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Everything posted by Ba55me15ter

  1. [quote name='Waldo' post='40636' date='Aug 2 2007, 08:46 PM']They really need to put some focus into thier website becuase at the moment, it's more of a webSH*TE! In this age of internet shopping, it's no wonder they're going under....[/quote] Hope you'll excuse the blatant plug, but it's highly relevant: this is the exact reason I started developing [url="http://www.quicksound.co.uk"]Quicksound[/url]. It lists all Sound Control's catalogue but laid out in what I think is a much more user-friendly interface. You can search and compare with Dolphin / Gear4Music too.
  2. I have to agree the Bill Dickens left me wondering what he was going on about. I thought his playing was far from clean and accurate, not to mention a million miles from musical. Marcus is of course a supreme funker and exudes soul from his playing, however Josh I think you're wrong about Victor; I think it's a common perception if all you do is see him on internet sites like Youtube doing the flashy stuff, but go and see him live (as I was lucky enough to do in Glasgow earlier this year) and you'll realise he is the master musician with absolute monster groove.
  3. I've owned a pre-Fender Kubicki since 1990. It 's one of those 'I'll never sell it' basses. The neck is fantastically easy to play, the drop-D gadget is great (no tension problems on mine) and it slaps like a dream. The truss rod adjustment is really good - just stick a philips screwdriver in the end of the headstock. I've also had no problems changing strings and actually prefer it to regular tuning pegs. The only problem I have is that the electronics just don't seem right to me. The first active setting is pretty much the only one of the 5 that sounds good to me as the passive settings seem to all have excessively low output level (and the other active setting is just too scooped). I think this may be a fault on mine - anybody else notice this? Apart from that you can spot the tone a mile off so it doesn't suit every situation, but it really is fun to play!
  4. Was it this one Stew? I love it. Very easy to play, full range of tones onboard, 17mm spacing makes it feel fast for fingerstyle. The front pickup is very close to the fingerboard and is not a problem for basic slapping / popping, although I have had to drop the height of it so I have some room to 'hit through' for my (rather pedestrian at present) double-thumb stuff. [attachment=1519:bongo1e.jpg]
  5. I use Drums From Hell Superior - the big brother to EZDrummer - in conjunction with a Yamaha DTXpress kit. It's the dogs if you want ultimate control over your drum sound and don't mind a bit of post-production. EZDrummer is better for instant gratification / included loops.
  6. Although don't get too set on the biamping idea. I tried it (with a 'suitable-for biamping' advertised pair of cabs) and didn't like it. Sounds much better full range into both.
  7. Trace 4x10 will definitely be 8 ohms unless it's been buggered about with.
  8. Kubicki Ex-Factor is 32". I love mine apart from the electronics (which I'm beginning to think might actually be faulty).
  9. Interesting to see Alain Caron using his right pinkie to anchor against the body quite a bit. That's something I found myself doing when trying the whole double-thumbing thing, but I tried to resist it just cos Vic doesn't do it. Sod it, doesn't seem to do Alain any harm!
  10. Gig number 3 in our new residency at Mr Lynch in Jesmond. Kick off 9.30, free entry before 10.30, open until 2am. Rock pop and soul to drink and get jiggy to in a lovely smoke-free atmosphere - bring it on!
  11. Cheers for that! I was referring to the cab being relatively uncoloured so whatever comes out of the MB head will be fairly faithfully reproduced, as opposed to a more 'flattering' (or limited-range) bass cab which might not sound much like FOH. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='22918' date='Jun 25 2007, 11:53 AM']I'd love to know where the rumour about Markbass being clean sounding started. They've definitely got jazz bass friendly colouring to my ears. Your band sound great BTW. [/quote]
  12. I know it's a bit unconventional, but I use my SA450 to power a JBL Eon 15 PA cab laid-back in its monitor position. It works incredibly well, and also gives you the benefit of a relatively uncoloured sound so anything you eq should sound pretty similar FOH. Very portable too.
  13. [quote name='john_the_bass' post='16934' date='Jun 13 2007, 03:09 PM']what's this ampeg simulator? it's the speeding up/slowing down mp3s that i'd be interested in[/quote] Check out [url="http://www.xs4all.nl/~mp2004/bp/"]http://www.xs4all.nl/~mp2004/bp/[/url] for a very handy, free, change pitch/speed program.
  14. Very professional and commercial, though I found the autotune on the vocal rather intrusive. But hey, what do I know. Never did Cher any harm! [quote name='tayste_2000' post='20212' date='Jun 19 2007, 02:42 PM']Just uploaded yesterday it's called Belong and you can hear it here www.myspace.com/thebedheadsofficial Thanks[/quote]
  15. Ba55me15ter


    I've uploaded some songs from my band of 10 years ago, 'Mook'. [url="http://www.myspace.com/jezstephenson"]http://www.myspace.com/jezstephenson[/url]
  16. Word from the top: "I think we will open it up for adults in 08." It seems a real missed opportunity to have Stu in the area and nothing going for most of us. Ah well.
  17. Cheers - I'll drop him a line and see if we can't get a Stu Hamm clinic for grown ups!
  18. From the FAQ (http://www.igf.org.uk/workshops/nr.htm): Q: Who comes to learn at IGF? School children, teenagers and adults. All professions and occupations. EVERYONE is welcome. At IGF we are all just guitarists or drummers or singers or whatever! (please note the Northern Rock Summer School at the Sage Gateshead is for under18s only)
  19. Hi Terry, I think I asked about this last time you posted, but everything (for Newcastle) seems aimed at age 11-18yrs. What is there for us older folk (if anything?).
  20. Bose do these little fellas too: [url="http://www.quicksound.co.uk/showprod.shtml?prodcode="]http://www.quicksound.co.uk/showprod.shtml....1.6.2-99-14145[/url]
  21. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='13054' date='Jun 6 2007, 02:48 PM']Best solution I found to get rid of the high pitched squeal was to sell it [/quote] We just split up. +1 for the Korg by the way...
  22. +1 for the Jamman. I can record drum loops on my PC studio and save them to the memory card. Hey presto, instant drum machine! Also useful for dropping samples into live performances.
  23. My Phil Jones Briefcase eventually arrived - phew! It took 14 days using their 48 hour service. You can only claim 25% of your postage back no matter how late it was - though that goes up to 100% for the next day services. The box had obviously taken a few knocks, and the external short jack lead connecting amp and speaker section had been bent/snapped off in one of the sockets - thankfully the socket seems ok. Apart from that it survived the journey fine, and it sounds absolutely fab!
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