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Everything posted by bertbass

  1. Take the neck off and look on the bit you don't see. The date will be there.
  2. Too loud on minimum volume? Perhaps you should go for an acoustic bass and at a pinch plug it straight into the P.A.
  3. I always find that unless you have the lightest of 'pluck', the E string on a short scale goes sharp and only returns to pitch when the vibrations die down.
  4. Have you got enough equipment? 'No actually, I want loads more'. Can you tone it down? 'What make it bassier?' I want you to finish at 12 and I've got a taxi booked for 12-15. 'Hard luck mate, it takes an hour to take the gear down and load the van and it says so in the contract'. Dressing room? You can use the gents. 'We don't do toilets'. What's the name of the band then mate? 'There's a poster behind your head twat'. You've got 2 left handed guitarists! 'Have we, I never noticed'. I could go on.
  5. I'd suspect that the speaker(s) are on the way out. Superbass and two 4x12s is what you want.
  6. Back to the top I think.
  7. AccuGroove[b] sounds best to me through my Tannoys.[/b]
  8. Marshall 4 x 15 cabs used to be quite common in the 70s and a pair of 4x15s stacked used to dwarf a normal 4x12 stack. Nice!
  9. Watch out for customs who will charge import duty and V.A.T. which will double the price you paid for it. I'm told that if the item you want to bring into the U.K. is 'second hand' then you get away with it. Never tried it though. Good luck.
  10. Tried that and it had even more mid. It's just me, I don't like a lot, actually any, mid in my sound.
  11. Sorry Sold!!! I bought this pre-amp a couple of months ago for £275 and as soon as it arrived a put a new pair of JJ ECC 83s valves in. Unfortunately for me, I don’t like the sound. It’s got far too much middle for me and rather than have it sitting in my studio doing nothing I’m putting it up for sale again. You can see the condition from the photos. I only want the £275 that I paid for it and the new valves will stay in it. You can pick it up from TN37 or I’ll post it free of charge to the new owner. Paypal, Cash on collection or cheque are all fine although I’ll clear the cheque before posting. [attachment=90501:TE 1.jpg][attachment=90502:TE 2.jpg][attachment=90503:TE 3.jpg][attachment=90504:TE4.jpg][attachment=90505:TE 5.jpg][attachment=90506:TE 6.jpg]
  12. Something I've found that works in most situations in life is to say OK and then carry on as normal and when a few months down the line you are reminded of your OK just say, OK, sorry I forgot. Works every time.
  13. The aux input is designed to take a line input signal such as an mp3 player, as you guessed, a tape deck, cd player, keyboard etc whereas the normal input is for low level signals such as bass and guitar or any instrument that needs a preamp. It will work OK however, I'm not familiar with the Tech 21 Blonde pedal but you may find that it does not have enough output but then again it may. Try it and see, you won't damage your amp.
  14. Try this for tolex, speaker cloth and piping. http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Solsound-Limited?_trksid=p4340.l2563
  15. I recently bought some covers for my amp and cabs and I'm more than happy with the quality and service.
  16. Having just re-speakered a pair of mag 4x10s I can say that the cabs are not made of MDF but chipboard and not that well built either.
  17. Always used Schallers and they're great, they do wear out after a couple of years though and have to replaced.
  18. In an emergency once I used a graphic eq pedal into a power amp and was very surprized by how good it sounded. I've got a Trace Elliott V type preamp but I don't like the sound of Trace Elliott.
  19. Hi to you all. Before I go on to defend the humble 8x10 I must put in context where I’m coming from. I play in a band, just one band. The band owns a van and we all travel to gigs together so we all arrive at the same time and all hump the gear in and out of the venues. Only one vehicle to park as well. When we are not playing the gear stays in the secured van until the next gig so no unloading when we get home. None of us enjoy jamming, you can only wake up this morning in E so many times. Unless it’s a repeat gig, we don’t know what to expect until we arrive at the venue, large, small, indoors or outdoors. We are totally self contained and the equipment we have and need, is sufficient for a venue of up to 1500 – 2000 capacity. I need a bass rig that is capable of filling any venue. I can DI the bass if needed but I still want to hear my bass on stage, I am an important part of the band’s sound after all and not just there to make up the numbers. My chosen weapons are a Carvin B1500 and Carvin 8x10. The job of a speaker cabinet is to move air and for bass lots of it and no matter how modern a speaker is it will still only move so much air before power compression becomes a factor. Ignore the wattage rating of the cabinet it’s the voltage that the speaker will take before power compression that’s important and that is a lot less than you think. An 8x10 will take a lot of volts before power compression becomes a factor. An 8x10 has a small footprint on stage, smaller than most combo amps. An 8x10 is easily moved about. They all come with wheels you just tilt them back and wheel them along. The easiest cabs I’ve ever had to move. Half the speakers in an 8x10 are near to your ear so no problem hearing what you’re playing. Much better that your ears hear the sound rather than the backs of your knees and you actually hear your sound rather than a treble less rumble. Door steps, no problem, just drag it over them. Stairs? Easy, one lifts by the handles at the top and another uses the handy handle on the bottom. I’d have to say that an 8x10 is easier to move than a bass drum in a case and certainly lighter than a Mesa Boogie in a flight case. My 8x10 has done every gig from the smallest pub to large outdoor events. It’s always sounded superb. I’ve just wheeled it to the back of the stage, stuck the amp on top, plugged it in and played. Would I suggest that you get one of the knock down priced 8x10s that you’ve seen for sale? Without a doubt. Buy one and never look back, better still buy two. How cool would that be?
  20. Don't know if you're familiar with Bill Fitzmaurice but check out his site, read a few threads and learn an awful lot about speakers, cabs and sound in general. After 45 years of playing bass I thought I knew nearly all there to know but since reading the threads on his site and building a few cabs my knowledge base has been turned up side down. [url="http://billfitzmaurice.info/forum/"]http://billfitzmaurice.info/forum/[/url]
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