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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. I've built and use BFM, Otop 12s and Titan 39s. Seriously good and I mean as good as Martin and Turbo sound and incredibly light and transportable and also incredibly efficient so a lot more decibels for your money. My suggestion would be to read as much as you can on the BFM forums and all your questions about crossovers, limiting, time delay and just about anything will be answered. Good luck.
  2. Are you willing to post the Crate?
  3. +1 to the above. We use a pair of Equinox Mega Bars and one of these, http://www.bluearan.co.uk/index.php?product=Showtec_Showmaster_48_48_Channel_DMX_Dimming_Console&id=SHO50356. Brilliant. We've got a guy who works it all for us, but we could just use the foot controller that comes with the mega bars.
  4. I'd see it as all venues in an area, pubs, clubs anywhere bands play. We have venues that are great for covers and others that only do heavy or metal and a few that you'd be out of place without your cowboy hat and as previously said, good or bad agents and promoters and also venues to play and not to play, infact, everything you'd want to know in advance when approaching a new venue.
  5. Everyone knows where the good local gigs are but it's a lot harder to find gigs not in your area. This a great idea for bands who travel to find gigs around the UK and possibly abroad.
  6. Never thought of that.
  7. I wear a hat and positively hate to see music stands on stage. Learn the song. As a hat wearer what category am I in?
  8. Not sure about the phone db meter. Got a couple and not only are they totally out with each other, they are totally out with a 'real' db meter. If you want to check db levels I'd suggest getting a 'proper' meter.
  9. Don't seem to fit in any of those categories, we must be unique.
  10. 1. Pop down to Halfords or Car Crazy and get a can or 2 of primer and 2 or 3 large spray cans of your chosen colour. 2. Try here. http://www.craftycomputerpaper.co.uk/category/Decal-Paper. Looks great and clear varnish over the top. 3. Leave the paint to dry for a few weeks, rub down with wet & dry paper 2000 grit and polish to a great shine with T-cut. 4. Leave it as it is. You could flat it down with wet and dry and T-cut it if you want. 5. Car body filler, Halfords or Car Crazy again. Rub down with decreasing grades of glass paper then wet & dry until as smooth as the rest of the bass. Good luck.
  11. There's certainly less people in the pubs now than there used to be and in a pub or club that's taken the trouble, smokers are not standing outside in the cold and wet. they're sitting at tables, under cover and in front of heaters. In fact, it's just like it used to be in the pubs before the smoking ban. The only time the customers go back in the pub is to buy more ale or to use the loos. They're enjoying the band it's just that we can't see them.
  12. I think that the smoking ban is 90% to blame and the cost of beer 10%. Playing inside a pub to 10 people while the smoking area outside is packed is a bit soul destroying as well. The pubs that provide a comfy smoking area seem to get more customers than the ones that put a bucket outside the entrance. The number of clubs that have gone has surprised me I have to confess, I'd of thought that it would have been mainly pubs that would have closed but that's not the way it is at all.
  13. TC RH 450, http://vpub.boyd-printing.com/publication/?i=76122, from pages 52 - 3. and ORANGE TERROR BASS 500, from pages 74 - 75.
  14. This might help. http://www.audiobanter.com/showthread.php?t=125660
  15. Stuff them and use this, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Foam-Egg-Box-Mixed-Pack-Profile-Foam-Sheets-10-20-pcs-/360483949739?pt=UK_Packaging_Materials&hash=item53ee848cab&_uhb=1#ht_2303wt_1403. Just staple it in and if you don't like it you can just remove but I'm sure you'll like the less boomy sound.
  16. It's also held on with double sided tape. Give a gently pull where it's stuck and you'll feel / see it. The controls come of with it. You could get mirrored acrylic sheet from here and make your own. http://www.seawhite.co.uk/online/index.php?route=product/product&filter_name=acrylic+sheet+mirror&filter_category_id=82&filter_sub_category=true&product_id=116
  17. Nothing wrong with that, he's great. It's up the the rest of the band to try to upstage him, then you've got a show!
  18. Seriously good amp and pretty light for a valve amp. It's near enough brand new as well so buy it from a really great chap and save loads of cash.
  19. If I don't change strings within 3 months of putting them on, I will break one. E, had them break. A, them as well. D, not so often but still break. G, snap like a good'n. Give me any make and I'll break them for you. Mind you, I do use a pick and I'm quite heavy handed.
  20. +1 on the BFM cabs. We use a pair of T39s and a pair of Otop 12s. Yamaha mixer, Peavey 3 way x/over, Behringer and Matrix power amps. Peavey IPA 1600 power amp and EV Force Monitors for, well, monitors. Plus loads of other stuff. Does it sound good? No, it sounds fantastic. I wish I could be in the audience at the same time just to hear it. Actually, as I'm totally wireless, I quite often am.
  21. Hey baby. I hate the ooh aah in the cover, it ruins a good song.
  22. Marshall guitar cabs and Bass cabs of that era used the same speakers, in fact they were the same cabs. I know, I took enough backs off during the time. Guitar cabs were rated at 100w and bass cabs were rated at 75w and had bass on them.
  23. One on each foot surely.
  24. I've put a handy handle on the bottom of my 8x10 so top or bottom no problem.
  25. Gravel or stairs? You pull it instead of pushing it.
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