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Everything posted by Walker

  1. After Doddy's advice, I'm now the proud owner of BigJim's Roscoe Century 5, so I'm going to see how I get on with that
  2. Walker


    I bought Jim's Roscoe recently, top gent, met me at a client's address in London to hand over which was really appreciated as I didnt relish the thought of couriers manhandling the instrument... although he probably scared the sh*te out of my client's security people! First class comms and a real pleasure to deal with. Thanks mate - loving the bass Chris
  3. Thanks everyone, as ever, this place always amazes me. Doddy - I think you are dead right, now I've looked beyond the Dingwalls, I can see some wonderful instruments around the £1k mark. I've got my eye on a certain Roscoe as I type!
  4. Thank you gents. To be honest, I feel I’m not ready for a custom build just yet – I need a few more years under my belt. Maybe for my 50[sup]th[/sup]. I think a fairly easily re-sellable bass that will hold its value will be a better bet for me as it’s going to be my first five string and who knows – lots of folk don’t get on with them. That’s not a defeatist attitude – I’m just trying to be realistic!
  5. After trying one, I’ve been after a fiver Dingwall (ABII or Z) for a while, but the right one at the right price are like hen’s teeth. What other brands/models should I be considering that have a good B string tension, (fairly balanced with the EADG)? I currently play a passive 4 string jazz with Wizard 84 pups and flats, and like the manageable neck, so that would need to be a consideration. I’m also thinking I would like to move to active too, but that’s less of an issue – I would rather a solid, supremely playable fiver. I’ve seen some nice Roscoes and Spectors 2nd hand for about the right money (£2k but could stretch to £3K for the right instrument). Any advice on what to look at would be appreciated, Many thanks indeed.
  6. Soemone buy this, you'll not be disappointed. Amazing, nothing I've tried touches it.
  7. Hi, What is your nearest airport and would you be prepared to meet and handover there if costs were viable? Chris
  8. Go for it, I'm still on first chapter - [b]C maj every which way[/b] - really gets it into your head! I took some of the excellent info here [url="http://www.cyberfretbass.com/scales/basic/index.php"]http://www.cyberfretbass.com/scales/basic/index.php[/url] and [url="http://i41.tinypic.com/s3g1u1.jpg"]made this crib sheet,[/url] mainly for the intervals rather than the fretboard diagrams.
  9. I've been playing and gigging for just over a year now, using tab so I can get through our set list with no understanding of WTF I was actually playing. I've spent the last month or so studying the major, minor and major and major pentatonic scales and blues scales - basically by dissecting them, making my own crib sheets, studying the intervals, learning the fretboard, trying to understand notation, discovering patterns, etc. Bloody hell - talk about seeing everything I do in a new light! All my tabbed stuff is now starting to make sense. I can listen to a (simple) bassline and pick it out after a few tries, I can see how well known basslines have been constructed - everything is starting to fall into place. I can even improvise simple stuff if I don't have tab but know the chords the guys are playing. And that's just after a month. I bought the Basslines 'Scales and Modes' book this week and that's really hit the spot. There must be loads of newish players out there who have been a slave to the tab and never understood how even the most simple bass line is constructed - it only takes a few hours study and a whole new world opens up. I havent been so excited about my playing since the first time I managed to jam with my band. Thanks for the advice on the book.
  10. Come and get it! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/170206-kk-bass-master-pro/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/170206-kk-bass-master-pro/[/url]
  11. [color=#ff0000][b]Big price drop as something in Ebay is screaming out to me![/b][/color] This was £260 new a few weeks back so grab a bargain! Hi all, An expensive mistake! This wasnt the right pup for my upright, it needs to be on a 'proper' upright (I have a Superlight). It's 6 weeks old, as new, boxed, lots of spare adhesive tape. Plus a custom made stereo cable with a Neutrik straight at one end and a Neutrik right angle at the other. Looking for [s]£230.00[/s] [b][s]£210.00[/s] £175[/b] including Special Delivery postage to UK. Fits in moments. Here's the lowdown for those that don't know... [i][b]"K&K [/b][b]Bass Master Pro[/b] The Bass Master Pro is a very sophisticated transducer system for the upright bass. It consists of three components: The Double Big Twin bridge surface mount transducer, one Bass Max wing mount transducer, and a very powerful dual-channel preamp with excellent features. The Double Big Twin pickup is designed to transmit a harmonized jazz bass sound with a lot of very low and high frequencies. The high frequency response ensures a clean amplification of the finger pick sound. The low frequency transmission produces the desired very low bassy sound picture. The Bass Max wing mount transducer transmits more midrange, which adds power and definition to the sound. When playing arco, we recommend using only the wing transducer. It is also compatible with small combo amps. The dual-channel preamp is a belt clip unit that features two volume controls, a stereo input, and a line level output on the outside of the box. Inside the box are adjustable controls for gain, bass, and treble for each channel. The tone controls offer an incredible +/- 20 dB. This is a wider range than some big boards on the market today! To keep the box as small as possible these controls are trim pots (small potentiometers for adjustment with a precision screw driver which is supplied). Once you install the pickups, you can adjust the two channels with these trim pots to your personal preference and needs. While performing, the two volume knobs on the outside allow for quick adjustments.[/i]" Cheers Chris
  12. Walker

    New Zoom B3

    [b]Upright Tone?[/b] I'm really starting to enjoy the B3, I've managed to get some beautiful tones out of my rig - stuff I never thought I would hear and certainly couldn't do with my standard pedalboard. Some of the amp sims sound wonderful and I'm having a ton of fun with the Sansamp and Eden models. Anyway, I'm trying to work out how to approximate an upright tone for gigs in tiny pubs where I don't want to take my upright. I reckon a lot of folks would find such a patch useful. I reckon start with a defretter, a bit of EQ tweaking but what about losing the sustain to get the percussive thunk? Any ideas? Reckon there should be a prize for the best upright patch
  13. PM'd a few days back
  14. Any idea on shipping costs to UK? What year is your Dingwall?
  15. Someone buy this now. You will not regret it. Amazing kit.
  16. Walker

    New Zoom B3

    I've spent a decent amount of time with now and can honestly say I'm astounded by how good this thing is for 150 quid. Knocks spots off the B2 and I personally think it's a better unit that the GT10-B I had. Sure, I've got wonderful board of individual pedals and it doesnt come close (but it costs a tenth of the price!). But Christ, in a live situation, I reckon this is pretty much the perfect tool for 90% of the gigging covers bassists out there who want a little more than a cable. I'd pay £150 for Miller and Fliptop presets alone. I reckon the B3 is a game changer. Easy to use, quiet, sounds amazing (IMHO), software is almost perfect - and it's so simple in a live situ.
  17. Walker

    New Zoom B3

    I do like the look of this software - I had similar on my GT-10B. Thanks guys. I think I'll save all the factory presets first so I can at least get back to them without a factory reset.
  18. Walker

    New Zoom B3

    Hm, I'm not getting this! I'll have a fiddle tonight. So If I have a factory preset that I really like and then fiddle with it a bit - the B3 automatically saves my tweakings, so I'll have to re-load the preset via a factory reset or using the PC/Mac software?
  19. Walker

    New Zoom B3

    Ah, thank you. So it'll be pretty easy to overwrite a patch youve spent hours tweaking by mistake!?
  20. Walker

    New Zoom B3

    Got mine last night - had a 40 minute play. On the B2, you had two areas of patches - one for user patches and one for preset patches. Having a quick look around on this last night it seems you have to overwrite the presets to save your own patches - have I got that right? Thanks Chris
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