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Everything posted by gazzer86

  1. [quote name='dombass' post='1277371' date='Jun 21 2011, 05:25 PM']Hi Gary Things must be progressing nicely if you're on RHCP's already! i had a go at a couple of theirs, but i'm def too slow at the mo!(I am the slow cheetah!!! ) I've learnt a couple of Kasabian, a couple of Ramones, Stranglers & Bob Marley songs.... all easy, slow riffs tho!!! but mainly doing lots of basic, repetitive excersises and scales. Dom[/quote] Hi Dom Whilst I am having a crack at RHCP's im not sure im that good yet, their version of Higher Ground is totally beyond me at the moment but Dani California and Suck my Kiss are more my level. I have to say, I really like Kasabian and as for the Stranglers, they were the first band I ever saw live, aged 15 in 1980 at the Brighton Centre! J J Burnel is a legend! Sounds like your getting on well to me. What gear are you using? Gary
  2. Well thanks that is very helpful, much appreciated. There seems to be a general consensus to get a teacher. I live in Eastbourne on the South Coast (yeah I know, it's where the old people live) so any recommendations on a teacher in this area would be greatly received. Eastbourne has a thriving music scene (believe it or not) and I would like to get in a band in the future but for now I guess it's practice practice practice. I will check out that web link Rich and take on board what you advised, thanks for that and Bilbo I will have a crack at learning to read music. Mind you I seem to be becoming a bass junkie. It's brought a whole new dimension to life. I can't wait to get home from work and play and when I'm not playing I'm reading up on it, it's just getting a steer in the right direction before I go off on a tangent, hence my question. Its becoming an obsession mind you, I take it this is normal!!!? Anyway thanks again for the advice fellas. Gary
  3. [quote name='gazzer86' post='1274535' date='Jun 19 2011, 11:11 AM']Hi all. I am very much a newbie bass player. I've been playing for a couple of months now and have learnt about 7 or 8 simple songs. I have to date been teaching myself, with reasonable success. Can you more experienced players advise me of any particular learning structure that I could adopt in order that I can progress and fully understand what I am playing. Any recommended books, DVDs or courses? Or should I get a few or regular lessons from a teacher. Ideally, I would like to be in a position where I could play reasonably competently within say 12 months so I could play with other musicians. Thanks for your help. Gary[/quote] Any advice anyone? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Gary
  4. Hi all. I am very much a newbie bass player. I've been playing for a couple of months now and have learnt about 7 or 8 simple songs. I have to date been teaching myself, with reasonable success. Can you more experienced players advise me of any particular learning structure that I could adopt in order that I can progress and fully understand what I am playing. Any recommended books, DVDs or courses? Or should I get a few or regular lessons from a teacher. Ideally, I would like to be in a position where I could play reasonably competently within say 12 months so I could play with other musicians. Thanks for your help. Gary
  5. [quote name='dood' post='1273812' date='Jun 18 2011, 03:08 PM']Hey everyone! Well, since it's absolutely chucking it down outside, I decided to sit and ponder over a purchase I have been GASsing over for a while. I'll cut straight to the chase, else I might waffle on for hours about what kit I've messed around with over the years! I can see massive potential for the iPad and Android Tablets (kinda disregarded Windows 7 for now) but my questions are: At the moment I can only see that the iPad has 3rd party recording interfaces being made for them (such as iRig etc). There's nothing on the market for Android tablets right?? I've not seen anything anyway! What interface are you using with yours / recommend? Is anyone using Android as a music related OS? For example using Guitar Pro style notation software and for recording / media? What Apps are you using and have you been able to use any 3rd party hardware? Ultimately I think I'll end up with an iPad - The idea that I can use it as a teaching tool as well as using it for leisure and business is a cool one - especially with an 'on demand' power up instead of waiting for 'old faithful' to boot in to windows everytime! Would love to hear your thoughts, ye collective brain of BassChat! Dooooooooooooooooooooooood[/quote] Hi. I am a new bass player and as such use the internet alot as a learning tool. Tabs, You tube etc. For me, the ipad is fantastic as I use it and plug it into my little micro cube bass and also plug in my headphones. That way, I have a decent size screen to watch and everything is routed through the amp to my headphones. I can then concentrate fully on what I am trying to do and also don't get the rest of the household moaning at me! I also purchased Garage Band on a whim and must admit have found that great fun to create music (possibly for future backing). Of course, there's so much more you can do on the ipad. It comes highly recommended from me. Cheers Gary
  6. [quote name='dombass' post='1273139' date='Jun 17 2011, 08:22 PM']hey Gary, hows the playing going? what sort of stuff are you playing?[/quote] Hi Dom The playing is going quite well thanks. I think I need my bass setting up properly mind you. I used to be a huge Police fan in my teen years and alway liked Sting's approach to the bass lines. Also, they are fairly simplistic (which helps). I have learnt about 5 of their songs so far and also am having a crack at a couple of chilli peppers songs (they are a bit harder for my rookie fingers!) How about you? Gary
  7. Hi there. Welcome, I'm a total newbie bass player too (about 8 weeks experience in total) and am just along the coast in Eastbourne. Gary
  8. Scott I am new to bass guitar and am interested in learning a bit of "slap" in the future. You explained things very clearly and I found the lessons very informative. I am looking forward to trying out the techniques and pattern set out in your lessons. Thanks Gazzer
  9. Greetings to you all. I'm a newbie (but mature at 46) bass player from the south coast. I've played guitar a bit in the past but have discovered that I totally love bass. My big confession is despite being a total rookie, I did splash out a bit on a second hand Fender Japanese 70's style jazz bass. I also got hold of a second hand Roland Microcube bass RX. I'm now learning a few songs (fairly simple) and have discovered a whole new world! Anyway, it's good to be on the forum and I look forward to chatting to you all in the future.
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