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Everything posted by Exile252

  1. I'm lost now
  2. I'm thinking of some how getting a Musicman, if I ever get the funds for one. But I was wondering, which do you guys think is best, their all around the same price as well. I'm mostly looking at the Sterling at the mo, just because of the coloured headstock. What do you guys think? Thanks
  3. [quote name='ste_m3' post='189019' date='Apr 30 2008, 05:17 PM']Maybe we should make an official "Compensation due to emotional childhood" chart. We can base EMA on that [/quote] But that would exclude me . Maybe if they realized who needs the money, us musicians, maybe some other folk, and not give it to people on the dole because they can't be bothered to get up off their fat arses and find a job. GAh!
  4. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='188552' date='Apr 29 2008, 11:46 PM']I wish my bass had my ME-50B embedded in it! That'd be quite useful... or maybe not [/quote] It defo unbalance it thats for sure. Its a guitar lol Bought it before everyone decided to buy Dean guitars....... Which seems to happen quiet alot bizarrely, happened twice with my headphones, had sony ones, everyone gets them, moved over to Skullcandy, and now everyone is planning to buy them! Gah!
  5. Yeah, though we're one of the unlucky bastards who the government decided they paid too much to. Though when ever we asked for any proof of this, they hushed up. Money stealing Gorden Brown, gah I hate him and his rubber face with a passion.
  6. Yeah, I'm gonna be applying for more places later on this week, maybe this time I'll get somewhere *crosses fingers*. But for now I think I might try selling some pointless stuff I have, like my Dean V. Though might be hard to shift as its got a huge dent in one of the arms from my mum kicking my old ME-50B into it
  7. Aren't majority of MJ songs actually a keyboard instead of a bass? Sill very funky, very very funky. MJ, you may be a crazy foo' but you got some awsome tracks!
  8. Not only is it a stupid idea, but its decided by complete idiots, before my brother was getting £20 a week, whilst I was getting £30, now, something about that ain't right, is it? Also, I can't afford anything nowadays, like, I haven't had a new set of strings on my bass for a whole year as I just can't afford them as I have no form of income what so ever. The threshold for EMA is ridiculous as well, £30,000 a year is enough for two people to live on, not a whole family. Sure both my parents work, but this still can't bring enough money for anything. They should up the threshold to £50,000 or £60,000. But as the concept was thought up by people who fail to realize that the UK does actually have some people who aren't earning large sums of money and driving their expensive cars, living in their big houses. P.S I have looked for a job millions of time, but when people read I'm studying music, I don't get a job. Most people think musicians are slackers. I only want money to afford more bassing stuffage. In my last job I worked at extreme rates and never had anything to do because I'd finish very fast .
  9. I just bought a Trace, think thats ok hehe.
  10. Having a better weapon to deliver the groove also helps . I need to upgrade to a new bass me thinks, had my Fender just over a year, thats quite long for someone with alot of GAS.
  11. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='187649' date='Apr 28 2008, 10:20 PM']Make sure you do a sh1t load of speed.[/quote] It'll get him there quicker, but cost alot more in fuel . You should drive at about 70 but have your car in its top gear, if you got 6 and its a deasiel you could make it on one tank, that will involve alot of coasting to junctions. Though if I had a car, I would drive up there, I'll take a friend aswell to keep company.
  12. I think it was Deftones - Root and 7 Words also by Deftones
  13. Hey guys, just wondering what you guy would be willing to trade for these two. I'm not particually looking for any hard deals atm, I'm just having a look. I'm going to uni in September and having two basses is pointless really as I'm gonna be in a tiny prison cell (Accommodation is tiny). What do you guys think? Thanks
  14. Ah fair enough. Still very nice basses.
  15. hehe. I don;t think I'd ever have enough in any near time. Nice Bass though, have a bump
  16. Since no one has put an offer in 50p! ..... Oh wait, this isn't an auction is it . How much are they new, how much did ya get it for, and how old is it? Or would a Fender (my one) and £300 cut it?
  17. Wait.... You get EMA and you got a Musicman for crimbo? Dude, we live in a weird government, I don't get EMA and my parents could bearly afford my Fender for my 18th. I'm aiming for either a Musicman or Lakland next, dunno which, I've tried the Stingrays before and they are bloody amazing.
  18. [quote name='ste_m3' post='186925' date='Apr 28 2008, 12:35 AM']I don't know if id call it sly! I plan to make a loss on everything I purchase, but like to try out new gear. transition basses are a great way to keep your money free whilst forming some valuble opinions. For example, I sold my mule bass for £400, and at the same time traded my ibanez for a yamaha. A nice lakland came up for 450, so I put £50 in my bass pot and bought that. Then the bongo came up, I sold both basses for £600, put £150 in and voilà! One bongo! Without ever spending more than £200 in one go! [/quote] mhm sounds like a good idea. Though I already know MIM Fender Jazz basses are hard to shift
  19. You should be a business man, try for the Apprentice next year.
  20. , Would help if I had a job . The last time I had money I spent it so fast over £1000 in a month, and don't understand where all of it went. I've got abit of GAS for another bass as it is, but I got no cash after buying a Trace off here. Which should be here by the end of the week *crosses fingers*
  21. heres a few. Deeper Underground - Jamiroquai Schism - Tool The Pot - Tool Pow! - Larry Graham Break On Through - The Doors No One Knows - Queens Of The Stoneage
  22. That helps..... only slightly..... haha. Where do you guys get all the money for your rigs?
  23. [quote name='BassManKev' post='186868' date='Apr 27 2008, 11:07 PM']17? i thought you were older for some reason[/quote] ...Same here.... Bizzare that lots of people seem to be younger than me (I'm 19) I thought everyone would have been older :S
  24. Well, here is a pic of my Fender Jazz V and the headstock. I also took a pic of my mandolin aswell hehe.
  25. Compared to all you guys I have nothing haha. Only got my Fender Jazz V and don't have an amp (But I will soon!). Though I do have a mandolin........ I'll put some pics up later.
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