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Everything posted by Ba55me15ter

  1. If only we didn't have to play to punters...
  2. Bump! This Thursday folks, on stage 8.15pm-ish.
  3. Really nice. Tight.
  4. I had the Digitech Synth Wah which had some good sounds, especially for the price, but the lack of a blend control rendered it useless in a live band situation. I added a little mixer to mix the wet and dry signals but that's a faff you shouldn't have to do. I have just taken delivery of the MXR and I'm well impressed so far. It feels like it has been designed by a working bassist rather than a marketeer. I've plonked my OC-2 in front of it for a extra dollop of funkage.
  5. C-Audio ST 400 power amp. 2 x 400 watts @ 4 ohm or bridged 800 watts @ 8 ohm. Really nice specs ([url="ftp://ftp.turbosound.com/tech_data/service_pack/Amplifiers/C-Audio%20ST%20%28impact%20amp%29.pdf"]ftp://ftp.turbosound.com/tech_data/service_pack/Amplifiers/C-Audio%20ST%20%28impact%20amp%29.pdf[/url]). Works great with a bass preamp or for PA etc, but a relatively noisy fan means it's not a good bedroom / studio amp. Top of case is marked and 'used' condition, but works a treat and low hours since last service. £100 Collection from or meet near Newcastle. Too heavy to post (14Kg).
  6. I regularly gigged with a SWR 12" wedge cab and DI'd into the PA. PA was meaty though! Preferred it to a stack behind me too.
  7. It's opposite the old fire station on Pilgrim Street. Used to be One Eyed Jacks mexican restaurant.
  8. Headline debut of my new funk and groove band, Superheat. Music from The Meters, The Temptations, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stevie Wonder, Jamiroquai, James Taylor Quartet, Larry Graham - that kinda thing. Hoochie Coochie, Thursday January 17th 2013, 8pm. Free entry. [url="http://www.superheatfunk.com"]http://www.superheatfunk.com[/url] If slap bass offends, probably not for you! [attachment=125478:superheatflyer-web.jpg]
  9. Up for reluctant sale is this rather rare stack from ADA. 1x15 and 2x10 with tweeter. 8ohms / 300 watts per cab. Drivers are original EV. Only gigged a few times and in practically mint condition. [s]£350[/s] [s]£280[/s] [s]£250[/s] [s]£230[/s] SOLD collected from Newcastle or could meet within reason.
  10. Can we all just stop distracting Alex please so he can get on with making my S12T. Thank you.
  11. My secret weapon is a Carl Martin Compressor / Limiter. Magic.
  12. Another one from Superheat plus a few guests. http://soundcloud.com/superheat/hump-de-bump
  13. I agree with most other posters on here - the conversational aspect of the old for sale sections is greatly missed.
  14. That ain't slappin', that's thumpin'!
  15. I also have matching 2x10 and 1x15 cabs. If anyone wants a full ADA stack now's your chance!
  16. Great bit of kit. Still using mine - used it on this: [url="http://soundcloud.com/superheat/canned-heat"]http://soundcloud.co...eat/canned-heat[/url]
  17. Never had a problem with my H1 and record levels in small rehearsal rooms. Not that we're death metal or owt mind you.
  18. Thanks for the feedback! Hopefully we'll be working on some original material before too long.
  19. Our first recording under the Superheat moniker is this classic from Jamiroquai. [url="http://soundcloud.com/superheat/canned-heat"]http://soundcloud.co...eat/canned-heat[/url] Let us know what you think! Jez
  20. Having tried my Fender Roscoe Beck neck pickup in series mode, I'd say a lot of it is in the pick-up. It does an uncanny P impression.
  21. My, what a lovely pair!
  22. Just put this in the Gigs section, so I thought I might aswell put it here in the right place too. Llive recording of my new band Superheat performing the Chili Peppers' Hump De Bump. Recorded on a Zoom H1 at the back of the venue with some post-processing (eq / compression / limiting). It's a little reverberant but I haven't found a plug-in yet that will remove that http://soundcloud.com/superheat/humpdebump
  23. Here's a flavour of what you missed: [url="http://soundcloud.com/superheat/humpdebump"]http://soundcloud.com/superheat/humpdebump[/url]
  24. Yes he is! By the way we're on the look-out for future gigs and support slots if anyone in the area knows of anything going.
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