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Everything posted by njr911

  1. Hehe sorry to keep you all in suspense. Doddy is correct, the delivery of the cabs was delayed. I have the head but as I don't have a cab I can't give any feedback other than its very small and neat. The good news is my Mi12 arrives from the lovely people at Ashdown tomorrow. I'll post a picture of the rig then and a quick review after rehearsals on Friday
  2. I would love one but the Red isn't to my taste and I can't find the Sonic blue since they discontinued. Hopefully they'll release an nice 60 colour soon
  3. My first bass amp arrives next week. Ashdown MiBass 550 and Mi12 cab. It's the first batch of Mi cabs to arrive in the UK apparently. Can't wait, looking forward to giving back the Laney combo I've been borrowing. My back is going to thank me:)
  4. It's a ph2.
  5. Ive been given these by my guitar playing brother in law. Has anyone tried them with a bass? Not got practice until next week so can't try them myself until then.
  6. The 112 is 8 ohm so 2 can be used with the mibass. I've decided to go for one 112 with my mibass until I discover what I need going forward. Then add another mi12 or vs212 in the future.
  7. How portable is a 112?
  8. But the Vs212 looks so sexy!
  9. Ive decided to get a couple of Ashdown cabs and am wondering what to go for for the most flexibility. I have a MiBass so thinking a Mi12 as a portable rehearsal and small gig cab. I'm then thinking of a vs 212 for lager gigs. I could then connect both at 4 ohms to get the 500 out of my head. Is my thinking correct? Are my choice of cabs correct? I can get any Ashdown cabs but the do have to be ashdown. Cheers
  10. Those Gil Yaron LPs look amazing! How much are the Gil Yaron basses ?
  11. Can't get the LB unfortunately. New stuff only. Thinking the VS212 might be the way to go. Really fancy a Mi12 but is it powerful enough to gig or would I need the VS too?
  12. Thanks! Considering this to go with my MiBass. Is it loude enough to gig with at 250 (?) watts. I may still go for the VS212
  13. Thanks for all your advice guys! I've decided due to the fact that the MiBass would cost me less than half the price of a OBT I'll get a MiBass at the moment and then keep my eye out for a resonably priced OBT in the near future. I still want an OBT but the MiBass at the price is a no brainer. Now just to decide on Cabs - I can get Ashdown stuff at great prices so MiBass cab or the VS series are options as would be a Barefaced Compact but is it worth three times the price of a VS212 or VS115 ?
  14. I've been going round this choice for weeks now and it's driving me mad. Started playing bass 6 months ago after 20 years of playing guitar. With guitar it was easy Vox AC30 and/or Fender Silverface Twin. With bass it's proving far more confusing I'm currently using a Laney combo but it's an old tatty thing and bloody heavy so need to get something a bit different. I walk to my rehearsal studio so it would be handy to be able to carry everything (only 5 min walk) so do I get an Orange Bass Terror and SP210. This stack looks great and I like the Orange vibe. Or Ashdown MiBass and a Barefaced compact ? I've only played the 2 heads in PMT so no idea how they will sound in the band. I love the headphone out on the MiBass so I can play without disturbing the wife. I'm getting to the point of getting both and seeing which works best and flog the other.
  15. Review and pictures when it arrives please.
  16. I'm just about to purchase a OBT. I'm wondering if I'd be better getting the 1000 or for most gigs would a 500 be ok? I think I'm going to get a SP210 to go with it as I can pick on up s/h easily enough. And also an Orange mini stack looks the nuts. Could you add a second SP210 to boost the volume at bigger gigs? If money was no object (and if it was orange) I'd get a barefaced compact.
  17. Knights of Cydonia was awesome though. The last album was a bit meh.
  18. Love Texas Flood by SRV.
  19. What do I need to listen to to inspire me further ? What's the best Jaco album to listen to ? Whe else deserves a special listen ? Cheers Neil
  20. My Squier CV Jazz is a bit boomy on the 5 th and 7 th fret of the E string and I assume it's a bad set up. Where can I get it tweaked in Leeds ? And how much ? Cheers Neil
  21. Playing this song for the first time this Friday and it's all simple enough BUT I'm struggling with what to play in the solo ? Can't find a decent tab, I think we might do it a bit "Who" but doubt I have the technique for the PE version yet. Any suggestions ? Cheers Neil
  22. Missed out on the Ashdown unfortunately. So still looking. The g&k looks great value but I'd always go second hand if possible. So a nice (valve) head and cab it is. Unless anyone suggests a vintage Fender Bassman
  23. Thanks. Interesting stuff. Budget would be less than 500 ideally. For rock covers.. Maybe the ashdown would be a good choice.
  24. After being a guitarist or 20 years I'm now playing bass and looking to gig very soon. I've had some amazing amps over the years and I know whati like for guitars (fender silver face twin, Vox AC30, Marshall Bluesbreaker) valve vintage sounding combos. What would be a good amp for giging and practice? I've been offered an ashdown 500 head for £100 but would need a cab. Or should I go for a combo? Valves or solid state ? Mesa boogie. Mmmmm
  25. MOT Leeds Leeds Leeds
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