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Everything posted by miles'tone

  1. I nailed this one this very week. I feel a much better and happier person for it too.
  2. Kick Out The Jams - The MC5
  3. Not true gut but I have an unopened set of new Aquila Gold Springs synthetic guts (based on the old Golden Spirals which I'm sure you know) that I'm going to sell at a discount. My upright needs a full set up which I need to fund first. PM me if you're interested (I'm fully paid up on here btw).
  4. Bad Friend - Gruff Rhys
  5. I believe the USA SUBs, EBMM, and SterlingBMM Ray35s (now SBMM Stingray5) have the same profiles. The lower range import sub ray 5s have a narrower neck and really tight string spacing. No idea regarding the USA Sterling5 sorry. I'm sure someone else here will know.
  6. Yeah, he's the quintessential introvert. A man of few words who's probably more comfortable painting and making his art in peace. It is a good album. I'm surprised at how much I've taken to it actually as I don't really listen to guitar bands much anymore. I suppose it's nice to offset the bonkers jazz I usually play 😄
  7. I think he's just got one of those faces. I'm sure he's tingling on the inside 😄
  8. Interested to hear how it went playing your Jet with band. I don't play out anymore (just at home jamming with my kids and writing for my own pleasure these days). You have reminded me that I did actually have an SX P a few years ago - in lake placid blue. It was a good bass. Can't even remember why I sold it to be honest. Looking forward to your thoughts..
  9. He's good here too. The style and tunes are obviously subjective but I love their album (big fan of John Squire) and was hoping for a second as Squire has a lot of it written already. Doubt that'll ever happen now thanks to all this Oasis malarkey 🙄 Shame, because Liam and John had put a great band together that was moving forwards.
  10. No. I wanted to share the actual video of the live Kimmel performance but it doesn't seem to be there anymore.
  11. He was singing really well when doing the rounds with John Squire when their album came out earlier this year.
  12. All of mine have been this 😉
  13. Keep your bass how you like it and if the wooliness strikes again when using unfamiliar kit, back off some bass and dial in more treble at whatever amp you're given to use. Obviously I wasn't there but from what you've said that's what I would do after the first song.
  14. Lick My Lovepump - Tap
  15. Suits you. Congrats, that's a lovely bass.
  16. Playing made me a better druggie.
  17. I went to fit my chrome bridge cover last night but it didn't fit. The Jet bridge baseplate is a bit wider than a Fender. Foam under the strings it is then. No biggie. Sounds great with the TI flats on. Will sound even better once they bed in. The red silks really make the tort work for me now too so I'm keeping it as is 👌
  18. Now I've got Tuba GAS. Thanks for everything Herbie ❤️
  19. Miss Brown To You - Billie Holiday
  20. Two Can Hive A Party - Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell
  21. Congrats! I hadn't realised mine wasn't a jazz neck. I also assumed that they'd share the same neck ☺️ Cool. I suppose mine feels narrow at the nut to me because I was so used to playing an old full width Fender "C" neck. I'm loving this neck. So, two Jet P's down, both lightweights. Might be a thing... Have fun!
  22. Wow that's excellent Silvia, good work! Thanks! Herbie was a great chap in every way.
  23. It was Dave Richmond on the album, Herbie played it out live (he used Roto 88 tapewounds, not flats btw 😉). This thread on the other place is a very good read. Dave Richmond himself chimes in. Cool info shared... https://www.talkbass.com/threads/serge-gainsbourg-that-je-taime-bass-sound-again.1373990/
  24. I've just finished listening to this interview with Carol Kaye from last November. Really enjoyed it, a great conversation. What a time to be alive that must have been! She's one of my all time faves. The interviewer did a great job here:
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