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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. The ones back then had poly finishes too and normal fender bridges instead of the nitro and badass that came later Does yours have a string-thru body bridge with string ferrules on the back of the body by any chance? It will if it's an American Standard. Surprised it doesn't have S1 switching that's all. It's an inexpensive and useful mod anyways if you do want it.
  2. It may be a US Highway One rather than an American Standard.
  3. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1376497629' post='2174960'] The "likes" will only be there to assist the judges decision...so I'm not too worried about calling out the troops...plus I feel that calling on my t-shirt buddies/fans to vote would be cheating a bit! [/quote] Go for it I say, call in the troops. All's fair in love, war...and Pbass competitions!
  4. Still, makes me glad I'm not entering as I'd have lost already! An idea though, how about '50 of'as large as the '66'? Anyone seeing the t-shirt walking towards them would know more likely what it referred to. I reckon they would like something like that. Maybe.
  5. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1376486533' post='2174669'] Thanks for this guys...will be certainly giving it a go! Although I haven't won anything since I won a box of maltesers for drawing a horse when I was 10. EDIT: I came second. The girl who won traced a photohraph. Bitch. [/quote] :-D
  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1376484562' post='2174592'] You could send this by PM to Paul_H, he's the go-to fellow for tee-shirt design..? [/quote] Just have done thanks Dad3353
  7. ...I'm not at all which is a shame, as I just came across this competition to win a brand new American Vintage '63 Precision via Facebook: http://www.rotosound.com/6313.php
  8. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1376264351' post='2171594'] Kicking a coke can down a jigger, not their brand of cola, f*** em. [/quote] Just out of interest, what does this mean? I genuinely don't know what you're referring to.
  9. I used to be mates with one of their school teachers in Chester. He REALLY liked them. They were not my style of music really but very good at what they did, especially considering how young they were writing such material. Where are they now I wonder?
  10. http://www.carolkaye.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5jdcM89ttI The Carol Kaye picking technique makes it easy to play fast as buggery very safely and without causing cramps and or long term damage. Carol Kaye's 78 years old and still funky as hell (see the youtube link at the top of this post) so she's the living proof that it does the trick Kinda hard to do it if you sling your bass low but hey it's more important to play well right? Here's an interesting discussion on the subject from our bass bredren over at talkbass: http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f21/why-i-keep-hammering-carol-kaye-pick-method-452467/
  11. WD40, an old toothbrush.
  12. I used to own a beautiful fireglo '70s 4001. Beautiful to look at that is. I battled and fought that thing for 5 years, had it set up professionally twice (yes by techs who knew how to adjust the trussrods correctly) before I finally had to admit to myself that it was an awful sounding and playing pile of crap of a thing. To this day it's the only one I've ever played but I know that some people love theirs dearly so I just got unlucky with a bum one it seems, so because of this I'm just not down with the boutique-like reverence that some people hold them in. Although one day if ever I have the funds, a 4001V64 is out there with my name on it.
  13. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1375555664' post='2162905'] I read recently that Geddy has got a Spector bass recently ( I don't know what kind , presumably / hopefully an NS -style one ) , and he is really enjoying playing it at home . It would be great for him to make a radical departure and play something like that on the next Rush album . [/quote] I do wonder if it may be difficult in some ways for Geddy to stop using the Fender Jazz due to his signature Jazz bass being so popular. Would he have a contract with Fender to continue to be seen using it? Would he miss the income he probably gets from having his name on such a successful model? I wonder how such a deal works when you're a player at that level.
  14. Duff's biography is essential reading too. Amazing in fact. I always liked him growing up but now I love the guy after reading it.
  15. From the TOTP2 footage I've seen of the 80's it's because everyone was mostly playing Wals the lucky buggers!
  16. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1375215796' post='2158426'] not sure but depending on your views on the matter i did hear something about google wanting/planning to take over soundcloud [/quote] Not quite sure what the greater connotations of this may be but if they do, I hope they take an 'if it ain't broke' approach to it.
