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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. Hi there. I've got one that fits a US jazz bass in black if you want it. Just pm me your address and I'll send you it as it's just gathering dust here.
  2. [quote name='ash' post='1288064' date='Jun 30 2011, 06:17 PM']PM'd[/quote] Bumpity bump bump as my ad was sat right next to a sold identical ad. Just to distinguish that this is a different item from a different Basschatter! Cheers, Si.
  3. [quote name='owen' post='1285244' date='Jun 28 2011, 01:27 PM']Croeso o Fangor! Faint o griw BC sydd yn siarad Cymraeg?[/quote] Not as well as I'd like unfortunatley. I spoke it as a child until I was about 5 but then I had to move schools. My little boy will be starting Welsh school in 18 months so I'm going to brush up myself! Diolch yn fawr Basschat!
  4. ** SOLD ** Basslines Quarterpounder jazz pickup set. They are used but work perfectly. I have removed the large Basslines logo from them though (polished off with "T-cut" - did the job fine) as they were in a vintage jazz at the time and the logos spoilt the look I felt. Original product id is still on the underside of the pickups though. £55 posted.
  5. Schaller magnetic URB pickup. (classic 50's chrome design - single coil with volume control) Used, but works perfectly and looks as new. Bought from Gollihur music USA but now I use guts so no use for this anymore. £50 posted. Still for sale (for steel string use only) ***SOLD***
  6. Greetings fellow Bassaholics! I'm Simon from Cardiff and I've been playing for 20 years (actually it was this month in 1991 I got my first bass - a bright red Encore P-bass copy!) I play a customised Fender Jazz, a Meinal East (as it was) German upright with a Shadow pickup and still have my baby, my second bass - a 1992 Charvel Surfcaster semi-acoustic. I play through an Ashdown MAG 200 combo (made in England 2001) and a Sansamp bass DI. I've played in all sorts of bands over the years but the last few have been with "BORIS" (no - not the Japanese metal band, Boris is the name of my upright and we have been using that name along time before we heard of the other one!) and we play Pogues-y, country, Eastern Euro boom-tit Dubby let-it-all-hang-out at a festival kind of stuff. The bands on a hiatus at the mo though as half the band are away travelling so I've got lots of time to woodshed now, no excuses! Glad to be a part of Basschat as I have been on Talkbass for a couple of years and you guys here seem to be a much friendlier bunch! Looking forward to learning from your experiences and sharing mine. Bass on Brothers and Sisters! Si.
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