own way and get by ok, but I'm not a professional musician who's out there at reading gigs every week. I do like playing in funny time signatures for fun still though
  11. I was taught that the second number in the time signature is the feel, the most predominant type of note being used. an 8th note feel or a quarter note feel for example. The first note being how many of them there are in a bar. It's simple that way. Also, I don't agree with using "and a" to describe 8th notes. To me you would only count like that for 16th notes (1e and a 2e and a...etc.) Regarding playing covers such as the Foo Fighters track seashell mentioned, just try and sing/hum along to the riff til you and everyone gets it. As long as you can get inside the groove and play it well it really doesn't matter if you can name the time signature or count it. Sometimes less thinking is best!
  12. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1396733306' post='2416952'] Yeah I wanted Christina Marie too... ... I mean to win, obviously! [/quote] Me too. She was the one I'd actually pay to see. Killer voice man.
  13. Yeah good read ta, enjoyed it. Just been turned on to Tons Of Sobs actually by someone at a jam last weekend. It's pretty killer isn't it? Amazing he was still a teenager when they recorded it. Mind blowing.
  14. Why do you ask? What are your requirements? For flats defo Thomastik jazz flats, or if they are too pricey for you, Lakland light flats. For round wounds look for strings with a round core such as the Hi Beams. Status Hotwire pro round(core) are low tension (100-40) but feel and sound fantastic. Dead responsive, supple without being floppy. Hope that makes sense.
  15. You have to wait 36 hours between bumps.
  16. ..and the tap drips drip drip drip drip drip.. The Cure - 10.15 Saturday Night. (Love it!) My go.. "So I broke into the palace".. Over to you.
  17. Can't listen to your link on my phone unfortunately but I did see Guru's Jazzmatazz at a festival once (Glastonbury?) Incredible! N'dea Davenport sang with them too. Big thumbs up for The Pharcyde also. I was at Phoenix '96 and was literally frog marched to a marquee to see them by a mate who insisted, "you're a bass player, you HAVE to check these guys OUT!!"(I had wanted at the time to see some now long forgotten Indie boll*cks). man he was so right! It was packed in there and they tore it up, had everyone in the palm if their hand. I became an instant fan!
  18. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1395838453' post='2406877'] I for one am looking forward to hearing the final mixed version, while watching it on my TV with a bottle next to me, and my feet up. Middle age is fast approaching, and rock and roll is dead. [/quote] Nah, rock n roll is all about doing what you want and not compromising for anyone. So, you don't want to go out and be herded like cattle? Dude, you rock!!
  19. The Cure - The Caterpillar: http://youtu.be/nzxJ5YvYfx4 Love it when that happens. Opens the floodgates of memory to times forgotten in this crazy busy day-to-day we have now. Same thing happened to me when I heard The Caterpillar by The Cure recently.
  20. Wow! Congratulations to all the contributing artists. Amazing music there. Enjoyed it all and it gets harder every month to choose I must say.
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