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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. You're basically creating an earth loop which is causing the hum. The old method was to disconnect the earth from one of the amps. The amp is still earthed through the input cable. This is however frowned upon in the 21st century. What you need is something like this, Behringer MICROHD Hum Destroyer HD400. That will do the job. https://www.gear4music.com/Recording-and-Computers/Behringer-MICROHD-HD400-Hum-Destroyer/6RR
  2. I'm used to a 6x10 but now use a Barefaced 2 x 10. The 2 x 10 seems to give more of everything compared to the 6 x 10, mind you, I do have to tilt it back to hear the highs properly.
  3. I use one of these and it works great. My amp, Fender Rumble 500, just sits on top of the cab, Barefaced 2x10, with the front feet hanging over the edge and doesn't move. https://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Quiklok-BS-313-Single-Brace-Amp-Stand/1Z8
  4. There's quite a few guitars on youtube with aluminium bodies. I remember quite a few years ago that someone made one but had serious problems with tuning stability because of temperature fluctuations on stage and they came up with an ingenious spring arrangement for constant tuning stability. It was featured in the music mags at the time. Just had a quick google and there's a few companies making aluminium guitars already. I don't know about basses though. https://www.drewman.co.uk https://www.electricalguitarcompany.com http://www.alumisonic.com/about.html
  5. I'd say a Hayman or Shergold.
  6. Hi, I've Pm'ed you.
  7. Just done this myself on a Harley Benton PB Shorty using spokeshaves and glass paper. Worked a treat!
  8. I remember them from the Bells catalogue. A few even made it into the local music shops in the 70s.
  9. It was instilled in me at a very early age that it is a wooden ruler and a steel rule. It would be plastic ruler now though. Must be something here that fits the bill. https://www.tilgear.info/hand-tools/measuring-inspection/rules-and-tapes/rules-straight-edges?page={page}
  10. What you want is Polymorph. Brilliant stuff! Here's a video if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  11. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/4-String-Bass-6-String-Electric-2-Sides-Neck-Thru-Busuyi-Guitar-Left-Hand/223305003722?epid=18020797588&hash=item33fe03f2ca:g:WZUAAOSwx9lcKYA8:rk:105:pf:0 Here's another one! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5-String-Bass-7-String-Lead-2-sides-Double-Neck-Busuyi-Guitar-Left/223244719669?epid=18020797588&hash=item33fa6c1635:g:vZkAAOSw4xpb9naz:rk:167:pf:0
  12. I've tried and failed. Not an easy job at all.
  13. The White Album should have been a single album with just the good songs on it then It would have a brilliant album!
  14. Limiting the choice to bands I've seen live that left me totally speechless leaves just 2 and they are Golden Earring and Nutz. Both absolutely fantastic! as an aside, Dave Lloyd, the singer with Nutz, recorded this as well.
  15. 1972 Precision. Absolute rubbish. Wish I still had it though, it would certainly be worth more than the £220 I paid for it new.
  16. Been following this thread with great interest. I'd certainly like to go all in ears but our drummer will never do it as he doesn't like things in his ears and he'd never go electronic kit either so it's purely academic. However, I've been intrigued with the talk of the KZ ZS10s so I've bought a pair to see what it's all about. I've never been able to fit ear buds into my ears, I must have a funny ear shape, but I've managed too fit these in using the smallest rubber bits and I have to say they are mighty impressive just listening to music. A big thank you for discovering them.
  17. Danelectro long horn sounds pretty good.
  18. As well as the Doors, there's Atomic Rooster and Led Zeppelin, on Stairway to Heaven live anyway.
  19. Roost made an amazing 100w valve head. Sounded very close to Hiwatt.
  20. Totally agree. In my case it was four 4 x 12s driven with 2 x Marshall Super Bass hundreds. What a sound. Slightly impractical now though.
  21. Had a simliar problem with mine. It wasn't valves but dirt. The fan pulls air in from everywhere. The unused input sockets and the F/X loop sockets soon got dirty and started messing about. It might be worth checking these out first. A can of servisol is cheaper than a set of valves. Actually, a lead between the F/X sockets will cure that one but I had to have the input sockets changed as they got really dirty. Still cheaper than valves though.
  22. How strange. Original Hiwatt cabs all had Fane speakers as standard. Fane pop 50s if I remember correctly. The same as Sound City.
  23. No gaffa tape then?
  24. There's no doubt, imho, that Apple is the way to go. If your not going anywhere with your computer and you've got a spare monitor sitting around the the Mac Mini is a very fine machine, just get the highest spec you can afford. No monitor, then get an iMac, again the highest spec you can afford. They both come with Garage Band for free and Logic would cost you £199.99p, https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/logic-pro-x/id634148309?mt=12 and Logic is about as good as you can get. Opinions will vary of course.
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