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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. That brings up a lot of questions for after 31st December 2020. You might be better off stashing it in the UK and just transporting yourself to gigs over here if we ever gig again.
  2. And you know this how?
  3. I use a headset mic so I could use one of these, If we had any gigs that is.
  4. Simple answer is no! Music in the early 60s was not that inspiring. Classical or classical, a great choice. I did join the lunchtime guitar club when I bought my first guitar, a Vox stroller, single pickup and a TV aerial socket as an output jack and it was brand new! I shared a half watt amp that my guitar playing mate had built and we both got thrown out of the club for being too loud.
  5. Thanks for that, very interesting.
  6. When we had a 3 way PA I used to use faith healer by The Alex Harvey Band. Perfect for checking each frequency band was working.
  7. I bought a new left handed Sapphire in 1969 along with a Wem ER40 and 15" Starfinder cabinet, both from Bell's Music catalogue. I remember it as being a pretty good and playable bass. I never had a Rapier though and apart from the price I don't think there was a lot of difference except perhaps for the finish, machine heads and perhaps pickups and sorry, can't remember the switch function, in fact, I can't even remember it having a switch. Nice bass though.
  8. Or from here. https://www.crimsonguitars.com/collections/fretting/products/radius-blocks
  9. Go on then, you talked me into it.
  10. bertbass

    Andy Vincent

    Just bought a Genz Benz Streamliner from Andy. Excellent transaction and a well packaged parcel with a great amp inside. Thanks Andy, it's been a pleasure.
  11. It was the 200. It was pretty loud and the 400 would only be 3db louder which would be hardly noticeable. Back in the 60s / 70s I never had a problem being heard with a 100w tube amp and 2 x 4X12s. Mind you, when I had 2, Marshall Superbass heads and 4, 4x12s, that was a different level! Wouldn't want to move it all now though and it would be bigger than some of the stages we're supposed to set up on.
  12. I had a Mywatt 200 from new and it was just like a Hiwatt. Superb amp. I can't remember the make of the transformer but they were pretty big toroidal transformers which made it a bit lighter.
  13. NICE!!!
  14. HOW ABOUT, Ma Deb Y Me
  15. Well, it's like this! I wanted a quiet drum kit for recording as I thought that that was a far cheaper and better way to go. The other way was to try and build a totally soundproofed room / shed. Buying a Roland electronic drum kit would have been perfect but I'm a poor person so it was not to be, so I built an electronic drum kit using piezo transducers which ran into an Alesis DM5 drum module. This worked quite well but the cymbal sounds weren't quite right and drum rolls always sounded like machine guns and I wanted each drum on a separate track whereas the DM5 only gave a stereo output. The piezos into the DM5 worked perfectly though. This brings me to plan B. Why don't I try a real drum kit, heavily damped to make it quieter and use piezo transducers as mics. That should solve the machine drum problem and I would sort out the cymbals later. I mounted all the piezos and tried them and yes they worked but sounded terrible as I expected they would as I needed preamps for the transducers. I built 8 preamps, infact, the circuits you posted, http://www.scotthelmke.com/Mint-box-buffer.html and excitedly connected everything up and tried it. Didn't work very well. Checked all the circuit boards and they were all built correctly, tried it again with the same result. It sounded crap. Here my tale ends as I gave up and went to plan C. Put mics in all the drums then stuff them with foam to keep them quiet but due to lack of interest from others, I've still to try plan C although now we've got this virus, the others seem more keen to record. I should mention that I'm not a drummer and don't play drums but I am a bass player so by extension, I'm the only one who understands these things and knows how to do them.
  16. Good luck with this and I'll be following it to see how successful you are. It's a road I went down a few years ago but could never get to work properly.
  17. The government has a plan but no time scale. Stage One - Rehearsal and training (no audiences and adhering to social distancing guidelines) Stage Two - Performances for broadcast and recording purposes (adhering to social distancing guidelines) Stage Three - Performances outdoors with an audience plus pilots for indoor performances with a limited distance audience Stage Four - Performances allowed indoors/outdoors (but with a limited distanced audience indoors) Stage Five - Performances allowed indoors/outdoors (with a fuller audience indoors)
  18. No singing allowed in venues, churches and theatres as it's more likely to spread the virus.
  19. That’s great. Consider it sold if the cab goes.
  20. I’ll have the amp if you’ve sold the cab as long as you can post it.
  21. I have one but I've had it so long that I can't remember what I had to do. It wasn't a problem though and had it set up in no time.
  22. Another vote for Newtone strings.
  23. Another vote for the RCF M18. Set ours to 5G and never had a problem. I know I could be tempting fate here but by the time I get to use it again, fate will have forgotten all about it!
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