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Everything posted by Rubbersoul

  1. Strange thing. I've been using the ibanez for everything since I got it and as a live workhorse it's excellent but for recording not so much. Decided to try my ancient, battered and burnt Westone tonight and it is actually brilliant for recording . The ibanez has a clanky upper register I can't get rid of whereas the Westone is just warm and lovely. Here's a link to the burning thread if you're interested. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/283829-massacre-of-innocents-westone-concorde/page__pid__3039821#entry3039821
  2. Paul Simonon. JJ Burnell. They were not technically gifted but they are cool. Cool is James Dean, Marlon Brando, Sinatra and Deano. Others may be brilliant but cool is cool.
  3. If you're using the monkey do you plug into the instrument or line level input?
  4. Everything seems fine in that respect. Easy to set up, download updates from the Audient website and you're good to go. As for latency, I have it set at "minimum" and I am not experiencing any problems whatsoever. Running through Reaper and using VSTs in real time has not been a problem.
  5. Nice one! I am very pleased with mine.
  6. Sheepdogs! Round the f***ers up and put each one to the test. It'd be like a Monty Python sketch.
  7. Went to a Britain's got the x factor heat once. That's love right there.
  8. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1485276796' post='3222736'] What ever bass is my go-to bass. In the last 20 years it's been Wal, Lakland and Lull. They all made a great noise and I managed to make them all sound just like me. [/quote] Nice choices!
  9. Well I got the Audient back. It's brilliant - no need for anything between the bass and the interface.
  10. Does the DI box run into an interface or straight to your computer?
  11. I love the Aerodynes. Great looking basses. Haven't tried an SG bass, although my mate has the guitar version which is quite nice. Very light.
  12. I've always heard that mic'ing a bass amp is very difficult but I suppose with the right gear in the right room a blend of the 2 would be nice. Might try that some time.
  13. Yeah I go straight to interface as well, although I do use amp sims as I like a distorted sound. Current favourite sim is the SHB-1 by Ignite Amps.
  14. Does anyone find that they either use a completely different bass for recording or that they change the control settings on their regular bass? I play an Ibanez GSR 200 and live I use the P pickup exclusively with the tone on full and the active EQ boost all the way up. When recording however I find I get a much clearer tone if I turn the active EQ off and turn the J pickup up full. Just curious to know what if any changes you make from your live settings to your recorded ones.
  15. Thanks man. Back to using the Line 6 and it's just not doing it for me any more.
  16. Turns out there is a fault with the interface. It's away back to Thomann for replacement.
  17. The interface is an Audient iD14 so it has an instrument DI. I just got it for Xmas and am still getting used to it. The DI seems very hot and the only way I can get a signal in without it clipping is by turning the volume down on the bass: I think this loses a bit of the character of the bass. I've the gain on the mixer right down and I'm still going into the red!
  18. No valves - it's an Ashdown MAG300. I've just been recording di up to now and using amp sims with pretty decent results but I fancied trying this for a change. Really don't want to damage anything as it's not long repaired and it's my only amp.
  19. Hi folks. Quick question. I have my head at home but not the cab. Is it OK to use the head on its own to run the DI or do I need a cab attached for safety reasons? Thanks.
  20. Superlux HD668. I use them for everything and for the money I don't think they can be beaten.
  21. If you are gonna do a car boot or individual listing then you've gotta ma ke sure it all works. Personally, I would look through it for the choicest pieces, sell them individually and then sell the rest as a job lot.
  22. sh*t one man. Hope you get it back.
  23. The Defects - 45 minutes
  24. Resurrecting an old thread and about to ask a stupid question: I apologise. I play pick style with a fair bit of od and occasional fuzz. Is a compressor of any use to me at all? Told you it was stupid 😶
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