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Everything posted by Ba55me15ter

  1. Someone's got a bargain - great bass.
  2. I should be there too.
  3. Totally fantastic bass!
  4. Ooh, will try and make this one. Will bring some gear and that.
  5. The Wesley P-bass I picked-up for free. It actually plays really well, and apart from maybe a slightly-lacking bottom end on the lower strings (easily compensated-for) sounds pretty damn good too! Amazing for an £85 retail instrument.
  6. It probably won't actually be Argos creating those adverts, it'll be someone who is part of their affiliate scheme. They pay for every click on the ad in the hope that you subsequently buy something and, through some tracking in the URL, they'll get a cut of the purchase price. I can't imagine it working very well in this case.
  7. Not mine, but a decent deal. [url="http://newcastle.gumtree.com/newcastle/13/32993413.html"]http://newcastle.gumtree.com/newcastle/13/32993413.html[/url]
  8. There is a section dedicated to [url="http://www.quicksound.co.uk/search.php?cmd=listsub&subcategory=dp_Left-handed-bass"]left handed basses[/url] on my website. I recognise that posting this link is a little commercial in nature so mods if it is out of order please delete, but I thought it might be a useful resource for the lefties. It's basically the Lefty section at Dolphin condensed into a handy (and I think more user-friendly) list.
  9. [quote name='JPJ' post='370670' date='Jan 5 2009, 10:10 AM']BTW just to clarify, without the preamp and plugging straight into the desk, my J-Retro equipped Overwater J5 wasn't really 'driving' the mic input on the desk. Yes, we had to back the trim gain thing back a bit to stop it distorting, but in backing it off, I seemed to loose some depth or oompth. With the PJB, I can back the gain on the bass buddy back to avoid distortion but still provide a big fat signal to my desk. Does that make sense, I hope so 'cause thats what seems to be happening?[/quote] Were you plugging direct into a high-impedence instrument input on the desk? Sounds exactly like what would happen if you weren't. I must try plugging my PJB Briefcase into the desk sometime - I think the preamp is essentially the same as the bass buddy.
  10. Last night I recorded some bass using my Hartke VXL Bass Attack, something I've been meaning to do for ages but never got around to. Very nice! I recorded both the output of the VXL and a direct clean feed out of its parallel output onto seperate tracks. The results were great - I could choose between ultra-clean and polite DI or the fuller, more aggresive and harmonically-rich VXL output. A blend of both was perfect and did not have any phase issues. Nice (and pretty cheap!). I also love the way you can power it off 48v phantom power from the mixer.
  11. [quote name='alexclaber' post='364984' date='Dec 28 2008, 05:40 PM']If you want killer sound and have no intention of using it in a band then I don't think you can beat the PJB Bass Briefcase. Every other small combo is either compromised to get enough loudness or to get the price low enough - the Briefcase doesn't play loud at all but it ticks all the tonal boxes of deep bass extension, midrange punch and smooth clean treble.[/quote] +1. The PJB sounds superb. Its shape means it's also very easy to secrete anywhere around the house for when inspiration strikes.
  12. I rang the Brum shop yesterday and he deffo said he had a placid blue DJ4. It also sounded like he had a sunburst 55-02 (he reckoned it was a DJ5 but a- it didn't have pickguard and b- the DJ5 doesn't come in sunburst) which was listed at 1199 but he could do me a 'silly price' if I was interested.
  13. Don't bother getting excited about the DJ5 - it's long gone. Rang yesterday (and 6 weeks ago when the list first appeared). The DJ4 was still there though.
  14. One and only bump.
  15. ART Multiverb Alpha in great condition, owned from new. Reverbs, delays, chorus, eq etc. £30 collected Newcastle or meet for petrol dosh.
  16. The 6th (blimey) Annual Spangler Xmas Bash "Music to get drunk to." Mr Lynch, Jesmond. Free before 10pm, £5 after. Band on 9.30, 10.30 and 11.30pm.
  17. Will deffo try to make the next one!
  18. Arse. Would've loved to make it along but I think I'm committed to seeing Skellig at the Sage that night. Jez.
  19. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='322257' date='Nov 4 2008, 10:04 PM']yup sure, we are talking at the nut?[/quote] Nope, at the bridge!
  20. What's the string spacing at the bridge? Is it 34" scale?
  21. You might find this useful: [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=576976"]http://www.soundonsound.com/forum/showflat...p;Number=576976[/url]
  22. [url="http://www.quicksound.co.uk/articles/trace_elliot/images/10-11.jpg"]http://www.quicksound.co.uk/articles/trace...mages/10-11.jpg[/url]
  23. You could try one of these: [url="http://www.smartsounddirect.com/rolls-pm52-headphone-tap--save-5---now-only-2999-60-p.asp"]http://www.smartsounddirect.com/rolls-pm52...y-2999-60-p.asp[/url] but I really wouldn't bother. As mentioned, the colouration of your signal by the amp's onboard eq can easily be done on your PC, and you're losing all the colouration that would come from the speaker anyway.
  24. I've still got my mid-80s Carlsbro Cobra 1x15 cab, albeit with a Trace / Celestion driver in it now. Sounds great!!
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