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Everything posted by Rubbersoul

  1. All the heroes of my youth are dying out. RIP Fast Eddie.
  2. Think TVs and the like. Back in the 70s if you had 1 black and white telly you were lucky: now we have flat screen, UHD, 4K etc in every bloody room. Technology has made the production of previously unattainable goods (for most of us) dirt cheap. I like it!
  3. The Fall - random shuffle.
  4. The White Stripes version of Jolene is superb imo.
  5. That's a very good idea. Cheers.
  6. Ok thanks for that. The fret lines will help me get the positioning right.
  7. Thanks chaps, appreciate the advice. Does anyone mark the edge of the board for guidance? If so, what do you use?
  8. Hi folks. I recently was given an old beat up, bitsa no-name, filthy fretless. I've cleaned it up now, put new flats on it and it actually feels and sounds quite good. Problem: I've never really played fretless before and am struggling a bit (a lot if I'm honest). The board has lines however they're pretty hard to see and the side markings are more or less invisible. So, good people of basschat, some tips for learning to play this thing would be brilliant. Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi. Wondered if anyone had tried one of these? Wife got an ipad and I fancy mucking about with garageband but I don't think I'll use it over much.
  10. I do this all the time with the singer in my current project. I record a bass riff or riffs (sometimes the entire song structure on bass only), send it to him via Dropbox and, if we both agree there's something workable then I start to build on it with ezdrummer and various VSTi plugins. Once the song is more or less complete we then get together to dissect it and improve on it. As for lyrics, sometimes I will have something in mind and sometimes he will. He does shift work and we both have family commitments so this is currently our best option. Various versions will be sent via Dropbox and, at the final stage, we move into the live room and jam it out making tweaks and changes on the fly.
  11. Used to have a Vintage V100. For the money I don't think they can be beaten.
  12. I love writing songs. I love hearing original music. Unfortunately, a lot of what is being touted as original is really not. I've walked away from many a gig being disappointed by the lack of originality on show. My own tunes probably aren't as "original" as I like to think of them for that matter! I hate a paint by numbers cover band but one playing with energy and enthusiasm whilst adding their own twist can be a fantastic night out.
  13. Yes, very heavy but a great sound (blue speakers).
  14. The harmonics dial is a nice touch. After some more playing, there really is nothing I dislike about this pedal. Excellent.
  15. Just got the Sparrow last night so am still fiddling but initial impressions are good. Really easy to get a meaty, driven / distorted bass tone. A bit more expensive than the Behringer that folk rate pretty highly but this is built really solidly and has a much smaller footprint. So far, I would say recommended. [attachment=250364:2017-08-01 18.51.37.jpg]
  16. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1501074720' post='3342278'] what did you get? As ive replaced my Diago micropower with a true tone 1 spot and the problems still there im wondering if its just dodgy electrics at home and in my rehearsal space. [/quote] This: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NOISE-FREE-BOSS-PSA-240-GUITAR-EFFECTS-PEDAL-POWER-SUPPLY-REPLACEMENT-ADAPTER-9V/161084408793?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  17. [quote name='Rubbersoul' timestamp='1500159413' post='3336033'] My chain just recently developed a bad hum. Nothing new added, just out of the blue. I read about ferrite clip on thingys that you attach to the power cable supposedly reducing noise, so I've ordered one off eBay to see if it helps. I've ordered a new adapter as well. I run 2 daisy chains together running 8 pedals btw and this is on my guitar rig, not the bass. I'll let you know how it pans out. [/quote] Update: The ferrite clip made zero difference. The new 9 volt power supply power supply has however solved the problem.
  18. Cheers . Will try these as soon as I get back from holiday. I did try the battery test on 1 pedal (DS1): No hum battery, noise with power. Yes, the power all comes from 1 socket via 4 way gang.
  19. I tried the power supply into a series of single pedals: the hum, whilst reduced, was present each time.
  20. My chain just recently developed a bad hum. Nothing new added, just out of the blue. I read about ferrite clip on thingys that you attach to the power cable supposedly reducing noise, so I've ordered one off eBay to see if it helps. I've ordered a new adapter as well. I run 2 daisy chains together running 8 pedals btw and this is on my guitar rig, not the bass. I'll let you know how it pans out.
  21. Superlux HD 681. Fantastic value.
  22. I really like the sound of this . Just not available in the UK yet to try out
  23. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1425034628' post='2703155'] Lol [size=4] [/size] [size=4]FWIW I love rehearsals, i hang out with my mates, we play music, then go to the pub. What's not to like?[/size] [/quote] What he/she said. Maybe it's different in an originals band where we're basically writing and tweaking as we play.
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