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Everything posted by devinebass
Would LOVE to get Jimmy Johnson on... been a fan of his playing for years. One of the few players than can go from supporting James Taylor to shredding with Allan Holdsworth and sound totally at home in both situations. Killer player!
Hey all, just wanted to say a massive thanks for all these suggestions... some really great ones here! I'm in contact with a lot of these players already or have worked with them in the past, so for the most part it'll be pretty simple for me to set something up ... except for... PINO!... Well... at least for now, lol. He's a suuuuper private guy (hence why he hasn't done anything in an interview format like this for a loooong time... last thing I've seen was that old BBC thing). That said, I've got a few irons in the fire, so its not impossible... just a patience thing. Anywho... thanks again for all the ideas (and keep em' coming if you have any more!)... and if do manage to land the Pino interview, I'll report back Scott
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Oh... should have mentioned... if you'd like to see someone specific in this series, just pop their name in this thread or add a comment under the video over on YouTube. We're gonna go through all the comments this week and try and make a bunch of requested ones happen. Flea, Pino and Geddy are at the top of my list of peeps we're trying to get on... but any other requests are totally welcome!
Hey, thanks for posting! 🙌 ... this is the first in a series of this format and we had ZERO idea whether peeps would dig it or not. Thankfully, it's looking like they do We've actually already filmed another one w/ Henrik Linder, and also one w/ Rob Mullarkey and Richard Spaven... those will be released over the next few weeks over on the YouTube channel. Cheers, Scott
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Hey, these are the ones I use - they work great: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Glove-Bass-Musician-Practice/dp/B01C4QYOQS/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=musicians+gloves&qid=1617365734&sr=8-1
I can confirm this 100%!
Hey dudes, it finally uploaded... So, word of warning... this ended up a little (understatement) longer than I though it was gonna be, but I wanted to cover a few things. Things I hit upon that may be of interest: The reason why we're experimenting with longer form dripped courses outside of the SBL Academy What's actually included within the SBL Academy (for those of you who have no idea) The reason why my YouTube content has changed over the years (this will probably be of most interest to you, as it's likely not what you think) Am I the same in "real life"... or is it a show for the camera? And a bunch or other morning ramblings Ezzzzz
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110%... I was speaking to the team about her yesterday saying we need to get something set up. Joe Dart's at the top of the list at the mo though, just trying to figure some stuff out around that. Was supposed to be hooking up in LA a few weeks back but stuff didn't line up - I will make sure it does though. For me, Carol is at the top of that list too... Also, someone on here mentioned Pino... he's defo on the list of peeps I wanna land, it's a little complex because of his schedule and a few other moving parts. He's also a private dude too, so I'll have to do some serious sweet talking.
Doh... already recorded the vid mate, so I'll do it here... Ricky 4000... YOU ARE AWESOME!
You dudes... recorded a quick vid for ya's as I thought it'd be easier than writing an essay... I'll upload it this morning and post in here... but in the meantime, fear not, I haven't gone insane, and for those that seem interested all is OK with my wife too. Gimme an hour, I'll be back with ya.
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Anyone a member of Scotts Bass Academy?
devinebass replied to thebigyin's topic in General Discussion
Hey @thebigyin noooooo need to apologise mate, and definitely don't feel bad - I was jesting with ya I've published something like 700+ videos on YouTube over the last few years... just by the law of averages, some will likely be crap, lol. Have a great day man, and seriously, no need to apologise at all. S -
Anyone a member of Scotts Bass Academy?
devinebass replied to thebigyin's topic in General Discussion
Ahhh cheers man! -
Anyone a member of Scotts Bass Academy?
devinebass replied to thebigyin's topic in General Discussion
Hey guys - great to see that you're checking out what we're doing over at SBL! Thought I'd chime in to add some clarity that may be useful in some way, shape or form. What I publish on YouTube is a completely different kettle of fish compared to the ScottsBassLessons Membership. My YouTube lessons are kinda bite size chunks of standalone info, usually on a particular subject. The latest one's (as in, for the last 18 months or so), are very "unpolished", show a lot of behind the scenes stuff, and 99% of them are all me. ScottsBassLessons on the other hand is an online school. We have a library of over 40 courses (each course is focused on a particular subject, and some are up to 10 hours long) We stream live classes for our members each and every Monday from some of the best bass educators on the planet (these are also interactive so our students can ask questions, live). I host a monthly "student focus" class - so members can submit videos directly to me, and get a video response from me in return And a bunch of other cool stuff... but I'm guessing you get the idea. Again, just to make it super clear, ScottsBassLessons isn't just me - our faculty consists of bass players such as, Gary Willis, Cody Wright, Rufus Philpot, Steve Jenkins, Rich Bown, Danny Mo Morris (Berklee College of Music), Ed Friedland, Ariene Capp, Evan Marien and many more... As I'm guessing you'll see, it's a big operation and is nothing like what I do on YouTube. I should also mention that all of our courses inside SBL are highly produced, unlike my YouTube videos. If you do wanna check it out, we have a free trial for that exact reason - so you can take it for a test drive and see if it's for you. Any other questions - just gimme a shout! Cheers, Scott. PS. I'll try and keep the meaningless drivel down to a minimum for ya @thebigyin -
Fender Precision 59 custom shop **please remove from sale**
devinebass replied to wayne58's topic in Basses For Sale
Scott's Bass Lessons Facebook Page.
