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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Waking Up - Elastica
  2. Shaft - Isaac Hayes
  3. Friday Night, Saturday Morning - The Specials
  4. Fender if you need that aesthetic for a band - the deluxes are great. Sandbergs are better thought out instruments that are superior in quality, nicer to play and more useful tools for the job. Imho. Great music can be played on either of course!
  5. New York City Cops - The Strokes
  6. Cygnus x-1 - Rush (Spageddy Lee 😉)
  7. You're a lucky man Blue. This scenario would be the only way I could ever be in a band again. Not needing to socialise with mental creatives or being dragged into their chaotic lives sounds ideal! Been there, done that, but I'm 51 and a family first guy now.
  8. La bella vita - Niia
  9. I've got a top of the range artist custom ordered Tacoma Thunderchief acoustic bass. It's divine. I just don't play it. Been thinking about selling it for a couple of years but I just can't bring myself to do it because, sod's law, as soon as I did some opportunity would arise where I did actually need it! 😄
  10. G.O.A.T. - Eric Bellinger
  11. It's usually not the bass' fault if we're honest.
  12. Nom!
  13. Close, but the headstock doesn't look quite right without the original's fat walnut stripe. They seem to have gone for the thin skunk stripe of the 4003 for some reason. (The original headstock was my favourite thing about the 4005).
  14. Ting a ling a ling school pickney sing ting - Ninjaman
  15. Or buy one of these and get a luthier to slim the width down to your specs... https://guitarandbassbuilds.com/products/custom-shop-51-54-tele-p-bass-neck
  16. You'd also need a squared off heel for a 51 P-type project. Sounds like you'll probably have to order a custom neck to tick all 3 boxes mate.
  17. I'm out. My oldest bestie came down to stay yesterday for his annual visit. I don't usually drink at all, but to mark the special occasion we went out for a swift Guinness. Several not so swift hours later we concocted a plan to get an online conga/bass thing happening (he has a studio). Checking my email this morning, Thomann confirms that last night I did indeed buy a Hofner violin bass (SE Ignition) and a set of pyramid flats. I'm sure it sounded like a great idea at the time, and you know what? It still does! 😂 Maybe next year...
  18. Jerry Wasn't A Race Car Driver - Primus
  19. Magic Johnson - RHCP
  20. It is what it is. Just play it.
  21. Fiesta - Pogues
  22. I had a half-arsed go at it during the 90s. Half-arsed because I realised after a while that it really wasn't for me. I didn't have a plan B so I then just went with the flow of life and kept my eyes open for other opportunities. Some ups and downs along the way but I'm happy with my lot now. A great wife, two lovely sons and a rewarding job that I love. Music is now my me-time playtime with friends. We don't gig but we play what we want, when we want - all original ideas that could go anywhere depending on the day. Wouldn't have it any other way now.
  23. Horse Latitudes - The Doors
  24. I hope you enjoy. I did. A mate from work asked me to go with him so I obliged. I don't usually go in for musical biopics, especially about artists I love. Maybe it's because I went in just hoping it wouldn't be rubbish, but I think they did a good job for Bob. Also I was pleasantly surprised to see the cinema nearly full, with many young teenagers in attendance. If the movie is turning on the current new generation to Bob, reggae and a path to positivity in general then it's a worthy job well done imho. 🙂
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