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Everything posted by Exile252

  1. I rush things abit much. When learning a song, I'll try to blast through it, get fed up and come on here. I don't always play with at consistent level, some times, I'll hit a string fairly lightly, and the next one with me hit really hard. Which kinda creates general annoyance to people listening
  2. I plan to be cremated so I'd have my fave bass along for the ride, oh, and I intend to have my ashes sent to space, which you can actually do.
  3. I only need to sell my Jazz V, then I got the money
  4. mhm, looks nice, but looking for a jazzish shape bass mostly. Thanks for the intrest.
  5. mhm liking the look of the Geddy, and I'm thinking about moving back to a 4 string Jazz.
  6. Thinking about it, I'm up for trades aswell.
  7. Bump again
  8. Got any pics of the Keytar
  9. This could come in useful and would also be a bit of fun. I'd need my friend to pay for the bass I sold him first
  10. Just wondering, what does this do?
  11. You can buy the parts from Warmoth, I'm sure they do a double neck body. You'd be able to have it customized to you aswell.
  12. I have a MIM Fender Jazz V, but I don't think you'd be wanting to make that trade haha. Nice looking bass though, have a bump
  13. My first bass was a Westfield P Bass copy, which, I've stripped the paint off, and made gold. Sooner or later goldleaf will be added. Oh and I defretted it.
  14. It's basses like this that make me want to sell my gear quickly hehe.
  15. Doesn't this bass have the coloured headstock aswell? It looks really good btw.
  16. Does anyone here know who to apply some, or know where I'd have to go to find someone who does?
  17. Bump da bass
  18. My two fave bass on here have been sold with in 48 hours of each other....... haha. This and that gold bongo. Both were stunning. Well in reality they still are.
  19. BAh! Well done on probably one of the best buys on this forum haha.
  20. If I could, I would buy this bass no doubt. Though if I sold my gear I could. But I'd feel bad as my mum and dad bought me a new guitar at crimbo With out that I'd be £175 off anyway. Darn this cruel world! Hehe. Crosses Fingers that no one buys this bass till I miraculously gain £175 to buy it
  21. Thanks for posting that, its actually really helped haha, I actually understand which keys are which along with the scales. Thanks man.
  22. Ah yes......your right...... Why did I think it was a Sterling
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