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Everything posted by Exile252

  1. Wow alot of these coming on sale hehe. Thank god I'm getting money on Monday. I'll most likely PM then about it. Looks very nice btw.
  2. I'm kinda looking into buying a new amp, and I'll be getting money on monday, so I might look into it abit more then Nice amp by the way.
  3. bumpage
  4. Bump...
  5. Yes, my trusty Ibanez has made its way back into my possession....... And its also made its way back onto this forum hehe. Turns out the person I sold it to had some problems, which was only a dead battery, a dead battery that caused a lot of hassle it seems. Well, anywho, I'm still in need to selling this guy. I think I still got a pic on this comp. [attachment=7348:my_bass.jpg] And I guess I still do Turns out that the bass isn't made in this colour anymore So I gess that makes it that little bit more rare lol. Asking price, between £100 and £120, mostly £110
  6. if I had the money, and found it easy enough to sell my Fender and Ibanez bass's then I'd buy this lols . But sadly, I don't think 'd be able to sell them quickly enough, and I don't have enough ontop of that anyway lol. But have a bump on me
  7. hehe, I need to find myself one of them M16 Basses (Though that looks more like an AK47 lol)
  8. Ibanez's happen to be awsome, and them two basses show that. The gold hardware on the SR20, makes me drool......
  9. haha, I'll try to work it out whilst playing in realtime
  10. That is a really complicated math to do lol, and I used to be really good at maths :S Thanks for the help guys
  11. I'm thinking about making a custom bass, Though I'm not sure what the fret spacing should be for a 36" 5 String neck. Does anyone here know what would generally be the best fret sizes all down the neck? Thanks guys.
  12. This bass looks amazing, At times like this, I wish I had a well paid job
  13. You really want to get rid of it :S
  14. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='125682' date='Jan 22 2008, 07:52 PM']is that the quiet jazz?[/quote] Quiet Jazz? Its a passive, thingy mabob, and only MIM
  15. Well, what would you say to it lol?
  16. lol, there isn't any point in asking if you'd trade for a Fender Jazz V. Very nice bass you have there though lol.
  17. Very nice, whats the neck and body made of? Looks like the carbon stuff
  18. wow, I'm surprised no one has bought this amazingly cool bass. If only I had the money lols.
  19. The only thing that making me think is, tuning and buying strings. Is it hard to detune and how much do the strings cost? Oh btw, my Jazz should be worth like £300 lol
  20. lol thought so. Well have another bump off me anyway
  21. Would a trade for a Fender Jazz Bass 5 string be reasonable?
  22. looks lovely, I want lol. I got a Fender Jazz 5 string, but its only MIM, and your probs looking for a MIA Jazz.
  23. Trade for Fender Jazz 5 String?
  24. My first bass was a cheapo copy make called "Westlake" or something like that. I wanted to play bass because hardly anyone where I lived played bass, they were all playing greenday and other pop-punk sh*te on cheap guitars (Encores) from Argos. Now I find that bass hard to play, the neck is extremely square at the edges making it really uncomfortable, the pick-ups are horrible. Bridge nasty, everything about it was nasty. But I carried on playing it, until I bought my Ibanez, which was alot nicer lol.
  25. Still, it be nice to see some pics. Even though I am running out of space in my house for growing numbers of basses and guitars..... But what do ya know lol Someone might be intrested
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