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Everything posted by njr911

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1374225730' post='2146562'] Wow, these basses used to flay out of here within hours of someone posting them for sale. I cant believe this hasn't yet. Maybe we need another Squier CVP thread in the Bass section to get some interest going ;-) [/quote] Do it! I've just bought one last week and taking it to its first rehersal this week. Great basses for very little money!
  2. Sold! Thanks all!
  3. You lot are making me sad. I sold my olympic white with matching h/s 1961 Jazzmaser in the mid 90's for buttons an have regretted it ever since
  4. Schaller strplocks that came off my 61 Jazzmaster with gold h/w when I sold it a few years ago. £10 or swap for the nickle version Ta
  5. I have a set of Labella black nylon tapewounds that are too short to go on my P base if anyone fancies a set for a shorter scale bass ?
  6. You didn't "damage" it you "relic'd" it. I'll be worth more now /glass half full
  7. Just to let you all know there is a pleasant, attractive girl that works in PMT in Leeds This thread is getting all a bit 70's sitcom now
  8. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1373975352' post='2143703'] If it's not contributing anything to the sound of the bass and is only there other than to supply a DI feed to the PA don't have it in the main signal path. Run it from a post EQ line out on the amp instead. Doesn't your amp already have a DI out? If the front end of your amp doesn't have any valves then a gain pedal won't really do anything other than make the signal louder. They work properly with valves because they drive the valves harder and therefore giving you more nice sounding valve distortion, but the sound of transistors being driven hard isn't anywhere near as nice. It might be worth trying again with the OBT, but don't use it as a DI because then the signal to the PA won't benefit from any of that nice valve tone from the amp. [/quote] It's at teh end of the path just incase the amp goes down. I can tehn DI to the PA and still use my effects (in theory, never had to try in anger luckly) Thanks for all your advice btw!
  9. It's the Beringer BDI21 one. I got it mainly as a gain pedal but it doesnt give enough breakup on the Ashdown so I only have it as an emergency DI.
  10. It's available on the On Demand box set thingy that Sky have now. Under the Sky Arts feed thingy.
  11. As I now have more than 3 pedals my Boss pedal board is no longer being used. In good condition £20 Cheers Neil
  12. Ashdown is solid state. Not using the EQ on the DI box at the moment. Guess they will be ok in the chain until I get a valve pre amp on the OBT
  13. So I have a couple of overdrives, tuner, phaser, and a DI out. All on a pedle board Are these best in the effects loop of the Ashdown (soon to be range bass terror) or is in the chan ok ? Best to try them in both I guess and see if you can hear a difference
  14. On my Ashdown and on many other Amps I look at there's an effects loop. Since playing guitat through vintage amps I have always put all my pedles in a chain from my guitar to the amp input. What is the benifit of using a seperate loop ? All I can see is that you increase the number of cables on stage from 1 to 3 ?
  15. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1373921566' post='2143288'] I'd try a Nitro guitar first, I found it an awfully 'crumbly' finish that marks extremely easily - I hear no difference between nitro & poly. [size=4]I like to look after my stuff obsessively, so I prefer poly because it doesn't mark up, stays looking new & is much less sticky on my hands/forearm - no dings!! So holds the (modern) instrument's value better.[/size] [/quote] I had an original finish 1961 Jazzmaster in Olympic White with gold hardware and it was just a lovely thing. Properly roadworn, with dings marks, lots of finish wear and it just felt like it had lived. I want to start to recreate this with my next bass. I foolishly sold the Jazzmaster for peanuts in the mid 1990's
  16. [quote name='iceonaboy' timestamp='1373921002' post='2143274'] I seen the history of heavy metal which was a series that showed different genres every episode. Is this the same show you are talking about? [/quote] Yep that's the one. Just watched Glam Metal. Not my bag at all but still a thoroughly enjoyable hour.
  17. Ah yes the post 2006 Highways
  18. For some reason I have it in my head that my next bass must be nitro finished. So what options does this give me ? I'll be buying second hand so not too important if it's been discontinued. Nitro Finished Fenders - Roadworn (Jazz isn't in coustom colours which is a shame) Classic Series (unworn roadworns) USA 62RI (there's a lovely LPB one in the for sale section) Vintage (a bit out of my price range) Bravewood/Nash/Bitsa custom build Any others ?
  19. After having a baby 4 weeks ago and takeing shift through the night someone suggested I watch this series. 11 1 hour episods on the evolution of metal. Brilliant series if you have any interest in metal at all. 5 hours in and just about to get to Metallica Oh and the best bass for metal ? A P with flats according to Iron Maiden
  20. To go along with her talent she's also much easier on the eye than Mani *sorry Mani if you're reading
  21. I have this issue on my CV. Dropping the bass end of the pickups has helped a little. I can play around it now.
  22. It looks very pretty!
  23. Thanks As mentioned this is brand spanking new.
  24. When the Squire CV P adn J's are so goof for only £200 (s/h) there's no need to choose. Have both...That's what I did But the real answer is Jazz
  25. I wasn't constipated btw....I needed hayfever tablets lol
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