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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. Always use Hotrox. No problems and quick. Competitively priced as well.
  2. Glue 2 table tops together then plane or get then planed / sanded to the right thickness or cut them into 1 3/4" strips and glue the strips together and make a laminated body.
  3. Once you've stoned the frets, use the finest wet & dry paper you can find and using it dry, go across the frets until the stoning marks are gone. Then use the finest wire wool you can find and again go across the frets. The use T Cut the make the frets shine. Job done. Somewhere like Car Crazy or Halfords should sell what you need. Hope this helps.
  4. There are only half a dozen string manufacturers in the world and they all make strings to a price. Whether that price is reflected in the name on the packet is for us to decide.
  5. I like the sock idea. you could save playing a song if you made it pantomime enough added to the time it takes to remove the sock from your foot and then put it back on again.
  6. Sorry, a bit slow with this reply but only just seen it. I only replaced 3 because stupidly, I didn't realise that there were 4 preamp valves and only ordered 3. The only reason that I changed them in the first place is that I'd read that the Tung Sol 12AX7 were supposed to be better valves so I thought I'd give it a go. I haven't changed the KT88s as the JJs are new and it would have cost a lot of cash to replace them as well. Never tried running an amp with only 2 of the 4 output valves and doesn't the output impedance change with only half the output valves?
  7. Did you know that if you position the pickups on a Jazz in the same position that they are on a Rick then the Jazz sounds very similar to a Rick?
  8. Have you tried putting a 9v battery across the speaker terminals to see if the speaker has died. Got a multimeter? Check to see if the speaker has gone short or open circuit. If its gone short circuit it may have taken the output transistors in the amp with it.
  9. I didn't know Hulk Hogan played bass.
  10. What's morning?
  11. I remember those ads as well. We used to use 2, yes 2 of the Linear 30s, the same as RSC, for PA in 1968/9 along with two, 5x8 columns and in the same 2000 seat, well standing actually, venue that the Who played later that year with the first 1000w PA. Compared to the Who, our sound fell off the front of the stage onto the floor and disappeared. We thought it was good at the time though.
  12. In theory, yes. If it's for PA then no problem as you'll never get the PA more than 1/2 volume anyway. It's bass that can kill speakers, the lower the notes, the further the speakers move in and out. The best thing is to use your ears, if it sounds distorted, turn it down or reduce the bass or both.
  13. That's 300w RMS or 600w program. That means that the speaker is supposed to handle 300w of continuous power, such as a signal generator and 600w of music content where the volume of the music is not constant. I'd take both ratings with a pinch of salt myself.
  14. I also say the wire wool method but followed up with T cut for a perfect finish.
  15. Selmer Treble & Bass 100 with a pair of Selmer Goliath 1x18s. Marshall Super Bass 100 with various 4x12s and 18s. Hiwatt 100 as above. Simms Watts 100. Also as above. Sound City 200w with 2 x Sound city 4x12s. Marshall Super Bass 100 with 4 Vox 18" Foundation cabs. Owned an Elgen 100w P.A. amp in the 70s, seriously brilliant amp. I could never afford the bass amp though, but I'd still like one. If it was as good as the P.A. it would be brilliant. My first proper bass rig in 1968 was a Wem ER40 through a Wem Starfinder cabinet. 15" Goodmans speaker. Strange to think that popular opinion is that we suffered bad bass sounds in the 60s / 70s. It's simply not true. The amps we used at that time are now lusted over for their great sound and in my opinion, there's not a lot of difference in sound between a 60s/70s 4x12 and current 4x10s and like now, there was good and bad and all makes sounded different. Power handling may have increased as years have passed but I still wouldn't use a single speaker for bass regardless of how good it's supposed to be. I appear to have gone off topic a bit here so I may as well carry on. I don't care what anyone says or tries to prove with science, a valve amp is louder that a solid state amp with the same rated output. In the 70s it was said that a valve amp was twice as loud as a transistor amp with the same rated output and having tried it, it is very true and I'm not talking about flat out, just normal playing volumes and if you need 10 times the power to make it twice as loud, then you would need a 1000w transistor amp just to equal the volume of a 100w valve amp. Try it and see, I have. Sorry about that, rant over.
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/0-5M-HEAVY-DUTY-50MM-WIDE-BLACK-VELCRO-STICKY-BACKED-/170708332160?pt=UK_Crafts_Sewing_Supplies_MJ&hash=item27bf026e80
  17. It sounds to me that you've got a lot to learn in a little time. My suggestion would be to spend a few hours, it will turn into weeks as it's very addictive, at [url="http://billfitzmaurice.info/forum/"]http://billfitzmaurice.info/forum/[/url] Everything that you wanted to know about P.A. and you can build the cabs yourself and have pro equipment at semi-pro prices. For speakers I use Otop 12s and T39s and couldn't be happier. You'll find details of these and the whole range of cabinets on the index page, but even if you're not inclined to build your own cabs, the amount of information on there is amazing.
  18. Monitors certainly help to sing in tune but I have my doubts as to whether this would be able to cut through the back line and drums and reach your ears before feedback took over. Probably good for acoustic bands though. Be interesting to see if others have tried one and what they thought..
  19. I've just received an e-mail from Stringbusters with a 10% off Rotosound strings offer. If you're impressed with your complimentary set or feel miffed that you missed out, then here's the link. http://www.stringbusters.com/Ko-Bespoke/productlist.asp?cat=1/BASS%20STRINGS/BASS%20STRINGS%20ROTOSOUND
  20. Always used to be a 100w head and two 4x12s and that did every gig you could think of. You'd need a 1000w to be twice as loud as 100w. I use 200w head and two 4x10s or an 8x10, great sound and enough for any gig.
  21. Mine have arrived. Many thanks to Discreet and to Jason and Coral at Rotosound. I'll let you know what I think after a couple of weeks of thrashing.
  22. Used to use 4 of these with a Super Bass 100. Brilliant sound.
  23. Is the Fenderbird still for sale?
  24. I replaced the JJ ecc83s in my Mywatt 200 with a trio of Tung Sol 12AX7 and I did actually notice a difference for the better. In my opinion that is. Tighter bass and less middle which I like.
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