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Everything posted by Walker

  1. I've taken a look at what you've said above and I can just about make sense of it. Thank you. I had some notes from a lesson a while back and when combined with this info, it's starting to fall into place!
  2. Thank you, both. There was me hoping there would be some easy, foolproof rule!
  3. Hello, Today I was trying to play along with Three Little Birds, so I found the chords (A, D, E) and started to try and improvise using bits of scales rather than just looking up the tab (I'm trying!) Sometimes notes from the major scale worked and sometimes I needed to go minor to make it work So my question is, how do you tell if you should be using major or minor - is it just listen and try to find what works? Sorry if this is a dull question - I thought I had it sussed when I found out the song was in A major! Chris
  4. Was playing through a Kemper next to my computer and it was unusable. Shielded it and moved it away from the computer (about 4 feet!) and it's quiet as a mouse. So not sure if shielding or moving did the job!
  5. Thanks for that!
  6. I spent some time this weekend shielding my P bass with copper tape. Possibly a daft question, so forgive me... as my pickguard is aluminium, do I still need to put copper tape on the underside or will the aluminium do the job? Cheers
  7. Can the RCF 735 go on its side like the QSC? Thanks.
  8. Nice, thank you, that's my next 20 minutes sorted!
  9. Thanks Jack, I'll get in touch with Alex and ask about guitar use with these too.
  10. Wow, that's impressive. Thanks again. Chris
  11. Thanks very much, that's appreciated. I'll take a look. So no sub needed with something like that?
  12. Good point! I'll consider anything.
  13. My Kemper has arrived and I've spent a couple of evenings playing with my bass and guitars and this is an incredible bit of kit. Through my PJB cans both the bass and guitar rigs I've trialed and added to my 'faves' blow away any modeller type thing I have tried before. I've even found a B-15 Heritage profile that comes pretty darned close to my real B-15 Heritage I understand I'll need an FRFR powered cab, but can you get one that will peform bass and guitar duties? I've read that QSC 12" PA speakers may do a good job, but if anyone has any experience of FRFR in this situation, I've be grateful for any pointers. Thanks.
  14. Thanks very much for that. I understand that a noisy profile will be noisy, I was just concerned about digital artifacts, so you have put my mind at ease. I've got the PJB headphone amp, the bighead (amazing bit of kit!), so it's there if I need it. I didn't realise the Kemper had modeled pedals, I thought everything was profiled, so it's neat that you can use and removed them, that's better than I'd hoped. From what I have watched, heard and read, there are some exceptional bass profiles available too. Thanks again, really appreciated. Chris
  15. Hi, I have a couple of questions for any Kemper owners. Over the years I've tried a few cheaper and more costly hardware modellers from Line 6 and Zoom, and software ones too, and they've mostly had that slight fizzy, digital factet / shadow / echoey thing after a note's been played, especially when listening with headphones (kids in bed at 8pm!). Is this noticeable with a kemper? Or does it 'feel' less digital? Does the headphone output give a decent volume? On my Pod XT Pro, I need to use a headphone amp to get decent volume on my PJB cans. Finally, I'm trying to grasp the concept of rigs. Can you switch effects in and out like you can in a modeller or are they 'recorded' and part of the profile? So if a head was profiled with a dirt pedal up front, I'd assume that that's it and you can't remove the pedal? is that right? Cheers, Chris
  16. Bought an Eminence upright from Oli Hayhurst. Oli was a first time BC poster with no feedback, but he's a well known musician, so I had no problems. Great comms all the way through, and the instrument arrived really well packed and quickly. Thanks Oli, it was a pleasure.
  17. On its way to sunny Swansea Cheers Oli!
  18. Hi Oli, Where are you based? Chris
  19. Hi Chris, Hope you are well. Do you still travel to Wales regularly? Cheers Chris
  20. I bought the chrome topped version of this (non-pcb) just over a year ago and it immediately cured all my GAS. I literally haven't spent a penny on gear since Deecember 2014. So buying this will save you a fortune.
  21. We use one of these on our monitors. Works a treat. have another bump!
  22. Great guy, fixed my problem quickly, it cost less than I expected - so all good. He's just north of cardiff
  23. Thanks everyone, I'll start the hunt for a clean boost pedal after Christmas. Chris
  24. I got an Ampeg B-15 (heritage) a few weeks ago, my first all-valve amp. It's glorious. I want to get a slightly overdriven tone at low volumes (kids in bed volume level). I don't want to colour the signal at all, just add a bit of grit. Nothing too manic. It doesn't have gain control, so what's the best way to do this with an all-tube amp? I don't want knacker anything through ignorance. Do I need a clean boost pedal to push the pre tubes? Or is there some other better way? I want to keep things as simple and 'natural' as possible. Cheers Chris
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