devinebass replied to SisterAbdullahX's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='SisterAbdullahX' timestamp='1417364763' post='2619580'] Indeed. That'll teach me to be such a grumpy old scrote. [/quote] Lol, no worries at all man! Groove on! -
Scott's Bass Lessons Facebook Page.
devinebass replied to SisterAbdullahX's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Drax' timestamp='1417354840' post='2619430'] Ah - fair play for replying ! I take it all back. . [/quote] No worries man! I think peeps sometime's don't understand who big it is, and think it's just little old me doing it as a hobby on the side. -
Scott's Bass Lessons Facebook Page.
devinebass replied to SisterAbdullahX's topic in General Discussion
Hey guys, @SisterAbdullahX... No, there's not a strange Facebook ad thing going on - if the letters are bolded it means it just links back to whoever's Facebook page builds the amp/bass etc. Essentially so if I post a link to a super sexy looking bass, and peeps wanna check out who made it, they can just click the text and it will take them over to the makers page. I don't get rewarded for this financially at all - i.e. companies don't pay me to do it... I do it as I'm a a total bass nerd, as are many of us, and love posting pics so peeps can check out new stuff. I try and respond on Facebook whenever I can, but with over half a million YouTube views per month, over 100,000 guys and gals on my mailing list... and on top of that the S.B.L Academy has just taken off in a HUGE way (again, thousands of members)...things are tight - every day we get in excess of 100 emails - and that's not taking into account youtube messages, blog comments, Facebook etc... I expect if I took those into account it'd be around 250+ messages... per day. I work over 70 hours a week right now... plus I have a family... so unfortunately, as you'd probably guess Facebook responses get pushed down the bottom of the cue, lol... although I do read a heap of them. The Gloves - Yeah, I wear those as I have a neurological condition that effects my hand movements. @Grangur - Yeah, the SBL Academy is getting insanely popular! I can't believe how big it's getting... and from last week I've also got guys such as Ed Friedland, Anthony Wellington. Todd Johnson, Danny Mo Morris and Steve Lawson - i.e. some of the best bass educators in the world all doing weekly live Q&A seminars in the Academy - so my guess this is going to be a big turning point... who know's how big it's gonna get, lol! Is my FB page done by a team... Right now, no... it's just little old me... but I think it might be something i'll be looking at getting assistance with from January onwards otherwise my wife might chops my balls off, lol... family life and enormous work loads are hard to handle sometimes @Drax... here's some numbers for ya... [b]Email subscribers:[/b] 110,000+ - the whole community is super engaged - when I release a lesson it generally get's around 10,000 views in the first day. [b]Facebook Page:[/b] 160,000+ [b]Youtube subscribers:[/b] 170,000+ [b]Overall YouTube views:[/b] Nearly 13 million [b]Monthly YouTube views:[/b] 500,000+ [b]S.B.L Academy Members:[/b] 10,000+ all time. Face melting, lol! And if anyone's interested, yeah - I have a small team helping me out... it would be impossible otherwise. Most of the team are part time, but I also have two great guys (that are bloody AWESOME... and keep me sane) that do it full-time. Piece out bass brothers S x -
Hey guys thanks for checking out my vids... Thought I'd just bob on here and say thanks! In regards to learning online vs one to one - I think both are great. I don't think online will replace one to one - yet. I think as Skype and things like it advance we're going to see some pretty radical changes with online education. I'm suuuuper excited to see where it goes! I've got pretty big plans for the SBL Academy in the future and will be looking at bringing in community members from other universities and music schools to help advise and hang with the members, and hopefully do one one to one's too. My vision is a online hub for anyone wanting to push their bass playing to the next level, including the facility to get one to one tuition - but from bass educators that are recommended by many other students. I've got a list of guys I'd love to get involved... but that's top secret for now Anyway... thanks again for the discussion guys! Scott. PS. Maldy... i'll see you in the Campus man
Hey guys, I've just put a new lesson together for ya! [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/technique/slap-bass-lesson-the-sectret-triplet-technique.html"]>>> New Bass Lesson >>> [/url] In this lesson I’m going to show you a technique that I use a lot. I call it 'THE SECRET TRIPLET TECHNIQUE'. I say ‘secret’ because it can be so hard to actually see what’s going on within slap bass lines sometimes that it’s easy to miss the simple little techniques that are thrown into the mix of a groove to give the bass line that super percussive vibe. This triplet technique will give your slap bass lines that complex rhythmical vibe without having to bust a vain and play 10x faster lol! Within this tutorial I’m going to peel back the layers of a slap groove and highlight where I’m using these ‘secret triplets’ to really enhance the overall groove and vibe of the bass line! Now grab you’re bass and get in the shed! [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/technique/slap-bass-lesson-the-sectret-triplet-technique.html"]>>> New bass Lesson >>>[/url] Scott
