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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Duff's autobiography "It's so easy and other lies" Great read for anyone, regardless whether you play bass or are a fan of GNR or not.
  2. Hi all. I need a Fender 9050 flatwound B string (.125) any ideas where I can buy the one string? Cheers, Miles.
  3. Fancy a trade for a Vintage V96 "Jaco" fretless J-bass? I would just buy your Tascam as that's what I'm after and why I'll be selling my fretless later this week. No readys til then soz. If not then good luck with the sale anyhoos.
  4. The Basslines Antiquity II jazz pups come with blurb that Seymour Duncan rewound Jaco's pups in the '80's and that they (the Ant II's) are very similar. Funny they'd make another set though I'm sure they would sell more this way.
  5. [quote name='woodster' timestamp='1351060501' post='1846664'] I was playing in an originals 'acid jazz' style band called Motivation.... Happy days! Played with Corduroy at a venue called Jollys in Southampton which is sadly no longer there. [/quote] Nice one! Always wanted to be in an acid jazzy band - loved that whole time! Twas too early in my musical development back then though. Now would be a different story. I guess I'll have to wait for the retro 'retro' wave to come around!
  6. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1351069966' post='1846814'] The thought that always springs to mind with threads like this is how people looked after (or more to the point, [b]didn't[/b] look after) their fret boards in times gone by. To my knowledge, this idea of cleaning and oiling is comparatively recent. It has all the hall marks of being a marketing ploy. There are so many manufacturers out there saying that theirs is the best and only way to clean and oil your fretboard. Yet I regularly see basses from the 60's for sale which are in immaculate condition. I'm sure their original owners did not clean or oil the FB. Don't get me wrong, I like to look after my instrument as much as the next person. I just think we are inclined to go OTT with this. Also, it is often the case that the people who feel the need to oil and clean regularly, are the ones who don't have the presence of mind to wash their hands before picking up the bass. [/quote] Reminds me of that famous James Jamerson quote (a guy who NEVER cleaned his fretboard) - 'the funk is in the gunk'
  7. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1350999755' post='1846020'] Could be a 5 string Status with the right EQ.... [/quote] Not too sure about that one and anyway, a Status 5 string wouldn't half clash with the sideys! :-) I spoke with a mate earlier who saw them in '97 and he said he was playing a mapleglo Ric that night.
  8. [quote name='woodster' timestamp='1350999266' post='1846016'] A great band..! Supported them in Southampton around '95/'96 and he was using a Gibson Les Paul bass at that gig... [/quote] Wow that's brilliant! A night to remember I'll bet. What band/style of music were you doing then?
  9. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1351012780' post='1846241'] I bet that sounds wicket .... .... I mean wicked! [/quote] Ha Ha! :-)
  10. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1351007473' post='1846134'] Boiled linseed oil is Danish oil. Edit - Sometimes it's boiled tong oil. [/quote] danish oil is a boiled linseed oil, solvent based varnish and thinners mix basically. tung oil is different again as it's oil from the nut of the tung tree which is Chinese.
  11. [quote name='KingBollock' timestamp='1351006093' post='1846105'] Looking on Wikipedia, Boiled Linseed Oil is also called Stand Oil, which is what I have and what prompted me to start the thread. Are you saying that it will work then? [/quote] if that's true then yes.
  12. There was a biggie thread on talkbass about this. in a nutshell, lthe concensus was: lemon oil - scented mineral oil that cleans well but will dry your rosewood out after time. I found this to be true (Dunlop) BOILED linseed oil - Roger Sadowsky himself chimed in and said this is what he uses on all his basses, he's never found better. I also found this to be true. Linseed oil - leave well alone, only good for cricket bats! Hope this helps.
  13. Really? I was just going off the 'e-type' vid on youtube. Shows him playing a hollowbody but never the headstock (copyright issues maybe). Yeah I know with vids what you see might not be what you're hearing but I'd always felt it sounded like a hollwbody anyway, maybe even short scale. I used to have a Ric back in the '90s and it never sounded like that (more to do with my playing than the bass I'd say!)
  14. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1348692947' post='1817112'] There's no Marcus interview in the latest issue of Bass Player . He's not been featured for a while. [/quote] Marcus is indeed on the latest cover, just saw it in Smiths. Had a flick, put it back. Advert, advert,advert......
  15. Hi all. Been on a massive Corduroy binge of late absolutley loving those ful-on 60's car chase inspired basslines.. it seems that Richard Searle was using a hollowbody bass back then but does anybody know what kind? I unfortunately never got the pleasure to see them live... Did you? Any info on how he got that tone would be awesome. Cheers.
  16. Fender Mexico are making really good basses now. Have you ever played the road worn series jazz basses. Blimey they are the real deal. I would have no quarms about buying a Geddy made by the same folk. (shhhh now, but they might be even better!)
  17. I LOVE Led Zep so that's why I hope they leave it alone now. Plant's gotta front them and if he himself feels he would be a parody then that be that.
  18. Can't believe you're filpping that lovely bass all over a wet lawn. Put a sheet down or something!
  19. I think it's interesting that you have gone to such lengths to customise this bass to your own exact preferences, I enjoy customising mine. I feel though that the price your asking here reflects probably how much money you've spent on it. Unfortunately when you customise something so personally (no matter how good it may be) you will never see that money back again. To the rest of the us here it looks a bit of a gamble and I would imagine nobody would seriously take the chance unless it was priced alot less than a standard streamer stage 1 (which are pretty much the funkiest basses ever as they come durect from Warwick - see Stuart Zender) No offence meant sincerely.
  20. So sorry guys, just cannot get the link up... it's on youtube, 'Marvin Gaye whats going on - HD' Erm.... Enjoy! (Darn my antiquated phone :/)
  21. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-h3g-uk&safesearch=always&gl=GB&hl=en-GB# Trying that again......
  22. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-h3g-uk&safesearch=always&gl=GB&hl=en-GB#/watch?v=fopc4exF 4D0 Here he is live with Marvin Gaye playing 'What's Going On?' his camera time is all too fleeting but now and again you can see 'the hook' in action
  23. http://m.youtube.com/?client=mv-h3g-uk&safesearch=always&gl=GB&hl=en-GB#/watch?v=_ul7X5js1vE Sorry to deviate for 5 but while we're talking about musical heroes on kids programs, has anyone seen this? Makes me proud to be a kid from the '70s! Cracking performance...
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