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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. Not too bad then. You've learned the lesson I learned a long time ago, switch the amp off before plugging the speakers in. Even if it's supposed to be alright because the amp is protected, I never trust it and prefer to be on the safe side.
  2. What's a bit of weight compared to a killer sound and you've only got to carry it in at the beginning and out again at the end, you're not going to be standing there holding it all night.
  3. As the title says, photos of a Mywatt 200 inside and out for fellow valve addicts in bass player land. [attachment=104944:mywatt 1.jpg][attachment=104945:mywatt 2.jpg][attachment=104946:mywatt 3.jpg][attachment=104947:mywatt 4.jpg][attachment=104948:mywatt 5.jpg][attachment=104949:mywatt 6.jpg][attachment=104950:mywatt 7.jpg]
  4. When I wonder off round a venue with my G30 I don't have a timing issue at all, the rest of the band do though.
  5. Line 6 G30 gets my vote. Used one for a year or so now and no complaints at all. I use rechargeable batteries so low running costs. I was put off the Stageclix by the need to recharge the transmitter from the receiver and as my receiver is permanently mounted in my pedal board it meant I could only charge the transmitter when I'd got to gigs and set up.
  6. Any idea on a price?
  7. No reason why not. You might have to adjust the truss rod a bit after though.
  8. Pack your parcel and stand back and consider if you could possibly damage the contents. If you could then the couriers surely will. Also, I would not consider buying anything where the seller either doesn't live reasonably close to me, up to 30 miles ish or would not post. I would not arrange my own courier.
  9. Tell us more about the Marathon.
  10. If your amp is solid state, it's highly likely that you have shorted the output of the amp when you plugged the lead back in, hence the arcing. The first contact in the jack socket could have shorted the barrel and tip of the jack plug. If it's a valve amp, then you may have burnt out the output transformer. Valve amps do not like no load. I fear a hefty repair bill may be coming your way. I hope I'm wrong and it's something simple.
  11. +1 on the castors
  12. Has anyone noticed that all tuners are advertised as being able to be seen on a dark stage? I never have a problem seeing them on a dark stage, it's outside gigs in bright sunlight that I have difficulty seeing them, same problem with mobile phones.
  13. One of these will let you know if it's a road that you want to go down and if no one else bids pretty cheap too. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/One-BLUE-SOUNDLAB-PIEZO-SPEAKERS-TOP-BOX-2x-HORNS-4x-TWEETERS-new-/230766555536?pt=UK_ConElec_SpeakersPASystems_RL&hash=item35bac23190
  14. Give this a look / listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMqJeIukXtE Very interesting and may help you decide.
  15. Hi, I've pm'd you about the Aria.
  16. I used to have one of these and it's a brilliant amp. I used it with a pretty loud R & R / country band and it handled every gig. This amp defies physics. It also fulfilled a dream at the time, amp in one hand and bass in the other. Those were the days. Someone buy this, it's a fantastic buy.
  17. You'll still need a preamp to get the level up to a usable, well level. In an emergency, I once used a graphic eq pedal into a power amp and was surprised at how good the sound was and had plenty of volume.
  18. Had one with my VBA 400. More middle than I'd of liked but that's just me as every one else seems to like middle. Seriously heavy though. Loaded with 32 ohm Eminence drivers. A good cab.
  19. Them there transistors must be getting pretty hot 'cause they glow a nice cherry red. That must be why the amp doesn't work as soon as you switch it on, the transistors have to heat up first.
  20. I have never played a Reeves Custom 225 but recently bought a Mywatt 200 and it's wonderful. It's just like, well a Hiwatt. I would imagine that there would be little to separate the two as they are both Hiwatt clones except that the Mywatt would be cheaper.
  21. I am enjoying my grandaughters bithday party at a brewers fayre at the moment. I recon that it doesn't matter what the reasons are for the perceived loudness of valve amps, they sound louder. I'm quite happy with that and again whatever the reasons, .i love the sound of valves. I just suggest to the OP that he gives valves a try. He might find that his problems are solved but then again he may not. I love this forum, all the best to all.
  22. Hi all, I must confess to being a tad provocative here but a quick read of this, http://www.sengpielaudio.com/calculator-levelchange.htm, and this, http://www.gcaudio.com/resources/howtos/voltageloudness.html, ignore the maths, will show that all things being equal, you would need a 1000w amp to be twice as loud as 100w, a 10db increase in volume. Doubling of the power of an amp would only give an increase of 3db which is 1.23 times the loudness, not a lot really and probably hardly noticeable. I have played with the same band for 25 years and the backline and drums have remained constant, apart for the bass gear, in all that time I have had a good real world chance to try different things. I wish I could be happy with my sound and although I always am, the dreaded GAS keeps raising its ugly head. The guitarist uses an AC30. An amp that defies all logic as far as volume is concerned. It's a 3 piece and I do the sound checks and guitar and drums do as they're told as far as sound and volume goes. We play anywhere but mainly pubs and clubs and we all know what the volume restrictions are like in these venues and the volumes are rarely loud enough to need PA support. When the band started I was using a valve Hiwatt 100w. No problem in the bass dept. and I loved the sound, but could it be better? Hiwatt sold, how I regret that and Peavey 700w Firebass takes it place. Suddenly the bass can't keep up with an AC30. What? The Peavey broke so I got a Carvin R1000 head. Nice amp but still couldn't keep up with an AC30. Strangely, the R1000 broke as well so got a Carvin B1500. This puts out 1900w at 2 ohms so is just about twice as loud as 100w head and it's a fantastic amp and I've still got it and at last a ss amp that's loud enough to keep up with an AC30. You guessed it. GAS again. I've now got a Mywatt 200 and it's brilliant with volume to spare. The AC30 has never been used flat out and while the position of the volume knob means not a lot, it is quite often set at one. My experience if just that, using valve and ss amps live. Valve amps generally have passive eq so you take away tone away to get the sound. SS amps have active eq so you add tone to get your sound. A sweeping generalization but you know what I mean. Turn up the bass on a ss amp and you drain the power supply so not a lot of volume. Again a sweeping generalization, but is you like a sound rich in mids then a ss amp is probably fine but if like me you like a lot of bass in your sound and little middle, ss amps are not man enough and only valves will do unless you have a 2000w amp of course. Once used an HH 130w bass head with a country band and the two 30w equipped guitarists drowned be out. I bought a Behringer 450 watt head as a spare. I only used it once to try it out and no one could hear a note and it was flat out. I know it's Behringer but that was ridiculous.
  23. I sense a little doubt here. Why don't you try it and see, you may be surprised. Also, try turning the bass on your solid state head to full and see how loud it doesn't go.
  24. Been there and done that and like you, I like a sound with big bottom end. I've tried a lot and I mean a lot of solid state amps and they all suffer from a lack of volume when you turn the bass up. I recon that It's because the power supplies are not man enough for the job. and it seems to me that mosfet amps are quieter still than bipolar amps. When transistor amps first came out it was reconned that a tranny amp was only 1/2 as loud as a valve amp for the same wattage rating and when anyone says that's not right because science says so, they're not using their ears. To double the volume you need 10 times the wattage. this means that you'd need getting on for a 2000w transistor amp to equal the volume of a 100w valve head. Been there and done that as well. I would suggest that you try a valve head if at all possible and see if that solves your problem. I went back to valves and love the volume and sound and perhaps you will too.
  25. I can see for miles, The Who. Love that bass line.
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