Hey guys... I've just recorded a [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/breaking-the-mould"]brand new lesson[/url] for ya! When playing slap bass there's one thing that bass players consistently do wrong OR completely forget about... In this [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/breaking-the-mould"]new video lesson[/url] I'm going to show you exactly how to stop this happening to YOU! Find out how you can take your slap playing to another level... [color=DarkOrange]Brand New Video Lesson>>>[/color][url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/breaking-the-mould"]Watch the new lesson here[/url]. PS. If you've been in the 'ScottsBassLessons gang' for a while, you'll know by now that I'm always striving to make my lessons as good as they can possibly be. And, as you can expect this takes a LOT of work, but with this new lesson I've taken it to the next level… [b]multiple camera angles![/b]
Hey guys, I've just put a [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/bass-tip-2-ear-training"]brand new video lesson[/url] together for you! In this lesson I'm covering some great ear training techniques that you can use without your bass. These are fantastic for when you're in the car, train, bike, subway etc... so essentially you can practice when you're not even at home! Here it is >>> [url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/bass-tip-2-ear-training"]BRAND NEW VIDEO LESSON[/url] Over and out, Scott PS. There's also an awesome FREE backing track that comes with the tutorial too!
Hey guys, just put a new video lesson together for ya!... In this bass lesson I highlight a SUPER common bad habit that most bass players suffer from at one time or another when trying to solo over chord changes. But, in this lesson I'm going to show you an AWESOME SAUCE exercise so YOU don't do the same! Wanna know what the bad habit is?!... Check this bass lesson now>>>[url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/soloing-bad-habits"]NEW LESSON[/url] Take it ezzzzzz, Scott
[color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Hey guys,[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I've just released my first lesson of the brand new 'Bass Tip Series' from ScottsBassLessons... it's FREE, it's practical and you'll be able to use this information straight away![/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Check it out now >>>[/font][/color][url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/eye-contact"]Bass Tip #1[/url] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]What is the 'Bass Tip Series' I hear you ask?![/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]The 'Bass Tip Series' are video lessons similar to my other lessons but much shorter length. And - the information will be actionable immediately. I'm going to be giving you tips about gear, ear training, practicing, studio set-ups, getting your own sound and MUCH more.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]IMPORTANT: Don't worry... The 'Bass Tip Series' will not be replacing my more in depth monthly bass lessons. There's just so much more about being a professional bass player than just playing bass, and the 'Bass Tip Series' will give me the chance to share that knowledge with you... and... I just want to give you more cool, free stuff! My usual 'BIG' bass lessons will be released as usual... in fact there's some VERY cool ones on the way![/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Check it out now >>>[/font][/color][url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/eye-contact"]Bass Tip #1[/url] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Over and out,[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Scott [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]PS: There's a free*downloadable backing track under the video for you* [/font][/color]
[color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Hey guys it's been aaaages since I posted any new lessons (6 weeks - that's a record for me!) - well here's the good news… The reason for this, is I've been writing and recording loads of new lessons for this year. Seriously - ScottsBassLessons will be releasing more lessons this year than I've ever released before! I'm soooo excited about you guys checking them out [/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Anyway… enough rambling!...[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Have you ever heard of 'Shape Shifting'? If you haven't you need to [/font][/color][url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/shape-shifting"]check this out...[/url] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Let's face it... playing over chord changes can be tough!*It's hard enough when there's only one chord, but when there's multiple chords to deal with it can really make you start to sweat...[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Well in this [/font][/color][url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/shape-shifting"]brand new video lesson[/url][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,] I've recorded you're going to learn a great trick to help you deal with this common problem... it will also make you sound like an instant BAD ASS because you'll be hitting a lot of sexy notes without even trying!*[/font][/color] [color=DarkOrange][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Lets start 'Shape Shifting' >>>[/font][/color][color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]*[/font][/color][url="http://scottsbasslessons.com/shape-shifting"]Brand New Video Lesson.[/url] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Over and out,[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Scott.[/font][/color]