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Everything posted by Walker

  1. Fantastic info. Thank you all. Chris
  2. Yes, you are right! I've learned so much here!
  3. I've read that cabs can be pretty much anywhere in the room ( for smallish rooms anyway) as the waves Aren't particularly directional? Or is that more Internet nonsense?!!
  4. Heck. I thought to would be a simple answer. I didn't expect to provide variables mr foxen! Normal pub gig stage?
  5. Got a couple of 112MNT's. absolutely love them. Tweeters turned off as they hiss like mad with my rig.
  6. What would give more volume for the audience? Two 12" bass cabs together, or one either side of the stage? Or would there be no difference? I'm intrigued!
  7. sunday evening... [font=courier new,courier,monospace]G|----u-m---------------|[/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]D|--b-------------------|[/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]A|----------------------|[/font] [font=courier new,courier,monospace]E|-----------p----------|[/font]
  8. Thanks for the help gents. Not sure what the cabs say - they are in our practice room. I'll double check next time. This is what I get for being the only band member who knows how to solder!
  9. [quote name='obbm' timestamp='1354381127' post='1885416'] Don't use speaker cable. You need either screened pair mic cable or single core screened instrument cable. [/quote] Oh balls, of course! Doh. Only speaker cable between amp and cab, right? What should i be using for daisy chaining [i]between[/i] powered cabs then?
  10. These are going from stage box (from aux's) to power yammy monitors. We've used double ended TR 1/4 cables up until now, so just need to get the female xlr's on!
  11. Thanks for that Paul 5. I used that for my instrument cables - so is it exactly the same for speaker cable?
  12. Hi there, I need to solder an XLR onto the end of a speaker cable with a 1/4" TS on the other end. The solder tips of XLR are marked 1, 2 and 3 - 1 is nine oclock, 3 is six oclock and 2 is 3 oclock (these are the solder tips, not the face that mates with the socket). Where do I solder the red and black cores of the speaker cable? Does anything need to be bridged the same as an XLR instrument cable? I've spent an hour looking for this info, but can't find anything conclusive! Cheers Chris
  13. Too damn loud! my rig provides bass for the audience, I don't run through our PA. We wouldnt hear anything else if it was behind us!
  14. Just my bass. I've just bought a little ampeg ba112 to see how I get on with that. The other guys are all acoustic and DI straight into the desk, so there is not back line for the 112 to compete with.
  15. We've got some Yamaha MSR100's, but they just fart out when I run my bass into them. Sound dreadful. I thought that at least a small kickback combo could be used for practice too?
  16. I've just read through the megathread on the Promethean clones - the Red Sub and the HB. Thanks for the pointer. I like the look of the kickback models. Just to make it clear - I don't run my bass through the PA as we don't have subs, my rig provides the bass FOH and it's in front of me pointing out towards the audience. So I want a 'little something' that can be fed from my rack so I can hear myself playing. Cheers again for the Red Sub info.
  17. Hi there, I think I'm after a small and light combo to use as a stage monitor. I can hear the rest of the band through their wedges, but I want something that will take a feed from my rack (that goes direct to FOH) and be loud enough so I can hear what I'm playing. Any suggestions on the size? 50, 75, 100W? More? What about those little Roland units? Anyone using a combo for the same purposes? Thanks very much, Chris
  18. Nice and neat from the front. I've got some tidier fasteners to go on... A bit more Heath Robinson at the back...
  19. Here's the solution I came up with
  20. I installed this properly in my rack this evening and no hums or thumps - in fact, it has seriously reduced the humming I used to get from my Ampeg SVP Pro. That's a very welcome side effect... by why?!!
  21. Walker

    Adee's feedback

    Had a multicore from Ade. Top guy - absolutely zero problems, great comms, well packed, fair price... what more could you ask for! Cheers Ade. Chris
  22. Flyfisher - yes, I think you are right. I've got a cunning plan! Will post a photo when sorted.
  23. Thanks for your help with this. I'm still struggling to understand the shielded cable thing... Sorry! So shielded cable is the same as instrument cable that I make my patch leads from? So I could use a length of instrument cable, solder the core to the tip connection of the original socket and the tip connection of the new rear socket, and the outer braid to the sleeve connections on both sockets? Have I understood that correctly?
  24. Bloody hell, it works!
  25. Thanks both. I've got it! Totally understand. Thanks for your patience!
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