  17. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1375215423' post='2158418'] A No worries, you're welcome Si. Oh, whilst I was wittering away.. I forgot to mention two reasonably important pieces of kit - which may come in handy - each to their own of course. If you're looking for a great DAW (for about £40) take a look at Reaper [url="http://www.cockos.com/reaper/"]http://www.cockos.com/reaper/[/url] .. which is free to try, even for an extended period whilst you 'evaluate' it.. AND when you think you might want to make some spare cash from your works, check out 'Bandcamp' [url="http://bandcamp.com/"]http://bandcamp.com/[/url] .. Here is what it's all about, and how it works.. [url="http://www.switched.com/2011/01/24/bandcamp-review-music-publishing-sharing-site/"]http://www.switched.com/2011/01/24/bandcamp-review-music-publishing-sharing-site/[/url] Anyway, that's all from me.. tsk tsk.. wittering away again!! [/quote] Simon, feel free to witter on to your hearts content, this is great info thanks very much!
  18. I know how you feel (lying on the floor trying to straighten my back as I read about yours) except I haven't got any gigs coming up, never mind one tonight! I fully recommend a pocketful of Tramadol and a nice light Hofner as the way forward! Best of luck with the gig man and who cares if you play it sat down? I say you're totally rock'n'roll for actually turning up in your condition! Respec'!
  19. [quote name='SimonEdward' timestamp='1375106351' post='2156726'] Hello Si. Thanks for starting this thread! .. I found myself in a similar situation to you about 12-months ago. I also have young children (three under 10) and I don't have any interest or spare time for egos/bands/jam nights etc I decided to go down the 'Soundcloud' route and for the most part have enjoyed the whole experience of writing & producing my own tunes. At first, it can appear to be very daunting.. about 10-years ago I was using clunky ADAT/Portastudio/Outboard racks and making CD's, but since making the move over to the laptop, I've found it so much easier and believe me, it's addictive! The best advert for getting people on board to collaborate is YOU and YOUR music.. I found a guy on 'Soundcloud' in Seoul, South Korea who plays Drums (I liked some of his tracks and asked him - via Google translator - if he would play on an instrumental I was working on called 'Retro Harmonics'. He liked the track, and added some drums.. which was really great! I've also linked up with an old friend of mine, who played in a band with me when we first started out 20-years ago, who lives 190 miles away, and we're recording together again via 'Souncloud' and using Dropbox to share WAV files over the internet. Anyway, hope all goes well and I wish you all the best with your music! because it's all about the music!! Thanks also to all for sharing their thoughts.. very interesting thread! [/quote] Thank you Simon, it's really great to hear how you managed to do it. Great advice! Cheers also to everyone else for your suggestions, much appreciated!
  20. Wow that looks amazing! Graffiti paint - what a discovery! I have actually just spent this evening sanding OFF some nitrocellulose vintage amber tint on my jazz neck. It looked horrible just yellow and cheesy. Cost me £12 too. That shock orange looks just like fiesta red and the finish looks very pro too. Congratulations! I wonder if they do anything like surf green. What kind of clear coat did you use?
  21. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1375099354' post='2156617'] Didnt realise sound cloud did collaboration, sorry [/quote] Me neither, hence this thread I've always gone out and made music the old fashioned way I don't have a soundcloud account and I've only been on there to listen to mate's tunes and BC's monthly composition competition so I'll certainly be checking this new info out cheers. Just out of interest, do any of you new fangled types know if there are any alternatives or is SoundCloud so good at this kind of thing that it has the monopoly? Thanks for the help peeps.
  22. Hey everybody. Ok, so I'm not playing in a band anymore and I'm not able to get out to jam nights for the foreseeable due to having little ones. Can any of you recommend anywhere online where it's good to meet other musicians of the world and collectively lay down tracks with each other to create new music? Anyone here had success with this kind of thing (as in have you done this and been pleased with the tunes you've made with strangers?) Seems like it's the way forward with my current situation. Cheers, Si.
  23. [quote name='Qlank' timestamp='1374505507' post='2149459'] This neat as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kw0ltIsRvI [/quote] Oooh I really liked that!
  24. What a great chap to deal with! I sold a set of Hipshot Ultralights to Gary and he paid instantly whist reassuring me he was in no hurry, so a very nice chilled deal indeed with great communication throughout. I actually dropped them off at his place when I discovered how close by we live, but alas we missed each other this time. Gary, I hope we do cross paths eventually just so I can pick your brains about your cars I saw today, before we even get started on basses! Deal with utter confidence here people, Gary's a genuine top bloke.
  25. Ah mate your Wal is beautiful! Congrats! If Chris W has set it up it will play like a dream. He used to set up my basses at the original London Bass Centre, best I've ever had.
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